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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Stewie

  1. big bummer. Fellow Wayne State Alum, amongst other things we have in common.
  2. the only positional player for the wings i remember wearing 34 is jamie macoun, that was years ago though
  3. by the time i got up there all the jerseys were gone, they were gone about 30 mins into the sale but unfortunately i couldnt get there until 2, although i was more interested in the books (5 and 9 were both 5 ea, sold originally for much more) and the 2008 cup run photo book for a buck. biggest score were the pavel datsyuk masks for 1 ea. oh and i got me a shirt and my lady like 3 shirts all 5 bux each. check out line was horrendous mrazek wears 34 now i think, maybe its a training camp jersey or something?
  4. to me, i had the opposite feeling. Both pair of warriors I have had, the Projekt and ax2 shins, I had some slippage during play, even when tightened all the way. I feel like the light weight of the RBZ makes it so they move a lot less, and i can get an almost anchor like grip on them, to my leg. I still have and like my projekts, but will probably sell them and eventually get a second RBZ pair for my drop in kit, maybe a line or two below top end.
  5. It existed but I think was swallowed in the great void
  6. i agree. the lycra straps are definitely better. everything else in your post makes sense from my experiences as well. I just was really hesitant buying the CL shins, and when i did, I wasnt very impressed in fact, the opposite. My RBZ experience has been fully the opposite, love from first try, so much so that I will likely buy another pair in a few months after i test out their durability.
  7. i guess our mileage is varying. The RBZ shins are the first pads I have worn on my shins that havent moved at all during the course of the game. to me, they had better forward flex when standing straight up at the cap point, and just overall felt a lot more comfortable, especially at the knee cap, but also the way down. Another huge improvement for me is the way they did the top of the pad. My CL shins were catching my CL pants on the top tab rather frequently, this isnt happening on my RBZs due to the shape and the nature of the way its constructed. Outside of my APX pro gloves, this might have been the most impressed I have been with a piece of equipment (non stick) based solely on initial impressions. next week i will head back up to total to check out the shoulders.
  8. so I was in my local Total Hockey, looking mainly at sticks, and the RBZ shin guards caught my eye. I had previously written them off since I wasnt a huge fan of the CL shins when i tried them. I put these on in store, and instantly decided to purchase them they felt so nice. I dont do this very often, usually i think more about purchases over 100 on gear, but after one game, I can say it was a great purchase. They dont seem to breathe quite as well as the CL did, so it ran a little hotter, but the comfort was great and they are super light. I might find myself getting a second pair and selling off my projekts. as far as the shoulders go, I didnt have time to try those on as the store was closing, but i tried on a lower line and was impressed.
  9. How much for the landeskog
  10. for those who have received them, it appears in the catalogue that the geometry of the Surgeon shaft is similar to the ek15 and is concave. Is this true?
  11. liking the look of this stick. Would love to feel one, wonder if any local stores will pick it up.
  12. didn't go with a hatchback???
  13. also if you got them powerball numbers for tonight that would be helpful as well =)
  14. Gettin Dem fantasy points! was excited to see I had so many after day one of my fantasy matchup this week.
  15. wow thats awesome! hard to make?
  16. if your familiar with the APX glove fit, are they pretty similar?
  17. Jealous! have those been released already?
  18. I liked the Pro glove too, but for some reason I preffered the standard glove better, then again, i didnt have a stick in hand.
  19. both the APX2 gloves and shoulders are Very impressive. Bauer really is trying to get my next shoulder purchase, As I had been set on the CL shoulders but Winterfest may have changed that. They feel impressively light and well protected. The gloves I was already sold on the current version, but the lastest one solidified that even further.
  20. I share JR's opinion of the Gloves, they felt really nice at WF
  21. How much do the compuware and hb gloves and pants go for? You can inbox me if you'd like
  22. He's been one of my top players for me all season. I definitely think going into the year he kept my fantasy team in mind, and has used it as extra motivation.
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