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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vuronov last won the day on February 5 2024

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18 Good

About Vuronov

  • Birthday June 13


  • Skates
    CCMUltra Tacks
  • Hockey Bag
    CCM 280 Deluxe
  • Shin Pads
    Easton Mako
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM Ultra Tacks
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM FT390
  • Pants
  • Helmet
    CCM Resistance 710 w/ Fitlite Titanium Cage
  • Gloves
  • Stick
    CCM Jetspeed FT5 Pro, Warrior Alpha DX

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    Tampa, FL
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  1. You can actually still order pants direct from Tackla. Their selection is limited and the models are all the older ones (which is probably a good thing), though I was able to buy the actual Tackla version of the pants that True now sells in their name before True actually started selling them. Shipping isn't immediate but isn't that long given it being shipped from Europe.
  2. With all this facing material coming back into CCM skates, I can dream that they might bring back their white trim skates again, even if only as a custom option.
  3. I think an 8R is a safe starting point but the new CCM fit system is a bit different than what we're used to with the old D EE sizings from CCM. From what I've read the Tapered fit is closer to a traditional CCM D fit and has the least volume, the Regular fit is actually a bit closer to a EE but with additional volume all around, and the Wide is something kind of new as a high volume fit all around. So the new fits don't just refer to the width of boot but boot volume too. So depending on how wide your foot is and how little or much volume you like in your boot, there's an outside chance an 8 Tapered may feel better for you. Also, if you're looking at the new ASV Pro skates, they are bigger and more voluminous than previous skates per size. I tried a pair on and a 7.5R or maybe even a 7.5T would be my fit and the 8 would have been too big. So in the end buying and trying and returning multiple skates may still be the best bet.
  4. I have a normal shaped foot with a slightly wide forefoot. I usually wear 9.5 in everyday shoes. For what it's worth, I wore 7.5D in 11Ks and 50Ks and wear 8EE in Supertacks AS1 and Jetspeed FT2, though I could of worn 8D. I just liked the EE for the extra comfort in the toe area. If you're going to order online, do they offer free returns? If so, order multiple pairs and keep the ones that fit you best.
  5. I switched them for the aftermarket CCM orthmove insoles I stick in all my skates. I have flatish feat and find the orthmove insoles with no added instep padding work great for me. Even with them in the skates just feel a bit roomy. The size seems fine, and skating in them I don't feel super sloppy or weak in the skates. They just feel a bit loose. Like I've baked them, plastic wrapped them to cool, then waited a day to wear them and even when I tighten the laces as tight as possible they just feel a bit too relaxed compared to my previous skates. My previous skates I've always had to really loosen the laces and pull the tongue back to get my feet in or out and get that nice suction noise. With these Ribcors I barely have to loosen the laces to easily slide them in and out. I've never had a skate where I could so easily just slip in or out of them. I have a slightly wide forefoot but otherwise normal foot and I've previously worn AS1 and FT2 skates both in 8EE, just to give my forefoot a bit extra comfort, but I could wear a normal 8 if I had to, and actually did in my 50K and 11K. It's why I'm so confused that these 8 Regular Ribcor 100K feel so roomy. I had read that most people felt they were actually the tightest fit of all the lines. I'm almost starting to wonder if someone pulled a switcheroo and stuck an 8 wide skate in my 8 regular box and switched the XS tongues out to match the box lol.
  6. That's pretty funny because what you tried is exactly what I'm trying to do. I have a pair of 100k Pros and while my size 8 regular fits mostly ok, they feel like they could use a slight in decrease in volume and I was trying to find the extra thick XS Repalcement tongues to take up a bit of that extra volume and see if it improves the fit but I can't find them anywhere in size Large, which covers skates size 8-9.5. Here's a link to what I'm talking about. It's the right most choice, the one with the black felt trim and prominent D30 pads. https://www.icewarehouse.com/CCM_XS_Replacement_Skate_Tongues_Pair/descpage-CMXST.html It boggles my mind that I even feel like I need to decrease the volume in the 100K since by all accounts it seemed like it might be the model that had a "smaller" or "tighter" fit relative to the Tacks and Jetspeeds. I have a mostly regular foot but with a slightly wide fore-foot so I comfortably wore Tacks AS1 in 8EE and Jetspeed FT2 in 8EE but with these 100Ks they just feel slightly off which is weird since most people seem to say it has the tightest or slimmest fit relative to fit profile.
