Lol, you're not going to believe me, but I think you look much better. Your stance is wider, which is engaging your edges. Your movements are more solid and you look more explosive. You made some good saves where you got a pad out really quickly. Faster than I had seen you in the first video. I know it doesn't feel like it because you feel like you played poorly, But I'm saying you looked much better. Watch the save at 8:40. Nice wide stance, knees in. You dropped very quickly and got the stick down and deflected the puck away. Can you see how much more fluid you are in that save? same at 2:21, 2:31, 2:45, 2:49, 2:56. Even the play at 3:09, you moved across well and just missed the puck. That was a great movement and then quick pad at 4:15. You just missed the puck again. 4:35 was great movement on a breakaway - deep knee bend, to one pad down, and a push across with the other leg. I think you moved better and had better push there because you were deeper in your stance. If you think about it, by getting your feet wider and a deeper knee bend, you can move your leg further and generate more power. Just like bending your knees as a skater. If you stay straight-legged, your shorten your stride and limit your power. There are other things to work on, obviously. But don't be discouraged by a bad night or the changes you made. Stay with them and build on them.