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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. I upped the profile to 10' and had a slight negative pitch put on, it made it a lot easier for me. But, I'm not a fantastic skater so take that with a grain of salt.
  2. Review coming soon :)
  3. Yes, I'm excited for any new model of elbow pad to hit the market since nothing currently on the shelves is even remotely as close to being as comfortable as my projekts! I'm also looking forward to the new base layer and athletic wear stuff. I'm a big fan of the current line of base layer, especially the Bauer Elite compression short/jock. Hmm, I honestly loved the nexus strapping, especially since you could move where the straps were located to make it more comfortable. Though I got rid of the Nexus shins, and I'm absolutely loving the Mako shins. FAR more comfortable than anything I've ever worn before.
  4. First time ever scoring in consecutive games! I believe they refer to that as a "streak".. lol. I'm gonna enjoy that for the short while it will last...
  5. One of the best things with JYA is his willingness to make singles.
  6. I would think it would also push people into waiting for the new model, if the old one is hard to find. Which leads to Chadd's point and having less pairs sold at a clearance price versus full retail.
  7. Our oldest cat (4 yrs), Mr Kiki Meowser, was diagnosed with heart disease yesterday. He's been put on heart medications that he will have to be on for the rest of his (now likely much, MUCH shorter) life. I'm still in shock. It's been a rough day. Here he is showing off where they shaved him to do the ultrasound. Poor guy :'(
  8. id do just about anything to stop coughing
  9. Oh, but in this day and age you can't give students bad grades because it might "hurt their feelings".
  10. Ugh, account managers. Get your head out of your ass.
  11. I'll be going with all-black also. Then again, I think the Nexus skates are the best looking skates on the market, if that says anything.
  12. In the IT world, a college degree is nothing more than the ability to check a box on an application. And even then, companies are starting to wake up to the reality that a degree isn't especially useful in that space, and often put "or equivalent certification and experience" on job listings now.
  13. Pitch is an easy fix though, so don't worry about that too much. Lifts, profiling, or even just replacing the holders are all pretty easy ways to fix the pitch, if you don't like it.
  14. VH is another company who makes "similar" skates to Makos (as in, based on speed-skating technology) who makes custom skates. Just another brand. There's a thread about VH on this forum. They only sell direct though, you won't see them in stores. BTW there's a decent hockey store in Oakland, which is only 74 miles from Stockton. Just as a FYI - a bit better than the 100 miles you mentioned earlier.
  15. Your width should be fine. The only regret I have is that I didn't wait to buy VH, especially since I have two different sized feet, which causes heel lock issues with everything I've tried so far, except for the Mako. But a full custom for the same price would have been nice.
  16. They are less protective, but I've never really considered being protective as a primary function of my skates. I've considered skate fenders even before I got my Makos, just because I have a habit of taking shots right off the top of the foot when I cover the point men. Anyway, I found the Mako and the Vapor fit about the same on my foot, lengthwise. Different fits for sure, though. Not even remotely close. My closest store is also about 100 miles away. Well worth the drive when you're talking about $800 skates. The other option is to order them online from somewhere with a decent return policy and try them at home. The downside here is that the Makos fit COMPLETELY different before and after baking. I literally couldn't even get the skates on my feet until I baked them. So you really can't get a good idea of how they will fit without trying them in a store (where they SHOULD bake them for you, even if you don't end up buying them). But, if protection is the reason you don't like the X60s (and it's not because you don't like the fit), then I'm not sure the Mako is what you're looking for.
  17. ^ My wife would kill me if I had that much stuff I'll never use...
  18. I originally bought size 8, which ended up being too small. Now in an 8.5 and pretty happy, as long as I get the lacing just right.
  19. College is extremely important for many professions. Certainly any that require an advanced degree (doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc) but for the IT world it is generally worthless. You'd be WAY better off putting your money into, say, CCNA books and classes (in the case of networking). IT people are MUCH better off having a degree in general business administration than in actual IT, since that's hugely applicable to the real world once you get into it. For IT, there is nothing college can teach you that you can't teach yourself with the internet and some books, unless you're the kind of person who NEEDS personal guidance from a professor (in which case, I don't see you as the type who will do well in IT anyway). That's just my opinion based on my experience, though. Take it with a grain of salt.
  20. I did a slight negative to reduce it.
  21. Everything I do for a living now was learned outside of college. I used to come home from school, throw my textbooks on the table, and go grab my CCNA book and read that instead. If I hadn't already been in my final (second) year, I'd have just quit school completely. I'm still paying off that colossal waste of money.
  22. You added MORE forward pitch??
  23. Stock holders/runners here too, though I've had them profiled to 10' with a slight negative pitch. Like night and day. Now I have a rotation going between two sets of runners that I'm having sharpened by mail. It's nice having fresh steel every other game.
  24. When I describe my Makos, I usually tell people "like a sturdy hiking boot, soft and comfortable but a nice even pressure all over the foot". I'm sure the VH feels similar. If I start seeing any signs at all of any of the issues I've seen in the Mako thread, I'll be ordering some custom VH. I just need to be able to show my wife physical proof of why I need to buy another pair of skates ;)
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