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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking through all the collections of sticks that some of us have collected I was wonderng just how many of us have found there "dream" stick?

As for me, my "perfect" stick was an Intermediate Novius 380 flex with a Modano Z-Carbon, Inno Fedorov and TPS PTC Tkachuk blades. The Inno shaft and blade combo is by far my favorite stick that I have used (2002 synergy, response, M-1, Syntesis combo, True 1, bertuzzi pro stock grip synergy, response + and an Ultra Lite paired with a si-core Z-carbon)

Unfortunately the shaft is now to short and the blade is cracked

I would definately buy this stick again but it is near impossible to find inno products around here

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I've played about four games with one of those innovative fedorov stamped shafts with a sakic wood blade, I'm in love, it's made my L-2 and modano synergys into backups.

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A 120-ish flex stealth, yzerman pattern, never breaks or gets soft :P

I like my 110 Z-bubble, but a 100 stealth feels so much whipper than a regular 100 flex easton, which is why I said a 120 stealth.

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I am with thunderhockey19. My Inno TrueOne 300 Fedorov was the best stick I ever had (right up until it broke after about 40 days). I went through a bunch of Fedorov/ Modano/ Hossa/ Tkachuk type blade and shaft combos. I recently stumbled apon a couple of TPS Response Rubbers with a W flex and M-9 (Modano) pattern. LOVE it!

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Tanguay Synergy. It doesnt get any better.

What does his curve look like? Theres one of his old ULs at my school rink and the curve on it looks inhuman. Maybe it was broken...

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My dream curve would be an Easton Iginla in a 5 lie and a whipe flex cut down to be an 80 flex. A standard Response+ shaft would do wonders with an Iggy. But for now I can only dream...

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My dream curve would be an Easton Iginla in a 5 lie and a whipe flex cut down to be an 80 flex. A standard Response+ shaft would do wonders with an Iggy. But for now I can only dream...

Christian makes an Iggy clone 5 lie 80 flex that's a couple inches shorter than standard senior OPS.

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A 75 Flex Synergy Si-Core Iginla. Only if the blade lasted longer though! I would love a 65 flex Stealth Iginla but I need to start saving up or at least wait until my B-Day.

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My dream curve would be an Easton Iginla in a 5 lie and a whipe flex cut down to be an 80 flex. A standard Response+ shaft would do wonders with an Iggy. But for now I can only dream...

Christian makes an Iggy clone 5 lie 80 flex that's a couple inches shorter than standard senior OPS.

Looks like somebody won't be paying auto insurence this month...

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closest thing: easton green t-flex 110 flex w/ whitney z-carb

perfect stick: an extra long 110 flex t-flex soft grip with a rounded toe whitney z-carb

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My dream curve would be an Easton Iginla in a 5 lie and a whipe flex cut down to be an 80 flex. A standard Response+ shaft would do wonders with an Iggy. But for now I can only dream...

Christian makes an Iggy clone 5 lie 80 flex that's a couple inches shorter than standard senior OPS.

Looks like somebody won't be paying auto insurence this month...

Did I mention I have several of each hand in stock? :P

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