@Giltis Take my comments with a grain of salt, I haven't used a Sparx. However, I do use a ProSharp Home on a regular basis (not mine, but a family member has one, so my only investment in this so far is a single grind wheel that my son and I share). Based on the recent comments (expensive wheels, needing to adjust after wheel swaps in some cases), you might want to explore the ProSharp option. Now, their wheels are expensive as well, but you get way more sharpenings out of them (I did the math a few years ago and if memory serves the Sparx was more expensive to own and maintain after 3 or 4 wheel changes than the ProSharp was thanks to more sharpenings per wheel) and if Sparx just raised their prices, the value likely leans even more towards ProSharp. I've also never had any issues swapping between wheels and needing to re-align as long as I make sure the newly installed wheel is all the way on the spindle. And we share the machine, so I am swapping my wheel in every time I need to sharpen and putting their wheel back on after I finish. No complains of bad edges on our end or theirs that I am aware of. I usually do 2 passes and then hone with a course stone, fine stone and strop on high end standard finish stainless runners (Step).
Now I can't comment on the quality of the sharpening by both, but will say I have been impressed with the ProSharp machine. Honestly, the honing takes more time and effort than the sharpening.