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Blocking shots and chirping

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Assuming the OP isn't a master troll, his best bet would be to sit and watch a few higher level men's league games to get a feel for what is and isn't part of the game. 

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On 7/13/2017 at 4:24 PM, clarkiestooth said:

I think I'm sensing an upcoming thread on whether you should "put on the foil" in beginner league.

I don't get it.


Here's something I think has been glossed over: It's rookie beer league. Some guys won't be able to lift the puck and are probably just lightly tossing muffins at the net (I've been playing for 5 years and it's still a work in progress for lift, consistency, and power) and you have to be able to skate into a position where you can block shots, as well as a technique where you won't get hurt, and then recovering into a normal skating position. It's not going to be worth it until you get better at skating and more comfortable on the ice.

As for chirping? Again - rookie beer league. Unless someone else is actually going full Kesler (little slashes, hooks, etc.) or is being confrontational, then it's not worth it (even in that scenario, probably better off just ignoring it.). And I don't think anyone in rookie league should be chirping ability - you're all learning something new and are going to suck for a while. I still suck after 5 years. 

But I'm too young for beer (league) so what do I know.

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I may have an unpopular opinion here, but non aggressive chirping is a blast. Especially if it's self deprecating. Like if I see a guy totally screw up something he tries to do? I'm gonna ask the guy to quit stealing my moves (ie; whiffing on a pass, falling when no one is near you, etc) 

Also, if I'm playing against some dirty SOBs that are hooking, slashing and tripping me and my team? I will relentlessly verbally abuse them. Even from the bench. Because fuck those guys.

Shot blocking is a solid if you're not afraid of the pain and have the proper gear. Don't do it if you don't have a full cage, etc. Unless you hate having teeth. It can provide for some epic moments. 

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4 hours ago, kmfdm86 said:

I may have an unpopular opinion here, but non aggressive chirping is a blast. Especially if it's self deprecating. Like if I see a guy totally screw up something he tries to do? I'm gonna ask the guy to quit stealing my moves (ie; whiffing on a pass, falling when no one is near you, etc) 

Also, if I'm playing against some dirty SOBs that are hooking, slashing and tripping me and my team? I will relentlessly verbally abuse them. Even from the bench. Because fuck those guys.

Shot blocking is a solid if you're not afraid of the pain and have the proper gear. Don't do it if you don't have a full cage, etc. Unless you hate having teeth. It can provide for some epic moments. 

I think you may have missed the point.

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On 7/14/2017 at 2:05 PM, Monty22 said:

Assuming the OP isn't a master troll, his best bet would be to sit and watch a few higher level men's league games to get a feel for what is and isn't part of the game. 

Agree, I was going to post the same thing. I'd recommend watching the level you are going to be playing in more than the upper levels though.

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On 7/14/2017 at 11:24 AM, stick9 said:

I'd argue, if you need to ask if it's OK to chirp, you likely don't know where that line is.

and i'd argue that the line is the same line as every day life. literally all there is to this conversation is, it's ok to bust balls, just dont be a fucking prick, yknow?

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14 minutes ago, SaveByRask said:



Nothing like reality around me.  YMMV, obviously.



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25 minutes ago, chippa13 said:

The amount of wrong you are is astronomical.

lol okay so 99% are white collar?

e: well i guess it is subjective, considering thats my reality, so... subjectively, how astronomically wrong are you?

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7 minutes ago, SaveByRask said:

lol okay so 99% are white collar?

e: well i guess it is subjective, considering thats my reality, so... subjectively, how astronomically wrong are you?

Mostly white collar people around here.

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7 hours ago, SaveByRask said:

actually OP, dont say shit that optimus reim and chippa say on this site and youre good tbh lmao...

Okay, now you can drop it. 

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10 hours ago, SaveByRask said:


How is a demographic subjective? It's objectively different. You clearly live around blue collar people, and my area is white collar for the most part, end of story.

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10 hours ago, SaveByRask said:

and i'd argue that the line is the same line as every day life. literally all there is to this conversation is, it's ok to bust balls, just dont be a fucking prick, yknow?

