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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
    Why are you buying songs that you don't want to listen to?
  3. 2 points
    The way I see it - for any given game or ice time I have at least 100g or more of extra food or "beverage" in my stomach anyways! For a bigger guy myself, I don't see the weight of equipment as being a huge issue (within reason), but evidently it's different for other players.
  4. 1 point
    I think your misunderstanding the audience here. Yes it's a venting thread, but your venting very often to a group of hockey players. Chirping is in our nature, we all do it to each other when together and apart. As residents of countries primarily in the first world, most of us don't see venting about piddly shit as something you need to do fairly often. If you are searching for sympathy with your vents, perhaps a better outlet would be livejournal, Facebook, or some other form of social media rather than complaining to a bunch of hockey players.
  5. 1 point
    That's bullshit. You're not going to end up in the NHL, you're not going to get a college scholarship, you're ineligible for Juniors, and probably not going to the Olympics. You're at or just barely past peak muscle development (not that hockey is a game of purely muscles), and yes, you are beyond the age 10-13 window of peak skill development. Beyond that, it's pretty much up to you. Not that NW Montana is a hockey hotbed, but we have 250+ adult skaters in four league divisions. The top A division is full of people who played pro, semipro, D1-D3, and Juniors. The "less skilled" guys in the division played significant HS hockey. The B+ division below that is mostly people who played through HS, smaller colleges, and generally started as kids--and a couple of very skilled women--plus a few people who started as adults and have pushed themselves really hard over the past 6-8 years. The B division below that is full of the old (55-65+) guys who used to play higher divisions, but are slowing down; and a lot of people who started 6-10 years ago as adults. C division is all people who started as adults, from never-evers who started last year like Caihlen above, to people who have played 10+ years but never progressed beyond that stage. Could you learn enough in 4-6 months to play in this lowest recreational league? Fuck yes. I started only two years ago, at 38. I push myself hard, probably 60-70 times on the ice every year, pond skating, dropins, league, helping coach kids, and running an adult beginner skills course. I hope to get the nod to play B division if not this year next year. The bottom tier beer league is FULL of people who learned as adults, and it's a blast. Don't let the naysayers keep you from playing this awesome sport. If you truly want to play, fully commit yourself and push yourself. If you get into a novice/beginner/learn to play group, don't only learn there. Go to open skate and practice the skating skills you learned in class. Watch YouTube videos. Play pond hockey (12 year olds can humble you). Watch youth hockey games. It's hard to watch the NHL and relate as a beginner adult, but if you watch a skilled 10 year-old, you can visualize yourself doing those things. If you get on a league team, be a good teammate, don't borrow shin tape, bring beer to share, don't take long shifts, laugh if you fall down, stop if you knock someone else over, be receptive and appreciative to constructive criticism, and bring beer to share.
  6. 1 point
    There was an unplanned purchase of a Traeger smoker at Costco today, though I've been eyeballing them for over a year. Then I finished the day drinking this, it was my grandfathers, been sitting for a few years in moms's cabinet. Both now passed & my sister and I said, "time to run that bottle". Good day, stories while we killed that brought tears to my eyes more than once. Sucks getting old and having to rest your loved ones, celebrate they were GREAT! (Bittersweet) Some would think odd, the "sweet spot", but having a good drink with family, remembering our loved ones and the stories, sweet....bittersweet, but sweet all the same.

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