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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Here we go again, I'm not holding my breath but I really do hope Keith makes it this time however the R1 has stepped up the competition. 

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Wait shouldn’t this be in the ‘Sprung’ thread? Or are they keeping the ‘fizix’ name? For marketing purposes I think the name sprung works better but that’s just me.

I guess the next question is what the cost will be and if they’ll be in the $400’ish range that Labeda recently created for aftermarket inline chassis/frames.

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Couldn’t find the Sprung thread and figured the chassis was mentioned in this one so it seemed appropriate. 

Agreed about potential pricing although at least Sprung chassis have an actual benefit unlike what Labeda is trying to do. Components look minimal and I thought I recalled magnesium being discussed after aluminum for the material so it’ll be interesting to see what they go with and how how much it weighs 

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On 1/8/2024 at 6:42 AM, the_game said:

Wait shouldn’t this be in the ‘Sprung’ thread? Or are they keeping the ‘fizix’ name? For marketing purposes I think the name sprung works better but that’s just me.

I guess the next question is what the cost will be and if they’ll be in the $400’ish range that Labeda recently created for aftermarket inline chassis/frames.

Sprung was purchased by Valhalla Sport, last I spoke to Thom when I purchased parts. Fizix is more or less a "different" product from Keith. Keith is a cool dude. Wish him the best and will probably purchase these when they release. I remember way back when he did the actual skate conversion and I picked up my Sprung conversions at his house.  

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Maybe if the fizix version comes out the prices on the sprung chassis and parts will go back down to where they were before. I get it, all the stock was bought and the buyer needed to set a price to be worthwhile, but might help folks renew/replace their aging sprungs/parts vs jumping to the new option 

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Are there any new Sprung components being made? I thought Thom simply bought up all the supply and that was it. Didn't realize he was still producing components

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On 1/11/2024 at 11:16 AM, Westside said:

Are there any new Sprung components being made? I thought Thom simply bought up all the supply and that was it. Didn't realize he was still producing components

Yes, Thom is making components. I know Sprung has changed hands may be between 2 other owners between Keith and Thom? I know at least one other is John Noris. 

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Thom bought up the remaining stock, as well as the rights to production of the Sprung frame. I have reached out to some folks to see if I could get a sample to try, would love to mount these and test em out

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On 1/13/2024 at 8:44 AM, x-axis said:

Yes, Thom is making components. I know Sprung has changed hands may be between 2 other owners between Keith and Thom? I know at least one other is John Noris. 

I believe Joe (not John) Norris was involved with Keith. Not sure if they both sold to Thom or Joe stayed on our what his involvement is currently

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33 minutes ago, Miller55 said:

I believe Joe (not John) Norris was involved with Keith. Not sure if they both sold to Thom or Joe stayed on our what his involvement is currently

John might be his real legal name as his emails to me were as John Noris.  

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Looks to be the same as what was posted 2 months ago just silver instead of black. 

Really hoping these come to market soon. Holding off on new skates and would love to mount these to whatever I pick up 

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On 1/23/2024 at 1:52 PM, x-axis said:

John might be his real legal name as his emails to me were as John Noris.  

Joe has a son named John...

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On 3/8/2024 at 6:03 AM, markk1 said:

Look what I spotted at State Wars (Winter Wars West) end of Feb, 2024.  It appears that there is a new chassis in the works. As a long time Sprung user I am super excited!


Would those arms cope with pucks from  slappers & stick slashes? Maybe if there titanium I couldn't see other metal or alloy that thin in the arms handle hockey abuse.

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