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General hockey pants questions

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My 15 year old CCM Supra pants became unrepairable this year, so I got a 2nd-hand pair of Bauer 2000 Supreme pants to get through the season. I noticed that I got a lot more tailbone and cheek bruises with the Bauer 2000 Supremes, so I cut some of the padding out of the CCM Supras and sewed them into the Bauer 2000 Supremes. The old CCM Supra padding is a lot more protective.

So, I'm in the market for new pants, sort of, and I have some questions that I couldn't find answers to here (I got other answers), and that the LHS and websites just confuse me on:

(i) What is the advantage of the padded belt cover?

(ii) What are equivalent pants, in terms of protection, to the CCM Supras?

(iii) Some pants have the lower spine protector, and some don't. Is it uncomfortable or just unfashionable?

(iv) Are those leg zippers there so that you don't have to cut your own mobility slashes on the inside of the legs? I have read some posts talking about being able to put on your skates before your pants, too; and

(v) Which pants have the best tailbone, cheek, and hip protection?

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The new (2005) CCM pants are supposed to be based on the old supra design. My old 520s were among the best pants I ever used.

852`s all the way.

Worst pants I ever used.

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CCMs have had a not so good reputation for the inner theigh pads ripping and falling out....I'm not sure how the new ones will hold up, but I would recomend going with some Easton or Bauer pants.

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i love my tackla's i am getting close to 20 years with mine

its a miracle they still fit... barely..

(i) it never occured to me that wow.. i need to get a padded

but i guess you could get slashed on the belt.. and there is little protection there.. since the belt has to squeeze tight, i dont have a padded belt..

(ii) i never tried supras

(iii) never tried it, but then i never said ouch, i need to get that...

(iv) the big advantage with leg zippers is you can put your skates on first then your pants.

(v) never had a problem with the tacklas

i should mention i play in an adult non-contact league...

but even when i wore these pants new as a teen, i never had a problem.. at least that i remember

just my experiences...

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I tried on CCMs and Eastons...but I ended up going with the Mission M-2 pant because they just seemed to fit "right" for me. Very light, good mobility, has inner leg zippers. Probably the only thing I don't care for is the rather large spine protector it has. It sometimes bounces off my shoulder pads spine protector, and I can't remove either of them. It's just a minor annoyance however, I usually just notice it warming up.

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My Mission M-2s actually felt better on me than the Tackla 5000s i tried on at the shop...

Those are great pants for the money.


What shoulder pads are you wearing? I haven't seen that problem with the M1/M2, it really doesn't rise above the level of the rest of the pant. It sounds more like a sizing issue.

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Didn't want to start a new thread so I thought I'd post here. I'm in the market for new pants as well, my budget is probably up to $150 cdn, any suggestions? A lot of kids here seem to like the Tackla 900 advantage. I was also considering the bauer 6000, or nike quest 2.

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I'm in Vancouver too. After reading what Chadd said, I wanted to look at the Mission M-2, and I couldn't find any Mission protective either. Maybe I will try in Calgary or Toronto when I get some business trips there.

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I'm in Vancouver too. After reading what Chadd said, I wanted to look at the Mission M-2, and I couldn't find any Mission protective either. Maybe I will try in Calgary or Toronto when I get some business trips there.

The L series should be arriving at most dealers soon. Good luck finding the M, but if you do it should be a great price.

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Sorry to bring back my old post, but I may actually get around to buying some new pants now.

I could never find any Mission pants in Vancouver, but now I'm in Calgary and there are L-3 pants available. The Mission website says they are the replacement for the M-2 pants.

Has anybody used the L-3s, or know if there were any problems with them?

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I didn't care for the M-2's. I found the thigh pads to be too wide and also didn't care for the belt right up against my waist on the inside.

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I picked up some L-3's just before x-mas and I love them!

Very protective, much lighter than my old Bauer Vapor 10's, and I have to give kudos to Mission for the 2 piece system. Not only is it good for an additional inch of length, but now I can take apart the pants to mold the thigh pads easier or stuff them in my washing machine at home.

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Well there are M-1 for like $40 or $50 at hockeygiant(or was it monkey?). I know people hate the sites, but they're available there. I honestly was thinking bout picking up a pair of those before I decided to play some goal instead.

Reading on the boards, I hear Salming pants are nice. I was raelly interested in those and they seem to be a good buy,.

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I had a pair of M-1's 2years ago.. they were kind of bulky but mobility was never an issue. I actually liked the belt on the inside because you could make it nice and tight.. and you could also remove the shell, but it was weird because the thigh pad is built into the shell, so not sure why you would want to do that, but its held up by buttons like a shell so if u took it off you were left with the kidney/hip and butt pads..

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I wear the Nike Quest 2 pants.

I really like them except for the fact that the spine protector sticks out and makes me (and the other 2 girls on our team that wears them) look like retards.

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if you'e in vancouver, the hockey shop in surrey has some mission m-1's left over for dirt cheap. although the sizing is really limited. last i saw they only had xl i think.

bauer 6000's spine protector likes to stick out as well...

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if you'e in vancouver, the hockey shop in surrey has some mission m-1's left over for dirt cheap. although the sizing is really limited. last i saw they only had xl i think.

bauer 6000's spine protector likes to stick out as well...

Essentially, Bauer 6000 = Nike Quest 2.

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