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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Hills

  1. BGP2B isn't a Flylite and is a different taper. Totally different stick, BGP2B was way better than the Flylite If you like the Flylite, look at the Hyperlites or Ag5nt builds.
  2. It works for the shoulder, shins, elbows, and gloves. Especially compared to the Tacks line.
  3. I'd pay the $11 more for the FT5 Pro. Sherwood is a solid stick, but I keep going back to the FT5 Pro for better shooting and feeling a bit lighter.
  4. I haven't seen the FT4 Pro, but I have the FT6 Pro so... maybe it is a close comparison? Besides the lighter weight on the FT6 Pro, I really see no reason to wear them compared to my HP UCLP and HP45. The retail ones are lacking padding in a few spots compared to the pro stock pants and the weight savings isn't significant enough to me.
  5. The custom is the most comfortable helmet by far that I have ever worn. It just fits your head perfectly and is better fitting than the custom goalie helmets I have as well. With the custom, there is 0 pressure points or pieces of liner that you can feel just doesn't sit perfectly. Going from retail to custom was a similar if not more of a jump in comfort going from a standard helmet to the SuperTacks X retail.
  6. I added Poron to the inside of the knee and that solved all of my issues. I agree with @xstartxtodayx in that the retail liners weren't thick enough for proper protection. Are you having issues with pucks or with falling? Mine where both, but a shot on the inside of the knee that really hurt made me do this the next day. Didn't have issues ith the outside of the knee though.
  7. It does not help with shock absorption. At least at the bottom thin parts. They are bad for that unfortunately.
  8. https://valorhockey.com/ Has anyone seen these yet? The pods look like tech we saw a while ago and yet it hit the 5 star rating. I know the thoughts on the V-Tech rating system but it is interesting that a new company managed to get the high score.
  9. I have lows and the mids. Their lows don't REALLY compared to a Trigger though in terms of release and shot. There is certainly a difference between their mid and low, but it isn't as big as the sticks that have a specific taper to help with it.
  10. It feels smaller in your hands and closer to an intermediate. I have a lot of problems using it because it is so small and can feel it moving around when trying to make plays so the stick is always ever so slightly off from where I want it to be.
  11. Generally yes you are getting better gloves if you go with pro stock options. Did you order DX or the QX gloves?
  12. I can't speak on the Yellow line, because I have a different curve and I just can't shoot with it. But Model E, G63, and Red Line shoot and pass the same minus slight differences in puck feel.
  13. They are measured at the standard length
  14. Mine is a full custom but I did it as a mid and it is the same as the Red Line and Model E
  15. It depends on the carbon makeup of the stick for blade feel. I have red lines, yellow line, G63, Model E. G63 and Model E are more dampened and softer than the others. Red Line and Yellow Line are close to recent Jetspeed for pinginess and blade feel. Every stick I have has been on for flex (I have 7 of them). All of their sticks are flex tested... so it should be one of the best QC there is especially compared to off the shelf sticks.
  16. The flex on the third line feels the same as their other sticks. Haven't used it enough to say about how it holds up though.
  17. So... I don't have a AS4 Pro, but I have a AS3 Pro and the kick of those two were the same. ASV Pro has the same kick point as the AS3 Pro does, it feels different overall because of the new shaft shape and it feels a bit less whippy (could just be retail flex tolerances) but the kick point is the same and it is VERY easy to release. I know the kick point is the same spot, because I compared it with a Trigger, and the AS3 Pro. The Trigger you have to change you hand position to get off solid shots whereas it is the exact same hand position and motion to get the same shots on the AS3 and ASV. Edit: After using it for a while, the kick point still feels similar location but the V-Pro is harder to load and shoot. I am sorry for the wrong info I had on here.
  18. They took screenshots of a different social media account's weight of the Bauer Ag5nt. But the other account was weighing sticks that were taped up, then they showed how that stick was heavier than their stick was... but their stick wasn't taped. So they were being super misleading and then didn't like when I called them out on it.
  19. Yup... never said any of those things
  20. While I HATE to defend Verbero, especially with what they have been doing on socials recently... Cypress was the OLD Verbero and totally different company and sticks compared to the ones they are selling now. So you can't really compare the 2 unfortunately.
  21. When things don't work out for you and you basically call out people's fixes and solutions out as hacks even though they have helped a tonne of people on here. We will continue to call out your dumb comments. Just because you don't like True skates doesn't mean there aren't good and doesn't mean there is some mass conspiracy here. It is VERY clear you knew ahead of time they would work for you, but went ahead and then complain constantly once you got them.
  22. They have HSM x PRO in the images for the curves. I am not sure why you would think the 400g version was going to directly compete against the top end from the big companies at $360+.
  23. the HSM Blackouts aren't good, but the Prostockhockeystick ones HSM sells are good. Don't think you can get the Benn pro in that model though.
  24. I have had so many people question that the tips of the blades aren't sharp when I sharpen their skates... but then I have to explain how no, you aren't skating on the 8mms of space from the holder to your skate. The shops just bananad your steel and you will be fine.
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