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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Maybe I'd just better go skating some more.
  2. When I put on Makos right after baking, they feel great. Once they cool though, they seem a touch too short (but seem like a half size up would be way too much). Are these going to break in a bit like another traditional skate might, or is the post-bake fit pretty much always what it will be like?
  3. CCM RBZ60 - Tavares 65 flex - RH Grip
  4. Youll be fine with plasti dip, since it can just be peeled off. The other two options... probably not a good idea.
  5. I'm probably the worst skater on this forum, and I wear Makos now. Fit > *
  6. I love the re-akt. Amazingly comfortable.
  7. This. If there was ever a model that required you to try them on, this would be it.
  8. Those Mako elbow pads remind me a lot of the Warrior Projekt elbows. I wonder if they fit even remotely as well.. The old EQ series pants tightened the same way. I thought I would like it (having a belly on me) but I really didn't. At least the top end Mako pants have laces (something the lower end ones dont have). I really liked them in the store when I saw them, though.
  9. haha :D Thanks! Even better than royalties are ADVANCE royalties! :D
  10. The guy at the store said I have narrow feet... which is odd because I always liked wide skates (RBK 9E, Nexus 9D). But maybe that's why my fit has always been crap? I thought the width of the makos would be a problem because of how tight they felt, but once I start skating and they heat up a bit and open up they feel great.
  11. Can you get replacement steel for these yet? I haven't seen it anywhere online.
  12. lol. Like I said, it's fine, The tongue just kind of bunches up when I put my foot in unless I straighten it out. I concur. I'm going to make sure the laces are more snug next time.
  13. The look is growing on me. I thought they were awful the first time I saw a photo of them. Then saw them in person the first time, much less ugly. Now I kind of like it. The only thing I don't like about the looks now is that the bright orange draws attention to the div5 guy who cant skate wearing $800 skates...
  14. I put my superfeet into them, and it felt more comfortable standing up at home. But oh man did it make my feet hurt when skating. Went back to stock footbeds, no problem anymore. I'd give that a try, AfftonDad. You can also spot heat the arch (with the footbed out) and flatten it out with the handle of a screwdriver (see the Mako fitting tips video on youtube). As for the tongue, the only issue I've had is on my left foot I have to adjust the tongue around the 2nd eyelet from the toecap every time i put my foot in, or it gets "rolled" and does this to my foot: Hasn't been a problem since I figured out what was causing the discomfort and know what to do when I put my skates on.
  15. I might push it out a bit with some heat, but you're right - these things appear to be forcing me to fix my stride - with painful consequences if I dont ;)
  16. My second book is almost ready for publishing.... ROYALTIES EFF YEA
  17. Oh they do. It's amazing really. Pre-baked I could barely get the damn things on. Now it's like they were made using a last that was cast from my feet. Incredible. Very likely! As I mentioned, I have terrible knee bend so I'm probably compensating for the forward pitch (or at least trying to). I recall somebody else had this issue too, earlier in the thread. I wonder if it still bothers them. I'm sure much of my issues (which arent much) are due to my poor skating. Maybe I can finally work on that aspect, now that I have a boot that isn't painful.
  18. That makes a lot of sense, and is COMPLETELY true in my case. I skate with terribly shallow knee bend. I actually found very little pain when I was actually skating hard, it was more when I was positioning in front of the net, etc. Honestly, I'm not sure I would have even noticed if I hadn't cut my toenails way too short. We'll have to see next game. Yes for sure. Cranking on your laces should never be necessary (and even less so in this mako boot that wraps your foot so much that you feel like you could skate with no laces at all ;) Having the constant pressure all over my foot is just a weird feeling, coming from years of skates that are too big - something I equate with being too tight. But I know better in my head, and just need to get used to it. Having the tongue go down into the toe box is weird too. Not used to my toes not being able to move all over the place. They're pretty much locked in place.
  19. First skate in them last night. Was okay for the most part. My right toe was KILLING me though. They're a tiny bit short, and need to break in some more. I made the stupid mistake of thinking cutting my toenails extra short would be a good idea. Yep, too short. Oops. I might bake them again and toss them in the freezer like the Mako video showed. The other thing I noticed is the deep V in the back of the boot where the tendon guard sits over actually digs into the back of my leg a bit. This morning I noticed I had quite the mark on my leg in that spot. But at least it didn't feel like I was skating around with floppy boots like I used to. In fact, I felt pretty fast out there (as fast as a 230lb man can go). The forward pitch was awkward for the first while, but no big deal eventually. Perfect heel lock in both skates (the best I've ever experienced) The only concern i have is the length, once again. And once again they were perfect after baking, and hell even perfect sitting down with my knees bent. But once I stand up, the forward pitch makes my foot slide forward. This is leading me to believe I havent tied them tight enough (I'm so used to all but the top 2-3 eyelets being loose because of issues with previous skates I've worn). My foot shouldnt slide forward, I wouldn't think.
  20. Curious for the guys who have these things... did you find they were "perfect" the first time you skated in them, or was there still a bit of a break-in period? Did the forward pitch bother those who weren't used to it?
  21. Especially since I ordered a week ago, hoping to have it in time for the playoffs. Ended up just canceling the order and placing a rush order for a 3rd jersey. I'll get a winter classic jersey when I'm in Toronto in July. At least then I should be able to get it with the WC patch.
  22. It bothers me because they said 5/3 originally, which was fine. Later than that, and I would have just bought the 3rd instead of the WC.
  23. heh. i wonder if you had put ♥ or ❤ in the text field, if it would have actually come out right...
  24. shop.nhl.com massive fail. Ordered a #34 Leafs winter classic jersey 4/22. Told it was backordered, but I should see it by 5/3. Okay, fine. Then I get a notification that the item is now in-stock and that I'll get another email when it ships. Receive date still estimated at 5/3. Today I got a notification that my order is delayed: "At this time we do not have a ship date for the item." ... What? Why is there a delay for an in-stock item? Log into shop.nhl.com, check my order status. Still says "in stock" and still says "You can expect to receive your item(s) between 04/30/13 and 05/03/13". And the "CANCEL ORDER" button is greyed out now. Why announce the goddamn jerseys unless you can actually buy one? FFS. Oh, but on the bright side: "If the item(s) is not shipped by 05/29/2013 the item will be automatically cancelled and your credit card will not be charged, and/or your money will be refunded." Thanks guys; Not like I wanted to wear it during playoff games or anything...
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