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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just wondering...? I found them online  they seem to have great reviews..., BUT  NO PRODUCTS come up on the website?  and I created an account just to be sure that wasn't causing it.. but Plenty of descriptions of sticks and gloves and why buy from them info...  Is this another gone outta business  thing. and just never really shut down site?  any info would be good.. guess they can't rip me off if I can't choose or pay for anything




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is it just another hockey site or is it like used pro skates and gloves, sticks?  or New stuff but PRO but top stuff from  last year or the year before?


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Pro stock, pro return and probably some smu they might have done up. I bought some pants and a shell from them. Easy transaction and quick shipping of my order.  The post promos on their twitter account regularly.

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IE tends to have issues running JavaScript. The same goes with Edge. I'd recommend using Firefox or Chrome for the best browsing experience. If you're on a Mac, Safari would suffice. Nonetheless, the earlier mentioned browsers will supply the best experience across all platforms.

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I tried with chrome and IE... there is a bar near the top says Loading... please wait...,,,,,  I tried it on my phone and could see products... but  too small to navigate well... thanks will keep working on it

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9 hours ago, Vet88 said:

Chrome works but I can't see the pics when using IE.

IE works just fine too, not sure what y'all are doing with your pcs. IE works even better and loads the front page where with chrome you have to click on the tabs, not a big deal, maybe my ad block. Anyways your IT issues are probably not best to be discussed in this section. 





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I bought some Easton 4 rolls from them awhile back. Sometimes with their sales you can get some good prices. You can return a lot of the stuff as long as you don't get it personalized. I'd order from then again.

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5 hours ago, Truckie said:

I tried with chrome and IE... there is a bar near the top says Loading... please wait...,,,,,  I tried it on my phone and could see products... but  too small to navigate well... thanks will keep working on it

Try opening up the page in an Incognito window with Chrome. See if that impacts your result. If you're using a work computer, try it on your own later. Firewalls or Antivirus could impact the site's display.

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16 hours ago, flip12 said:

What version of IE are you running?

To clarify, IE displays fine on my win10 system but not on XP with IE8. I didn't try my other win OS test beds. Chrome Version 49.0.2623.112 m and onwards seems ok.  , 

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Well... the majority of Warrior gloves are most likely not actually Pro stock, and their pants, and all of the Wings stuff they just added.

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Teams often buy bulk items like gloves, helmets, breezers, and the like for their prospect and training camps.  It gets used once, or not at all and then passed on.  The gloves I got still had the tags on them and it was from Easton, not a retail tag.  Probably because it's a weird size.  So is some of the stuff Pro Gear?  Yes, but a lot of it is team seconds and overstocks.  I'm sure most of the sticks were delivered but rejected by the player for one reason or another, thus passing them on to retailers.

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4 hours ago, NiCnoK said:

To me, their gear is like a fake breast. If you don't care what's inside and love the way it looks and feels, you're gonna be happy with it. But I wouldn't order it looking for natural pro-stock hooters tho.

That is some philosophy right there.

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