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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate fit?

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I have a very wide foot from the end of the arch to the toes, and my foot from the begining of the arch to the heel is kinda narrow(ccm D vector heel too wide). Any recomendations on a more traditional style skate?

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Sounds like a custom width might be the best solution E or EE forefoot width and A heel. Or CCM D/AA.

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is there any way to test custom fits first. Since i wouldnt want to order a skate custom and then it dosent fit, the i am F'ed since the store wont let me return a custom skate. So is there any stock skates?

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custom fit? lol.... dont jump too fast. No man, honestly, thats a typical Nike V-12 fit, you should see if u can get your hands on some and try it out... itll fit you pretty decently from what u have told me. there also the height of your arch and the volume of your foot u have to consider as well... i know this might sounds retarded... but if u have a digi cam n can get someone to take pics of your feet shoulder width apart standing up straight from the back the front and the side n PM i could help you out huge.

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8090? meh... mmmmmaybe but not the best.. 8080s not really designed for thin heels n ankles, but ya might, n its the G3, but def. nike try it man

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remember once again though, he also has to take in consideration volume of instep and ankle volume. if he has a hgh volume instep and more regular then narrow heel and ankle then G35 as it also has a wider fit in the forefoot.. but if he has a narrow heel and ankle with low volume instep then G3, but the G3 is more of a regular fitting boot in the forefoot... he may want to try to go for a W in the G3. He may think his foot looks this way, but to someone educated it might look alot different though... but buddy... if u can get those pics.. seriously send em,... would love to help

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He already said the Vectors are too wide in the heel. I think Nikes might be too snug around the forefoot area.

As for worries about a custom fit, a store will measure your foot before placing the order so that what you get will be what fits your foot.

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Vector, definately not. as for the NIke being too snug, the Nike V-12 is one of the widest forefoot fitting skates on the market

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I guess they changed the fit of the Nikes when they went from the Ignites to the Quests. The Ignites were snug on my forefoot which pushed me to CCM's.

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He already said the Vectors are too wide in the heel.

Yeah... sorry, I missed that one. That's what I get for reading the boards at 3AM, drunk...

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I have a similar foot...average/wide in the forefoot (nothing crazy though) and thinner ankles. To give you an idea...8090s felt great, but a little too much room in the heel. Mission's and Supremes/Vapors in D width were too tight in the forefoot. Vector's felt decent width wise, but something wasn't right in general, and I liked the Pro Tacks even less. Then I tried the Graf 703s...perfect. The width in the forefoot was good and my ankle was locked in very nice (and I tried both the R and W...couldn't tell much difference honestly). In fact I just broke down and bought some even though my other skates are still pretty new. My vapors were too tight in the forefoot (and a half size too long), and I made a mistake when I bought them.

Anyways, try 703s or G3s...it might be your best bet.

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I've got the same foot type, I think.........narrow heel, flat, wide, paddle forefeet and I'm in 703's, mostly.

I got the R width and found everything to be fine except the forefoot area. I had to get that part stretched and for the most part they feel pretty good.

I swear, I must be part duck cuz my feet are so freakin' weird.

But back on topic, I might've considered getting the W width or better yet 705's, though I dunno how they'd treat your narrow heels.

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I also have a similar foot type. If you have a high arch/instep you most likely won't fit into 705 or 703 graf. The 727 is a much deeper cut to accomodate for a high arch/instep. The heel on the wide is a tiny bit big but has not caused me any problems. After they have been broken in it seems as if its molded to my foot and isnt too big anymore.

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