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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/22 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    You can use boiling hot water. That's something to clean the inside of the glove, but will also soften the glove to close better. There's no more real leather in goalie gloves. It's artificial leather, not sure if lanolin is going to work.
  2. 1 point
    Most gyms have a sign at the door when you walk in: Proper Footwear Required. Don't think these qualify. I watched the Frankenstein exercise clip on their site. At about 50 seconds, the guy slips several times on the hard surface. I'm all for new ideas, just not stupid ones.
  3. 1 point
    Why would you use these over a set of old blunt steel and a rubber mat? I have trained off ice in skates using blunt blades, there is merit in this but it's a hard sell at $139. yikes.
  4. 1 point
    For 140$ I’d rather buy wet blades.
  5. 1 point
    Has he gained any of that acceleration? If not, then I’d say it’s a definite nope. If he has, then you’d have to look at the trade offs and maybe give it a little more time. Trying new things is great, but there have to be advantages to switching. If there’s nothing gained, then there’s no reason to switch. There are a lot of ways to get that extra acceleration. Try a different profile, or different type of profile - triple, center glide, quad, ellipse. Dial the +2 back to a +1 and see if that gives him the middle ground. Try a shallower hollow to reduce drag. Try a different type of steel, like Flare or Bladetech. Getting the right profile can make a huge difference in someone’s skating. But finding that profile takes a lot of trying different things to see what works and doesn’t. My suggestion is to take all his old steel and have it profiled different ways. Then try it all out and see what sticks. If he doesn’t have a lot of old steel, find some cheap used sets on SidelineSwap. I just went through the same thing myself. I tried and tried to get input from different people here to avoid the trial and error portion. In the end, I just had 3 old sets profiled differently and tried them all out. I’m glad I did because the one that felt best was an Ellipse and given reviews and input, I probably wouldn’t have picked that.
  6. 1 point
    I use the standard insert on the R1. Had the O1 and wrote a comparison between the two a while back (it might be in this thread). Standing still the O1 required you to stabilize yourself more (I had the center bolt very loose), but in actual use I found them both to be very similar. The R1 chassis doesn't move as much as the O1, but when you're skating around it was difficult to tell the difference between the two. In my comparison I literally had the R1 on one foot and the O1 on the other

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