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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Hills

  1. So is all of the major hockey influencer accounts but NHLPA doesn't go after them. Every single account that uses an NHLPHA member's likeness should be targeted in the same manner, but it isn't. Those accounts use the likeness of the members to grow themselves and sell merch or ad spots, this account probably got a member or a member's sponsor pissed off so they are going after them.
  2. Aren't the Alpha LX made to fit the Vapor hole in the Warrior glove lineup?
  3. Sticks are solid and the options are REALLY good. There is a review on YouTube that goes into it more that I can't link here. With that said, I don't think they are as good as the newest top end sticks though, just slightly behind Bauer and CCM. For me they compared to the Jetspeed stick and not the FT3 Pro, and 2N Pro and not the Geo.
  4. I have the same experience with my custom True player skates but somehow not my original version custom True goalie skates (which have way more use). After about 6 months of twice a week use my custom True player skates had 3 rivets loosen up to the point they needed to be replaced and 2 coppers needed to be replaced. I air my gear out religiously and remove the insoles immediately after every skate, I have never had a rivet ever rust until the True skates. I figured it was because of the plastic on the midsole but if it is happening on the TF9 as well... not sure what to say.
  5. Some massive "shims" on these Islanders players. @oldtrainerguy28 any idea about these? I thought you have been working with players with something like this.
  6. Honestly... it isn't THAT farfetched. The Australian hockey league were the first players to be using a bunch of unreleased gear a few years back.
  7. This is where True really needs to improve. They have said time and time again that their skates don't need it because the top is soft as is... but the edges themselves basically being seams makes them really uncomfortable. Rounding that off with a padded and softer material is such an easy change that would be a very welcome addition.
  8. The problem is if the CAT9 that these people saw are just the retail model like the TF9 than those changes haven't necessarily made it to the custom skates I have seen yet.
  9. Honestly, how much the shot-blocker affects the glove movement is different for each model. I had 0 issues on my SuperTacks but my HG55 were RIGID.
  10. I would say that Barber isn't one of the normal retail orders, so he would get stuff earlier than other people would. I would guess to push it a few months from when his appeared.
  11. True releases their skates in yearly intervals. Last year was the player boot, this year is the goalie boot. Next year will be the boot shown there. I don't know the actual date but I would look at when the first versions of the newest player boots started to show up online and take a guess off of that.
  12. Problem is who what team and player they used to show off the inclusive and non-misogynistic bullshit...
  13. Pro stock is always the better option. For CCM snug, look for the Jetspeed (not called FT1 at pro stock), HGQL. HG55 and the family (HG41) have been both super tight and super loose so I have no idea what to suggest for those. I would stay away from anything Tacks, both pairs I have in a size down from what I wear CCM retail fall off my hand basically instantly unless I pad the backhand to keep them on. CCM's also fit half a size bigger than their retail counterparts. So 14" pro stock according to CCM is 14.5" in reality. I have found this to be pretty true with 95% of the CCM pro stocks I have. Honestly if you are willing to look at Supreme I'd recommend those at it is a way easier transition from retail to pro stock with a more consistent fit.
  14. This is the easiest way: 6000 5000 6000 is basically the old RBK/Reebok ones and the 5000 is a cheaper version.
  15. Perfect thank you, I always pull the top 2 out anyways for ease of on and off and have to with the stock laces. Appreciate the help.
  16. So... I haven't ever been able to get a proper size... does anyone know what an 8 custom True lacing sizes are? Trying to buy aftermarket and I have always either totally overshot the size or completely undershot it...
  17. There is a LOT to unpack here. Choosing a player on the Blackhawks and Kane himself as someone to introduce a logo that is supposed to promote inclusivity and diversity is definitely a choice. I want to know how many "not important" people sat in the meetings discussing this and offering warnings but the higher ups always just push forward. Anyone who has worked in the corporate world knows exactly the meetings I am talking about.
  18. They work for hockey? I have found usually the specialty laces are more shoe designed than skates.
  19. For sure, I just wanted to be super clear that I wasn't comparing the Tacks and the Jetspeed.
  20. I unfortunately never got to check out the Tacks one so I don't know what the differences really are.
  21. This is super useful information! Thank you 🙂
  22. Performance is solid, but I haven't heard good things about blade durability. For the current price though I find it hard to pass up.
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