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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Having a REALLY hard time completing the workouts my trainer has given me, which at this point just consist of intervals on a treadmill: 1. 2 min warmup @ 2.5mph 2. 3 min jog @ 5mph 3. 1 min walk @ 3.5 mph @ 6.0* incline 4. Repeat #2 and #3 seven times 5. 2 min cooldown @ 2.5mph All that probably sounds like cake to you guys, but to a fatass like me I'm having a lot of trouble getting through it. The 3 min jog is the hardest part. It's embarrassing not being able to do this... :(
  2. Added Black/Yellow Koncept gloves.
  3. Well, she gets a new chanel purse when she does the same, so it's a fair trade.
  4. Wife told me if i lose 50 lbs that I can buy nice stuff as a reward. Pretty sure I'm going to get Brian's S Series.
  5. Yea I need to do that. I bought a custom pair of Nikes (via their Nike iD program), and when I got them the arch wasn't in the right spot. Not returnable :( I need to go in and get them to fit me properly for some shoes.
  6. Man, that sucks. I'm going to be a complete mess when our oldest dies.
  7. Hmm, I'm literally 10 mins from Jakes three days a week. I've also been meaning to go for a skate at the Toyota Center. Maybe I should do both tomorrow or Thursday.
  8. Added One60 pants and Re-Akt helmet.
  9. So happy somebody finally did some investigative journalism into the reasons my previous employer collapsed. I had to keep quiet for fear of being sued, but now it's all been published by a reputable source. Absolutely made my day, and I dearly hope the crooks that made it happen never see another dime in the industry :) http://www.crn.com/news/networking/300073064/in-the-shadows-the-rise-and-fall-of-torrey-point.htm
  10. Fair enough. Big difference for me :P
  11. I read it as C average, not that he got some C grades. So disregard.
  12. Yea, I know it was for ski boots. I just didn't know the insoles were the same for both skates and ski boots (assumed it was a different insole "blank" for the two products, with ski places not carrying the hockey ones). But if they are the same thing, then great! Nice, RoadRunner in Carlsbad is right near me. Thank you!
  13. I would prefer not to, but will. Shipping will cost quite a bit more though.
  14. They can do them for skates too?
  15. Man what I'd do to find somebody who did sidas customs in SoCal.
  16. I don't think I'd let a C student get their license either.
  17. Just buying Bauer because that's what all your friends have is an incredibly stupid way to shop. Buy what fits, not what your friends have.
  18. Alllllrighty. So as you may have seen in the Show It Off thread, I picked up a pair of skates today: Bauer Reactor 2000, Size 8EE. A bit odd since my makos (and previously my Vapors) were 8.5D, but these are extremely well fitting. The best way to describe them is the toe box of a Nexus with the heel of a Vapor. He said I could bake them but really there was no point since they're such a low end model, and that if I decide to stick with goalie they can pull the cowling off and put it on my Makos later on if I wanted). The very first thing I noticed was the complete lack of ability to rock forwards and back onto my toes and heels. They asked what hollow I wanted but I didn't know (I always thought goalie skates used larger diameter hollows, but apparently not?) So they gave me a 1/2" because that's what I used before I went to FBV on my player skates. A friend of mine who plays goal also suggested I could get them profiled at a smaller radius so it's not such a completely different feeling, and then gradually go back to whatever is on them now (I think he said 30'?) Not sure if I'll go this route. I also had him size me for leg pads. Kind of awkward since I had no idea how to actually put them on, he had to show me all the straps and how the toe tie worked. Whatever, I can't be the first he's had to show. Anyway, he came to the conclusion that if I buy CCM or RBK, I should go 32" but if I buy just about anything else (Bauer, Warrior, Brians, Vaughn) I should go 33". But he said because I was basically in-between (32.5) that I could PROBABLY go either way with any of the brands and LIKELY (he stressed that) be okay. The nice thing with 32" is that they're going to be cheaper because that's INT size. He also suggested I try the intermediate gloves instead, after he looked at my hands and I told him I wore a 13" player glove. I tried on both SR and INT gloves, and he's right - the INT were definitely more comfortable and fit to my hands better. I looked at masks but didn't try any on. I certainly plan on going back again at some point in the semi-near future, depending on how the skates work out. Going to give those probably a couple months of skating on before I even think of buying pads.
  19. Damn dude that's a hell of a haul!
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