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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/21 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    my new wheels, hardly ever worn. These things are without doubt the comfiest skates I have ever owned. Just slightly better than my air 90s and a damn sight more comfortable than my Kevlar 752s
  2. 3 points
    This is only my opinion so take it for what it is. If you can shoot the puck hard, bar down or if you can rip a clapper, low from the point, you should be able to do it with any stick as long as the flex/lie/length is correct. When you have the proper shooting technique down, the other attributes of the stick is more about personal preference. Changing from a mid-kick to a low-kick to a variable kick is not going to dramatically change your shot...how your mechanics change is going to alter the shot much more. Personally, I think curves don't alter shots as much as people think (unless it's an illegal curve). Look at Sidney Crosby's stick. He has a very flat blade, but he can roof the puck, hit corners, etc cause he has incredible technique. Focus on proper flex, lie, length, and technique. Then from there, just find what you like in terms of kick point, curve, weight, etc. My 2 cents.
  3. 2 points
    There's an old saying, it's not the hammer, it's the carpenter. IMO, kick point has zero impact on where the puck ends up, i.e. low or high. That's more a technique. Some patterns make certain things easier. For example, open face patterns help the user get the puck up high but it won't do it for you. Also, there is no right or wrong, better or worse when it comes to curves paired with kick points. A hockey stick is a tool. Some tools make jobs easier, others can make them a bit more difficult. You aren't looking for the best tool, you're looking for the tool that best suits you. My recommendation to all new players is a mid kick P88.
  4. 1 point
    Anyone know the release dates for the U.S?
  5. 1 point
    Looking forward to your in depth review!
  6. 1 point
    I still haven’t used the RR wheels, but continue to roll on the MPC wheels. They’re so damn comfortable to skate on! I do find them sliding out from under me more often compared to Labeda Asphalts I’m used to when I do a real tight turn, but I can also use that to my advantage to help me slide stop better. It’s worth noting that I still haven’t played any kind of game with these wheels since there aren’t any games going on yet so this is purely from practice and general skating.
  7. 1 point
    I took up inlines last March thanks to lockdown. After many months without ice skating, I returned to ice hockey and skating lessons. My skating coach commented on how well my backwards crossovers had progressed. That was thanks to countless hours on inlines. I’m sure roller hockey can improve improve icecskills including stick handling, game awareness/observation and skating. I just wish I could stop properly. A power stop just isn’t the same. Now I love inlines, but I don’t have the control I have on ice. I love ice, but playing roller hockey on an outdoor park, surrounded by trees, on a sunny day, and then the sun setting as we finished, that’s magical. You play until you are knackered rather than till the end of the paid slot.

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