For something like you should have the retailer request that they ship the boots undrilled with the holder and steel.
If you hadn't requested that they drill holes for tuuks there is no way they can know that you aren't planning on using the shift holders. You can just say that you prefer to have your local pro shop mount them to your specs of they ask.
I don't see what you gain by having True drill the holes for you instead of just having whoever is mounting the tuuks just do it.
While I agree, the fact is that True used to do it and stopped. While I get that now they are pushing their own holder, it doesn't change the fact that they have many returning customers who had this done in the past and are going to be unhappy that they are now being forced into using the shift holders.
Frankly, I think it was foolish of True to make their holder completely unlike the tuuks. CCM was smart by making their XS holder play very similar to tuuks, and True would have been wise to do the same. Then nobody would have cared very much, except Bauer. But there's obviously ways to avoid any infringement on ip while still creating a similar style holder. But the shift holder is totally different and requires a lot of adjustment, and they're asking people for a lot more loyalty than people might have, which will only hurt True.