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Custom True SVH (?) or Custom CCM FT6 pick one.

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Last skates were very stiff and had a lot of lace bite issues which took some time to fix..

Looking for pain free skates that are also awesome.  Want to go with a one piece build so I'm looking hard at these two.  True SVH and the CCM FT6, when they come out.  Which would you pick?

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  On 4/2/2023 at 7:56 AM, IPv6Freely said:

True every day of the week. Nothing beats their full custom. 

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That is the impression I am getting as well.  The only thing is are their holders and steel any good?

Edited by Beflar

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  On 4/2/2023 at 1:57 PM, Beflar said:

That is the impression I am getting as well.  The only thing is are their holders and steel any good?

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I've been using tuuks and ccm holders up until my recent true cat pros. Unlike most people, I didn't need to really adjust to them aside from the shift holders being taller, and this was more bc now my stick felt shorter so I added about 1/4" extension on them. But everyone is diff. 

Everyone will have their opinions about true, ccm and Bauer. True svh is the only complete custom out there. If ur main priority is comfort than true svh, no question.  


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  On 4/2/2023 at 1:57 PM, Beflar said:

That is the impression I am getting as well.  The only thing is are their holders and steel any good?

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I'm not the best one to say but have definitely had no issues (aside from the hole being way too small in the goalie holders making it really annoying to use velcro toe ties). 

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  On 4/2/2023 at 2:27 AM, Beflar said:

Last skates were very stiff and had a lot of lace bite issues which took some time to fix..

Looking for pain free skates that are also awesome.  Want to go with a one piece build so I'm looking hard at these two.  True SVH and the CCM FT6, when they come out.  Which would you pick?

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I've had a LOT of problems with lace bite (I'm an aggressive skater but weigh nothing and have super skinny ankles). Was a Bauer guy but always had lace bite if I tied my skates tight. I went with True Customs and am happy with them, however they weren't amazing to start.

I had to send them back right after I got them as they felt half a size too long. True did apparently open them up and take some length off the toe, now they feel proper length. Even in my customs I still got lace bite, with both the low profile tongue or the pro felt tongue. I even tried their met guard tongue (https://www.hockeyvancouver.ca/products/true-met-guard-felt-replacement-skate-tongues).

I was almost ready to get rid of the skates until I tried the Crosby lacing method (skipping one eyelet below the top). This seemed to give me good forward flex but also side to side stability. I also learned to tie the customs differently. I lace them tight through the mid foot and just snug everywhere else (maybe just past finger tight). This has made huge difference in how they skate and perform. 

Now that the lace bite and length are fixed, comfort is unreal. My feet are super weird shaped and they built a boot that fits them perfectly. I actually look forward to putting my skates on now. These are the first set of skates that when I take my feet out, I don't immediately go "ahhh that feels better". They are so comfy basically right away. 

I had no issues switching to the Edge holders and have had no issues with steel either. (I'm a long time vapor guy so Tukk holder). 

It took some time to get them built right (which is a bit disappointing considering the price and wait times) but now that they are and I have learned how to tie them, they are fantastic skates.

Edited by FR0GGY33
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  On 4/3/2023 at 1:35 AM, mojo122 said:

Disagree with this statement.

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Correct me then instead of making a vague statement. Both ccm and Bauer make custom skates with prefabricated shells which are pressure molded to your foot last. 

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  On 4/3/2023 at 4:04 AM, Sniper9 said:

Correct me then instead of making a vague statement. Both ccm and Bauer make custom skates with prefabricated shells which are pressure molded to your foot last. 

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My understanding was that only True and CCM made an actual last of your foot to mold them to. Bauer customs are more just a set of options rather than a true custom of your foot.

But I'm probably wrong.

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  On 4/3/2023 at 6:06 PM, dasuchin said:

My understanding was that only True and CCM made an actual last of your foot to mold them to. Bauer customs are more just a set of options rather than a true custom of your foot.

But I'm probably wrong.

