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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/15 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Skills clinic with a bunch of buds.
  2. 2 points
    Finished off a huge 6-month project culminating my abilities as a prop and costume maker, visual artist and photographer into a 2-character portfolio, dubbed the Yavin Project. Hopefully will be doing 4 more sets of these. Your's truly and my buddy Barry in traditional Jedi Garb.
  3. 2 points
    went on a job interview a few months ago. Was asked why I was in the market, since I already worked for a good company, and said that my rotating shift hours made it difficult to take classes towards my masters, see my friends and family, and play hockey. "you play hockey?" come to find out, I've skated against the guy 4 or 5 times. at this point, the interview goes one of two ways. luckily for me, the puck bounced into the net on this one.
  4. 2 points
    GREAT WEEKEND! The boy regular shifted with the University of Utah's crushing of the team down South(BYU). The Little one had training camp with her boys team, crushed. Had 2 comp team soccer games(1 11U, 1 12U), played great, but ended 0-1-1. Played great in my Sunday skate with the boy, scored twice(1 goal is a good skate). He kept getting on me for the hatty, I had more than my fair chances, just couldn't finish. This skate reminds me of how bad I am. One chance, my boy fired perfect pass to me in front, but so hard I can't hold it. Hell, he fired one to me sliding in from point that I tried to grab with my skate and it almost knocked me down. No worries, I always say you can't get better playing with a bunch of people worse than you. I think I had my best Sunday skate. Add to all this.... I replaced a toilet, cut down a tree, 3/4 filled a dumpster I had delivered, with junk....WTF...how do we collect junk. Dumped 2 mattresses(bed springs), the tree, 4 televisions, a dvr, the old toilet & a bunch of other junk. Oh & smoked some St. Louis ribs today, had a great cigar and watch the lunar eclipse. GREAT WEEKEND! P.S. The Utes kicked Hell out of the Ducks....so that was pretty sweet as well.
  5. 1 point
    Tenth time's the charm. Good luck.
  6. 1 point
    This is why the Fit Centers work so much better than just sizing them yourself. Of course you can do it that's totally up to an individual. However at the Fit Centers you can try on the skates and get an idea. I have both tongues so you can see and feel the difference. Now being a 3 hr drive it may not be worth your while but then again having a feel for the expense of the skate is not a bad option. And as for the food well it goes without saying they have some tasty places around there. As for the feel of the hollow and profile. 100% of the pro guys I worked with this summer had to reduce the profile and go a little less sharp as they really felt the boot dig in and really could feel the edges. I personally now skate on them and can not believe how comfy they are and I just use a stock Step Blade with a 90/75 and feels great and lasts. On a side note it really helps Rob if you have tried on a skate to pick the right last to build your skate off of. Make a weekend out of it and enjoy your new skates when you get them.
  7. 1 point
    man that's cool, good job. As for practicing new things, I don't really care if its in pickup, they all know better than to get serious with me, I just squirt them with water. as soon as the play goes the other way I just start sliding post to post and trying to do lateral movement or skate away to get a breeze. hell during a heavy play I got annoyed that I was taking so many shots so I got up and took a swig of water while play went on and just swung my stick and leg up and down and still blocked a shot. no biggie. get creative and try new stuff, its the only way you'll get better and theres no better time to do it than in pickup. Don't be Mr. Game 7 and don't let them get to you if they're acting like mr game 7.
  8. 1 point
    Going under the knife again. A need to have a couple of hernia's repaired. With some luck this will be it for a while. I've had my share of procedures and surgeries the last year and a half. This will be my tenth....

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