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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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leftwinger37 last won the day on November 3 2016

leftwinger37 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

43 Good


  • Skates
    CCM Super Tacks, True TF9
  • Hockey Bag
    Warrior Pro
  • Shin Pads
    RBK/Jofa 7K Pro, RBK/Jofa 8K
  • Elbow Pads
    Warrior Projekt Pro, CCM Ultra Tacks Pro
  • Shoulder Pads
    Sherwood 5030, CCM Ultra Tacks
  • Pants
    CCM UCLP Pro, RBK 9K Girdle
  • Helmet
    CCM FL80
  • Gloves
    Warrior Alpha QX, CCM HG42 Pro
  • Stick
    CCM JetSpeed FT4, True A6.0

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Anything hockey (playing, watching, fantasy pools), music, movies, and the odd night out on the town.
  • Location
    "The Great Lakes State"
  • Gender

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  1. Just speculating as an FL80 user who has wondered the same thing, but I would say that is the case. Seems as though the design of the FL line moving forward (if it continues) will follow the trajectory of the FL> FL3DS> FL500.
  2. Just joined last week when they ran a 50% off promo. So far, so good. I'm finally able to enjoy Justin Bourne and Katie Strang's work again. I can only imagine the content will get better as the season gets going. As an Oilers fan, it's tough to get good coverage of the team, so that is what I'll be weighing the worth of my money on. I like the frequency and the quality of the Oilers articles I've read so far though. Long story short, if you can get it at a price you can live with, give it a whirl. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
  3. I'm still an active two-piece user, and True has the best combo on the market IMO with the A6.0. I've only used the short-hosel tapered blades and have not had these issues in over a year of use. The blades on my 1st gen XC9 and A6.0 OPS did wear rather quickly (sounds like this has been corrected with the 2nd gen from what I have read), but no complaints about the two-piece blade durability. I just hope they continue to offer the HCS/Lidstrom pattern. Currently, they're the only manufacturer that offers it retail. 😬
  4. This is certainly the case from where I sit. Graf skates seem to be the flip-phone of the hockey world. Different strokes for different folks I guess... I support your theory. I was in CCM Tacks pretty much my entire life except for 2007-2011 when I switched to a Graf G3. I was back in CCMs when the U+ CL came out.
  5. No Daoust 2015 line? What the hell!? Next thing you're going to tell me is that I'm not going to be able to find Ferland mitts or blades for my Lockjaw stick. Give the people what they want, hockey manufacturers: protective equipment wrapped in hard plastic! Sincerely, The 1990s
  6. The response to the U+ Crazy Light/RBZ has proven that light and mobile is what the people want. Military grade shoulder pads are overkill for most recreational players and no shoulder pad is guaranteed to prevent injury all-together. I think I understand what you're getting at, though. However, there are still options out there that are more protective than RBZs, but to justify high end price tags, the industry is selling performance or at least the illusion that "product x" will enhance your performance. It's the same as Jofa selling the illusion that their gear would enhance safety. The bottom line is that every player has different needs. There are plenty of ways to add protection if retail offerings are not meeting your needs.
  7. Keep the change ya filthy animal

  8. @louierev07- I haven't gotten a chance to use them yet, so I can't speak to their performance, but they seem to be solid. I can confidently say you can't beat them for the price. 76mm maximum wheel size, FYI.
  9. Nothing special. Got a pair of Reebok White Ks last year and they fit well, but I just prefer a stiffer boot. I didn't have any luck selling them since their retail price has plummented to like $129. I didn't want to take a huge loss on a pair of skates that were worn less than 10 times and I didn't want them laying around, so I bought a $15 Koho chassis set on Ebay and did this: BEFORE: AFTER:
  10. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... I have been stocking up on twigs this holiday season. This is my haul from the last couple of weeks: Easton Stealth RS II - Mark Streit pro pattern Warrior Widow - Vanek pattern Reebok AI9 - Rostislav Olesz pro pattern Reebok 20K pro tapered shaft
  11. Great Skate/Hockey Empire has the Warrior Dynasty AX1 protective line in stock, but only has the elbows in Sr. Small and Medium.
  12. Got my customs from Eleven Hockey
  13. Just finalized my set-up Helmet: CCM V08 Visor: Oakley Pro Straight Small Skates: CCM U+ CL Gloves: Warrior Pro Bully Pants: RBK 9K Girdle w/ Warrior Syko Shell Elbows: Warrior Projekt Shins: RBK/Jofa 8K Shoulder: CCM U+ Fit 09 Sticks: (2) Easton RS Pro Stock, CCM Vector U+ Pro, (2) Warrior AK27 Pro Stock
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