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CCM Total Custom is more of an assembly line production, whereas the Total Custom Plus is more of an actual custom fit. 

TRUE SVH is full custom.

Bauer is all assembly line production. 

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  On 4/3/2023 at 6:11 PM, VegasHockey said:

CCM Total Custom is more of an assembly line production, whereas the Total Custom Plus is more of an actual custom fit. 

TRUE SVH is full custom.

Bauer is all assembly line production. 

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What does that mean in layman terms though? Does CCM make a last and then build the boot around the last if its total custom plus? Or do neither CCM options use a last?

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I thought none of the manufacturers actually make a physical last of your feet for customs unless you're a special order (i.e. pro hockey player).  I was under the impression that True used a 3D scan in conjunction with a base last and then adjust and build accordingly.  I didn't think they actually make a physical 3D last from your foot scans.  But again, I'm not sure of this.

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  On 4/3/2023 at 11:46 PM, shoot_the_goalie said:

I thought none of the manufacturers actually make a physical last of your feet for customs unless you're a special order (i.e. pro hockey player).  I was under the impression that True used a 3D scan in conjunction with a base last and then adjust and build accordingly.  I didn't think they actually make a physical 3D last from your foot scans.  But again, I'm not sure of this.

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Sort of. It is very likely done in the same way as a bespoke dress shoe, if you've ever seen that before. That take a similar last, add material to it, and then shave off material to get the exact shape. So it has a generic "core" but the shoe is absolutely molded to your exact foot shape. The entire last does not need to be bespoke to get an exact shape because the last can be altered with material. So I kinda cringe when I hear people say that using an off the shelf last doesn't equal a custom fit. 

Here's a good video detailing the bespoke shoe lasting process using an existing last: 


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Ccm makes a foam 3d last and pressure mold the skate boot to this last.  Bauer I think does the same thing but I'm not sure if they 3d print a last or alter a stock last that's close to your for shape. 

Neither Bauer or ccm build a skate from bottom up. True svh does. 

Edited by Sniper9

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My TRUE Customs are the only reason that I can skate a much as I do without pain, I've said it before and I will say it again because the comfort really transformed my game and how much I can play/coach. It honestly is the best equipment that I own. I've tried top of the line CCM and Bauer before and also dipped my toes into Grafs, Bauer was the only one that came close (and at the time I used to get a HUGE discount with CCM so I really tried to make CCM work).

From what I understand TRUE takes a last and adds material to shape to your feet. 

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Skating without pain is such a beautiful thing haha. TRUE Customs have given me what I've been looking for (especially from an officiating perspective). There's no way I can not go with them for any future skate purchases.

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Sigh.... There is a lot crap in this thread that really bothers me. Some comments approach Facebook level garbage. I'm not gonna get into it though.

My question is simple. Who here has tried full customs from all three brands? Their input would be relevant in answering the OP's question. Though, which is better, is somewhat vague. All other comments are recommendations based of personal bias and therefore should be ignored.

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I've only tried Bauer and True. I found the Trues to require 0 break in period and they had the most "custom" fit. I did not even need to lace the skates when they were new, but they were a pain to put on and take off. Only drawbacks when new were the cosmetic issues. After a few seasons few some rivets popped out, the boots lost stiffness quicker than the Bauers and the heel lock is loose on the dominant foot. All minor issues. The last time I put on the Bauer for ODR it felt loose after getting used to the snugness of True.

I think if you have foot issues or mangled feet, the Trues would be a very suitable skate. 

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  On 4/10/2023 at 3:38 PM, stick9 said:

Sigh.... There is a lot crap in this thread that really bothers me. Some comments approach Facebook level garbage. I'm not gonna get into it though.

My question is simple. Who here has tried full customs from all three brands? Their input would be relevant in answering the OP's question. Though, which is better, is somewhat vague. All other comments are recommendations based of personal bias and therefore should be ignored.

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You should actually call it out if it's that bad. Give us some better information if you have it.

