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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. I'll offer to sit if we're down a goal late in the 3rd, but that's quite a bit different from being told to sit.
  2. Thats the way to go, especially at a lower division. The last team I was on technically had lines, but it really wasn't the end of the world if they got messed up. It was far more important to make sure you changed for your positional counterpart than to make sure you stayed with the same two guys on the ice.
  3. I agree that set lines would be nice ideally (and certainly in higher divisions), but realistically in such a low division (many leagues don't even HAVE a D6) it hardly matters. That is, unless you get superstars like our captain and his buddies who probably shouldn't be in D6... I mean, hell, we have guys who only got on skates for the first time a few months ago. I don't think it matters who they play with. TL;DR: I truly don't believe there can really be line chemistry with players at this level (unless they shouldn't be at this level).
  4. Yea 10 is best I agree. With 11 I'd run an extra D. With 12 I would personally roll 3 sets of wingers and two centers (though this hurts the all-stars on the team since they're not always together) and obviously 13 is easy to figure out. 14 and 15 is okay (one or two more D-men), if you hit 16 I'm just going home at that point. Pretty sure our roster is only 15 though. I'm still a firm believer that in D6, I'd rather look at 6 forwards as pairs of LW, RW, and C rather than two lines. Lines are so completely unimportant at that level.
  5. I tried to show some leadership on the bench, but they'd have none of it. I get the "you can barely skate, why would we listen to you?" looks.
  6. The short shift was just kind of the last straw in that game for me. On any other night i would have WANTED off the ice like I said. It was mostly that the all-star top line took us off. Seriously, you guys put all the worst players on one line... What do you expect? More just annoyance the the captain not bothering to manage his team than anything. Can't wait for the new rink to be built here, definitely switching over there. If I'm lucky I can get in as captain of a new team.
  7. Usually I'm the same, kind of "screw it, you guys try instead".
  8. I admit I LOL'd once I read this a couple times.
  9. Keep in mind this is Div6. Lines make no bloody difference at all. If you have one too many people, just suck it up, you won't get to play with your buddies for the entire game. It wouldn't bother me so much if the captain actually tried being a captain in any capacity besides sending out schedule change emails. D6 beer leaguers NEED a vocal captain, otherwise everyone gets lost and confused. At the beginning of every game, after the warmup, our entire team is usually on the ice waiting for the captain to finish schmoozing with the refs or his buddies on the other team (one of those guys who apparently is best buds with EVERYONE) so we can work out how he wants lines to go. He figures out his line (his two buddies) and then sends the rest of us to the bench to figure the rest out for ourselves. Why this shit isn't determined in the dressing room first is beyond me.
  10. Shortest game I've ever played tonight... We started the game with 9 forwards and 4 D-men. Then first shift of the game, the “top line” (captain is the center on it and refuses to break it up under any circumstance) LW is nowhere to be found, and ref is waiting. so i jump on, no big deal. captain lets me know that that isn’t my spot. No shit. So first whistle I skate to the bench “who is supposed to be on this line?” … nothing. Okay, so I’ll play the rest of this shift then. I get to the bench and I’m like “okay so I’m 3rd line, who are the other two? I look down the end of the bench to the 3 worst players on our team who apparently are LW, C and RW of line 3. Ohhhhkay? “So do we have an extra then?” Apparently so, the top line LW finally shows up. So I sit there as things go through the lines a full time through, and finally captain decided he’s actually going to captain and says “chris is going in for 3rd line RW next shift”. Okay, so I do. Next time through, I call over to the 3rd line LW “I’m going for you next shift, you’re sitting a shift” and he’s like “no I have to go this time I didn’t get to go last time”. … WHAT? I have no idea how the hell THAT happened. I have no idea who went for him. So then the 3rd line center (the worst player on our team, by quite a bit) tells me to just go for him. Okay cool. I go in on an icing. I win the face-off in their zone, but their wings jump in and take it away from ours right away. They go down the ice and score (2-1 for us at that point). Back to center. They win the face-off (pushed it past me) and go in and score again after our D both get beat (remember, we have 3 of our worst 4 players on the team on the ice for both these goals). 2-2 tie. Then the top line I guess decided to take it upon themselves to jump on. I’d been out there maybe 20 seconds at most. There was about a minute left of the 1st period at that point, and I’d had 3 shifts. It never came back to our line again before the period ended. Once the period ended, I got up and went to get undressed and go home. I’m angry at the captain for most of this. First, he needs to figure the lines out. It’s not good enough to say “best two wingers play with me, and thats all I care about”. But to just dump the 4 worst players on one line and be surprised when they have two goals scored on them and take them off the ice is another. We all paid our money to be there. I already didn't like this team after the first couple games for being unorganized and unable to do line changes without mass confusion, but it drives me nuts how the captain has absolutely zero interest in giving any sort of direction, but just argues with you when you try to offer suggestions or advice (and heaven forbid you suggest a modification of the lines to more easily accommodate an extra body). I'm so glad I didn't pay money for a team jersey yet (since he still hasn't even ordered them and we're half way through the season almost already). I don't plan to be with them this fall.
  11. Local rink just completely re-built one of the two sheets from scratch (including all the stuff under the ice, etc). But, they installed dark blue kickplates on the boards instead of yellow. It's REALLY hard to pick up the puck on the boards now.
  12. Lots still available! Please don't make me just bring all this to play it again sports and get less than half of what it's all worth :(
  13. I loathe salespeople. I really need a new career.
  14. Fantastic! I had you guys profile my steel to slight negative so it sounds like I won't have to do that this time. Will hopefully be ordering some black steel from you next week!
  15. You're always so succinct in your venting! ;)
  16. I had the same issue. I thought my first sharpening was just badly done at the time, but now that you mention it yea I definitely had to sharpen twice also.
  17. CCM and Reebok are both Adidas brands (along with Taylormade Golf, hence the RBZ name).
  18. The pro shop at my local rink stocks only Bauer and Graf because "Bauer is the best".
  19. Updated w/ prices on the sticks. What I did was basically looked each of them up online (most of them are clearance prices), and dropped a % off most of them based on wear. Generally about 20%. Since those are shipped prices, in reality it was more like 25-30% off plus shipping.
  20. Hmm maybe they do then, I honestly don't really check them after I hang them up I guess. That part of my statement may not have been accurate. The other bits still apply though. The liner gets REALLY wet, and stinky. Literally the only piece of gear I have that smells bad.
  21. Is the boot liner material the same? I noticed that they get REALLY wet inside and take longer to dry. Also these are the first pair of skates I've ever had that actually started to stink. I'm guessing again because of the liner.
  22. Projekt gloves and One60 shin pads both sold! Make an offer on the rest of the stuff, I want to be rid of all of it ASAP!
  23. Well, they're consistent, in that they hurt in exactly the same place all the non-mako player skates hurt. I might get a pair of Mako II for playing out and have these cowlings put on to my Makos. They may be tolerable with super feet though. They're almost the exact same fit as Nexus.
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