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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/23 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Take it from someone who's strayed away from trues more than once and just ended back in trues. If they work for you and you're just curious, fight the urge and stick with ur trues. Maybe try something else when your trues are toast but don't spend money on another pair of skates when you don't need new skates just cuz.
  2. 2 points
    It's all about trends. How long before the P88 gets phased out because of the rising popularity of the P28 and P90TM? I was a Drury user for decades and was in disbelief when well over 5-years ago I was told to transition to a new curve because heel curves were going away.
  3. 2 points
    To avoid any further Facebook rhetoric, I've only used True when it comes to the "custom" route. Why? Because, in Bauer terms, I have a Vapor heel, Supreme mid-foot and Nexus toe box when it comes to boot fit. If you have "unique" feet like I do, I would recommend going with True. If not, then I'm not rich enough to blow another $3,500 USD on "custom" skates to guide you. Take my irrelevant post as such.
  4. 1 point
    The JRZ seem readily available in Canada, but not down south. I was looking at getting some for my kid's new Trues and they were nearly impossible to find what I wanted in the US. Found them in a few places on line in Canada, but none of the places would ship to the US or it was cost prohibitive.
  5. 1 point
    A fringe curve. Man I feel old. I remember when it was all the rage almost 23 years ago. At that time i was like lame Modano curve its all about Drury. lolol
  6. 1 point
    I have tried all three brands, and the various models within the brands: TRUE: TF Custom, SVH Custom, Cat Pro, CCM: Total Custom and Total Custom Plus Bauer: Custom They all have pros and cons. What I like or feel works best for me, might not be the same for everyone else. Maybe if the question was precise, the answer would be clear? Simply put, what are we trying to fix?
  7. 1 point
    Let's get some facts out: Fly holder will accept only Fly steel. The center of the holder (steel channel) is skinner than the front and back, kinda like this )( Fly steel will work with Fly or Edge holder. Edge steel cannot fit into Fly holder. Fly holder is stiffer in the front and softer in the heel to allow for more ice contact when coming out of turns. Same idea why they softened the rear outsole on the Hyperlite boot. Overall, it's significantly stiffer than the current EDGE holder. You cannot twist the Fly holder with your hands like you are able to do with the EDGE holder. Same height, same dimensions, some bolting pattern. The trigger is grey, like the current EDGE holder. Weight is the same as the EDGE holder.
  8. 1 point
    Howdy, I have no particular advise, but I would assume its going to be reasonably specific as to where you are today and what your goals are. My "I'm a computer guy, not any type of exercise expert" opinion is that with age comes things like: * a slower metabolism, so diet is even more important / you will struggle more to lose weight * slower injury recovery time * more incidence of 'cumulative stress' type things like bad joints / arthritis I've certainly experienced / am experiencing all of those (I'm 52 now). I'll be interested to hear what people say. My gut reaction is that you don't change because you're older per se... You change because something about being older makes what you were doing before not work as well. So if you're doing a bunch of strength training today and its working for you... Don't change just because the odometer rolls over to the next decade. Mark

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