Hills recently released a video talking about his experience with cat pros and compared them a little bit to his CCM customs. I'm waiting for his full review on the CCMs before I decide what to get next, but that latest video has me leaning toward trying cat pros.

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  On 4/10/2023 at 3:38 PM, stick9 said:

Sigh.... There is a lot crap in this thread that really bothers me. Some comments approach Facebook level garbage. I'm not gonna get into it though.

My question is simple. Who here has tried full customs from all three brands? Their input would be relevant in answering the OP's question. Though, which is better, is somewhat vague. All other comments are recommendations based of personal bias and therefore should be ignored.

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I have tried all three brands, and the various models within the brands:

  • TRUE: TF Custom, SVH Custom, Cat Pro,
  • CCM: Total Custom and Total Custom Plus
  • Bauer: Custom

They all have pros and cons. What I like or feel works best for me, might not be the same for everyone else. Maybe if the question was precise, the answer would be clear?

Simply put, what are we trying to fix? 

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  On 4/10/2023 at 7:00 PM, VegasHockey said:

I have tried all three brands, and the various models within the brands:

  • TRUE: TF Custom, SVH Custom, Cat Pro,
  • CCM: Total Custom and Total Custom Plus
  • Bauer: Custom

They all have pros and cons. What I like or feel works best for me, might not be the same for everyone else. Maybe if the question was precise, the answer would be clear?

Simply put, what are we trying to fix? 

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Personally, every time I tried retail skates, I felt like I was stepping on a golf ball inside the skate. I tried all sorts of combinations of insoles and widths. This is before Bauer and CCM released the fit systems, so I was trying the different skate lines. When I decided to just get some Trues, it completely fixed that issue. Now I'm trying to decide what to get next, but it's difficult to tell if a custom CCM or Bauer would keep giving me that same problem I had in their retail skates or not. It's not something I could ever tell would happen when just trying the skate on, I had to actually go skate in them. Just having it on and tying it up didn't give me any indication on having that issue or not.

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  On 4/10/2023 at 7:12 PM, dasuchin said:

Personally, every time I tried retail skates, I felt like I was stepping on a golf ball inside the skate. I tried all sorts of combinations of insoles and widths. This is before Bauer and CCM released the fit systems, so I was trying the different skate lines. When I decided to just get some Trues, it completely fixed that issue. Now I'm trying to decide what to get next, but it's difficult to tell if a custom CCM or Bauer would keep giving me that same problem I had in their retail skates or not. It's not something I could ever tell would happen when just trying the skate on, I had to actually go skate in them. Just having it on and tying it up didn't give me any indication on having that issue or not.

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I don't quite understand the statement, stepping on a golf ball inside the skate. Do you have a unique foot condition (bump, bone, spur, ect)? 

If the TRUE skates fit you well, the performance is good, why are you looking to move to CCM or Bauer? 

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  On 4/10/2023 at 7:15 PM, VegasHockey said:

I don't quite understand the statement, stepping on a golf ball inside the skate. Do you have a unique foot condition (bump, bone, spur, ect)? 

If the TRUE skates fit you well, the performance is good, why are you looking to move to CCM or Bauer? 

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I was going to ask this too. If a certain skate works. Just stick with it. 

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  On 4/10/2023 at 7:15 PM, VegasHockey said:

I don't quite understand the statement, stepping on a golf ball inside the skate. Do you have a unique foot condition (bump, bone, spur, ect)? 

If the TRUE skates fit you well, the performance is good, why are you looking to move to CCM or Bauer? 

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It's difficult to explain. It just felt like I was stepping on something inside the boot. As if I put the boot on and there happened to be a golf ball underneath my arch. As far as I know, there's nothing specifically unique about my foot. But every retail skate I tried had the same result. Didn't matter if I tied them differently or used different insoles, it always happened.

As for looking to move to something else, really just for curiosity's sake. I haven't really had any major issues with my Trues aside from having to replace the rivet on the tendon guard a few times. But it does get slightly annoying having to baby them so much and then the difficulty in putting them on/taking them off gets old.

Edited by dasuchin

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