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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i have a few. i get mine at the stores on melrose in california. they have a lot of af1's that are hard to find. i don't really trust buying shoes online with all those fakes from overseas and all...

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i have a few. i get mine at the stores on melrose in california. they have a lot of af1's that are hard to find. i don't really trust buying shoes online with all those fakes from overseas and all...

Those stores have a website?

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for those of you who have bought nike frees, how has the foam/cushioning held up? i really want to get a pair but i don't want to buy a shoe that breaks down after 3 or 4 months

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if you don't mind me asking sherwood21, how much did those run you? i've seen lacoste stuff before, polos, track jackets, pants, and they run pretty high. 150 for a jacket? wow...98 for a polo? wowwwww...

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Those shoes were 160, flip flops were 130 ish. It's relatively expensive, as always there are brands who run way below that price range, and brands that are way, way more. Just depends on what you like/how much you're willing to spend.

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anyone else here have a pair of a nike :45 shoe, i have the impax ones

I've got black leather Shox .45. I love them.

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Everyday wear:


my nike shox hi tops

margaritaville flops

nike classics with leopard print on them


santoni oxfords

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Reebok Pump Court Victory's. Soon to be added to my collection. Me and a couple of my friends found some on ebay for really cheap so these are the ones that I am going for...

Nice, I'm trying to find a pair of the "changs" the yellow version of those with the real tennis ball material on the pump.

All I can find is the re-release from Reebok that the pump is just for show.

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Reebok Pump Court Victory's.  Soon to be added to my collection. Me and a couple of my friends found some on ebay for really cheap so these are the ones that I am going for...

Nice, I'm trying to find a pair of the "changs" the yellow version of those with the real tennis ball material on the pump.

All I can find is the re-release from Reebok that the pump is just for show.


not yellow, but still nice

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130 dollars for flip flops??????

remember chris, you buy it for the name. lacoste is high quality stuff they got.

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Sherwood, honestly do you really need $130 Flip Flops,that are going to last 2 months? Im sure no one would even notice if you had $30 look a likes.Thats just a big waste of money ,IMO.Youd be better off buying some new twigs or something ;)

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Exactly, see Cavs knows where its at. I've got 2 other pairs of Radius', they're dirty, them plus the Rotate stones and I've basically got it set.

Whdb - they're not shower flip flops, they're actually legit, leather strap, leather insole. Considering other things on the market I (read: my parents) have no problem buying shoes like those.

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Or these


Man these are sick, I want them. But I don't have 100 bucks to drop on em just yet. C'monnnn spring/summer lawn cuttingggs!

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