You'd hope so, but leagues are filled with guys who just don't know when to STFU. In most cases, it's their own team that's annoyed. Someone who's new to the game should just go out and try to be a good teammate. 

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This collar thing does not speak of personality and the ability to chirp. IMO, if you play in a beer league or enjoy hockey in general, you are probably a blue collar guy at heart even if you have higher education and hold a white collar job. True white collar, intelligentia type, are generally not into participating in team sports, especially not hockey where gross bruts fist fight, wallpaper each other on the boards, spit an blow noses on the ice in plain view, look like fucking vikings, and swear like sailors. So to my mind, there is a white collar and then there is a "white collar". 

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3 hours ago, Kgbeast said:

This collar thing does not speak of personality and the ability to chirp. IMO, if you play in a beer league or enjoy hockey in general, you are probably a blue collar guy at heart even if you have higher education and hold a white collar job. True white collar, intelligentia type, are generally not into participating in team sports, especially not hockey where gross bruts fist fight, wallpaper each other on the boards, spit an blow noses on the ice in plain view, look like fucking vikings, and swear like sailors. So to my mind, there is a white collar and then there is a "white collar". 

Probably not fair to generalize like that that. I know a member here who plays in a league with surgeons, lawyers and accountants. Those collars are pretty white. 

Regardless, the initial statement of hockey being 99% blue collar has been squashed. 

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11 hours ago, Jamarquan said:

How is a demographic subjective? It's objectively different. You clearly live around blue collar people, and my area is white collar for the most part, end of story.

thats the point im making...:facepalm:

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On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 0:54 AM, SaveByRask said:

and i'd argue that the line is the same line as every day life. literally all there is to this conversation is, it's ok to bust balls, just dont be a fucking prick, yknow?

Any chirping that happens organically is probably appropriate. The problem isn't chirping; it's that he's here asking about chirping instead of all the other questions that people new to the game usually ask. It's been obvious since his first post that he's just looking to instigate problems on the ice and thinking that being his team's "bad ass" is going to be his "role" instead of using any of his (claimed and implied) scary athletic ability actually learning to play the game. Notice (still) not a single question from this guy about anything skill-related...even the shot-blocking question suggests that he's just looking for alternate ways to contribute instead of working on any fundamental skills. Same guy's probably had dozens of bar fights in the last 4 years that he "wasn't looking for" and where "defending a friend" was his justification. The issue here is a guy whose main focus picking up the game is on hitting, "enforcing," "getting into opponents' heads," and chirping before he's ever even played a single organized game. If it waddles and quacks just like a duck, it's usually a duck.

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On 7/29/2017 at 5:54 PM, YesLanges said:

Any chirping that happens organically is probably appropriate. The problem isn't chirping; it's that he's here asking about chirping instead of all the other questions that people new to the game usually ask. It's been obvious since his first post that he's just looking to instigate problems on the ice and thinking that being his team's "bad ass" is going to be his "role" instead of using any of his (claimed and implied) scary athletic ability actually learning to play the game. Notice (still) not a single question from this guy about anything skill-related...even the shot-blocking question suggests that he's just looking for alternate ways to contribute instead of working on any fundamental skills. Same guy's probably had dozens of bar fights in the last 4 years that he "wasn't looking for" and where "defending a friend" was his justification. The issue here is a guy whose main focus picking up the game is on hitting, "enforcing," "getting into opponents' heads," and chirping before he's ever even played a single organized game. If it waddles and quacks just like a duck, it's usually a duck.

what his intentions are is his own problem, any one of you can ignore the guy and not give him an answer he is or isnt looking for. no one had to say anything beyond "dont be a fucking prick on the ice" simple.

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5 hours ago, SaveByRask said:

what his intentions are is his own problem, any one of you can ignore the guy and not give him an answer he is or isnt looking for. no one had to say anything beyond "dont be a fucking prick on the ice" simple.

They were his own problem until he involved the rest of us. 

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