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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. I skated a few more times on mine since I had noicing do a slight negative and 10' radius (and FBV!). Night and day. Will be sending in the stock runners to have them profiled as well and get on a monthly rotation.
  2. Going to 10' radius, with a slight negative on the pitch, and adding FBV made all the difference in the world.
  3. Yup, small changes. Going to a 9' radius and significant forward pitch was too big of a jump for me, I think. A couple small adjustments and we'll see where I'm at with that. Thanks.
  4. Keeps people coming back, I guess! I was thinking of getting my Makos profiled. IIRC they are profiled out of the box to 9', and the holders have a pretty significant forward lean to them. Since I'm not the best skater, I was thinking of having them done to 10' (a bit closer to what I'm used to, I was in RBK8k and Nexus200 before this, both on stock steel - but I don't want to make big changes all at the same time) and with a slightly negative pitch so I'm not quite as on my toes (again I don't want to make a huge change, but just a small step down from them being so aggressive). I'm just considering tinkering a bit to get a bit more comfortable on them. Thoughts?
  5. I'm wearing the thin light blue/grey Easton socks they gave me (free) when I bought the skates. Easily the thinnest socks I've ever worn. I like them a lot, honestly. Thanks, good tip. Will try it. I noticed the abrasion is a lot less noticeable if I don't give my laces that last hard tug before tying the knot (which I had gotten used to doing due to wearing skates that were far too big for me for so long). In fact I noticed that I generally don't have to tie my laces all that tight anymore, due to the way the boot wraps around my foot so well. They still aren't perfect but they're by far the best fitting skates I've ever worn (and the first to not have heel lock issues with my right foot).
  6. Has anyone figured out a permanent fix for the ankle/calf irritation? I've tried spot heating and I've tried the earlier posted method of keeping a lace on it to hold it down. I'm at a point now where I'm wearing a sleeve over my ankle (an Ezeefit bootie with the bottom cut out of it) where the top of the skate rubs. I still have a mark on my leg a month later despite trying my best to protect it. BTW I ended up sizing up half a size. Very comfortable skates, now... aside from the spot on my leg.
  7. Bad timing for this... but this just arrived on my doorstep. I cancelled the order for this, and was never billed. Umm, thanks for the free jersey shop.nhl.com, I guess the hockey gods don't COMPLETELY hate me today..
  8. You're a step ahead of me, I can't stop with two feet :)
  9. Yea, we'll see how it goes. If after a couple games I don't think I can keep going, I'll go back and get the 8.5D.
  10. Not gear, but still pretty excited!
  11. Heh, like the guy who decided to watch The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo on a plane. Not sure the anal rape and torture scene was really all that family friendly...
  12. I had some woman doing that on the plane beside me. WTF is wrong with people?
  13. Yes, as thin as I can get them. Currently in Bauer Core socks. HM gave me a free pair of the light grey Easton socks with my skates. Oh my god they are so thin, I can't wait to try them!
  14. The guys at HockeyMonkey told me that Easton has been telling them to let customers bake the Mako, since some people can't even get their foot in the boot unless they are baked first. But then again, HM will bake any skate before purchase if you ask them to.
  15. Was going to, but then... http://i.imgur.com/ywcMnN4.jpg
  16. I'm just bummed after reading everyone else who was so happy when they got them baked, etc that mine didn't work out like that. Still easily the most comfortable skates I've ever worn, aside from being just a touch too short. The 8D Vapors I had were painful to stand. I was actually able to play an entire game in these, so its definitely a lot better. The Vapors I thought would be okay once they broke in (because they felt great during the baking process), but they were just too painful to skate in to ever possibly break them in. These makos are SO close to being perfect. I've also never experienced such great heel lock as with these (different sized feet with different width ankles makes that hard to fit a stock skate). If they'd just break in a tiny bit they would be amazing. There seems to be a vertical seam on the end of the toe box that my big toe rubs on. That's the worst part, not even so much the length itself. Baking the mako changes the fit completely. It's impossible to judge the Mako without baking it.
  17. I played one game already, and my toes were killing me by the end of it. I wonder if my toe being right on the line, if I should have gone up half a size.
  18. I'm an 11 sneaker, 10.5 dress shoe, and pretty much right on the 8 line on the brannock.
  19. Maybe I'd just better go skating some more.
  20. When I put on Makos right after baking, they feel great. Once they cool though, they seem a touch too short (but seem like a half size up would be way too much). Are these going to break in a bit like another traditional skate might, or is the post-bake fit pretty much always what it will be like?
  21. CCM RBZ60 - Tavares 65 flex - RH Grip
  22. Youll be fine with plasti dip, since it can just be peeled off. The other two options... probably not a good idea.
  23. I'm probably the worst skater on this forum, and I wear Makos now. Fit > *
  24. I love the re-akt. Amazingly comfortable.
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