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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/15 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Up and down relationship with the nearby rink where I play adult hockey. We have a great hockey community, get along well with the figure skaters and Junior team, and are big partners with the youth hockey association. (I'm actually on the board at the other rink, but both are important. Kids and I play at both rinks). The local Parks board wanted to cut the season back from 10.5-11 months to 6 with an allowable extension of only +2 months to make it 8. Without 11 month ice, the figure skating association and Junior team would go away, and everyone else's rates would skyrocket. There was a tense city council meeting last night attended by a lot of decision-makers from our various groups. One of our 12 year-old 14U players stole the show, though, when she approached the mic and rationally, eloquently, and emphatically supported the rink and its programs. Barely a dry eye in the house. This young lady only started Fall of '13 with my daughter, and was on the 14u state championship team with her. It's pretty awesome to see our girls becoming good hockey players. It's even more rewarding to see their passion for hockey leading them to confront adults about issues that concern them, and to see them becoming great people.
  2. 3 points
    Some photos from the Hockey Fights MS tournament in Burlington, VT over the weekend:
  3. 1 point
    ^^^^ AWESOME! I'll cross my fingers that the decision makers, make the right decision and start keeping the ice open year round.
  4. 1 point
    You can register as a free agent. Some of the local guys from my area were just at this event too. Great cause. Nice to see how big they have become too.
  5. 1 point
    Bummer, I'll miss Woodhouse. " Sir, that stolen lemur bit one of your prostitutes right in the face. And she says she can't go to a hospital because she's, I quote, 'tripping balls' "
  6. 1 point
    I believe it is. Go check out the Hockey fights MS website, they have a bunch of tournaments in a few places.
  7. 1 point
    I wanted to follow up and say that Joe from Alkali took care of my issue, he is sending me replacement skates. Great customer service and support. Justin, sorry to hear that you're no longer with Alkali, hopefully you stay in the hockey industry and continue bringing innovation :)

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