  7. On a side note, anyone notice that the XS tongues seem harder to come by in the most popular sizes? I've been looking for a pair of the Extra in a size large and can't find anything other than x-small and small if even that. Dunno if it's just a supply chain issue and they'll eventually restock everywhere or if CCM is phasing them out for some new version.
  8. Can't wait to see what skate he comes out with as the Mako is still, by far, my favorite skate I've ever worn. But not gonna lie, D'cosi skate sounds like a figure skating brand. Not that it matters but just saying lol.
  9. Any idea how long it usually takes for new models to become available for total custom orders? And has there been any official confirmation of the Ribcor still being available for total custom other than a "tbc" designation?
  10. So my AS1 skates are starting to wear down and I was considering treating myself to some CCM total custom plus skates for my next pair. I've looked through other posts in the forum and seen discussions on the many myriad options that CCM offers on their total customs, but one thing I didn't see mentioned, and obviously not as important as things like toe caps liners and facings etc, are what, if any, cosmetic options are available for CCM total custom plus skates. With a lot of the graphics seemingly printed directly onto the boots, does anyone know yet if they can be customized a bit with say color changes? Like could you order the AS2 Pros with the all silver look that some folks have posted on instagram? or FT4 Pros with the big red stripe replaced with some other color like how they changed it to blue for Matthews's skates? Or once the 100K skates come out and are available for custom builds, will the old option of white details be available to get skates that Perron, Hagelin, or even old Kovalev would want? Maybe it's too early to know, but I was wondering if anyone with the inside word knew if these type of cosmetic customizations will be available to us non Pros.
  11. As someone who started out in 752s back in the day and was still using 1052s up to 2011...the only way to know what works for your foot with all these modern skates is to go to a good pro-shop and try them out. While some of the model names sound familiar, the various fits have changed a hundred ways through Sunday over the years. Plus, with all the new tech modern skates have relative to those 552s, your foot really won't know what to make of any of it without just sticking them in some skates. Here's a brief and basic rundown of the current CCM models from Pure Hockey's website. You can find one for Bauer as well. https://www.purehockey.com/c/ccm-jetspeed-vs-ribcor-vs-tacks-hockey-skates?gclid=CjwKCAiAg9rxBRADEiwAxKDTuh0YUlBvIxlrkr4izE8yX6f2jgaysqN6xScMe6UI439ZFkXGqdFy4hoCIyAQAvD_BwE But honestly, try on various CCM and Bauer skates and see what works. One thing though, these modern skates are gonna feel crazy more comfortable than what you've been used too!
  12. They seem to be basically the same design and construction but there seems to be some minor cosmetic differences on the stuff newly in stock on the major online retailers. Like I said, the liner colors seem different and the one Tackla leg diamond vs two seem to be the major differences between these "new" pants vs the same old ones on the Finish website. My guess is they're the same pants at the core with just some minor differences in looks to "freshen" it up a bit. Still, nice to seem them being offered again on the big online stores. The pants may not have the latest and greatest materials and marketing tech...but they're still durable tanks and I'm just a fan of that euro fit.
  13. I may just be late to the game in realizing this but has someone new started making and selling Tackla hockey pants in North America? I just received a pair of 1051 pants direct from the Tackla webstore in Finland (clearance priced and shipping ended up equaling the sale price of the pants) but on a lark was googling Tackla pants and saw that Ice Warehouse, Hockey Monkey, and even Hockey Tron are now selling Tackla pants again. They use the same model names...1051, 951, 9000 etc...and seem to be mostly the same construction as the old models that have been around forever but with a few differences in construction such as the design of the kidney guards or the color of the liner. They all also seem to have only one Tackla diamond on the left leg vs one on each leg like they've done for years (with a few exceptions). Oddly enough, the finish Tackla website makes no mention of these new looking pants and only have the same old models available that have been around for at least a decade. Is this something new from Montreal or some one else? And are they basically the same style pants we're all used to? Thanks!
  14. Any reason why the new 710 helmets are retailing for so much less than the Resistance helmets? Aren't the 710's an updated version of the Resistance?
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