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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Stewie

  1. I do not believe the EK60 has changed. The update was the EK60 instead of the EK15, hence his noting of the addition of graphene. The EK60 was released September 2015 so it was not on the 2015 catalogue.
  2. You're going to miss out on like 30 cents of bank interest.
  3. They have had other delays too. Either way it should be a sweet car for you and the bright side will be you have a 2019 vs 2018 model
  4. It's a tesla, late 2017 means late 2018 if your lucky
  5. wont work for me, i use my shins for roller as well as ice, so id prefer not to have to put them into a sleeve of sorts. whats the point of vent armor on your pads if your just going to cover it with a sleeve anyways. my disapointment is based on the fact that these shin guards worked so well that it made tape and any sleeve unnecessary. No movement, game long, without the necessity to reverse engineer something as they had worked perfect for me to begin with.
  6. i would hope they would still help you out regardless if its unopened.
  7. Line looks good. Kinda bummed they are going with a different strapping system with the shins, will see if I like them. Pants look to me like the most likely I would buy.
  8. It helps a little bit, but I think the biggest draw for them has been word of mouth, product performance, and value to be honest. Most people that I have talked with about their sticks have been completely clueless as to their heritage. They will pick one up in store and say "wow this feels great for the price", or ask to use my 6.0 for a bit on ice etc. I just picked one up to try in roller hockey (hoping to find a stick line that I like for both roller and ice) and off the bat some of the guys were impressed with the sticks feel and balance. When I told them I found it on sale for 70$ they were blown away (it's a 4.5).
  9. Tried on the gloves at WF and the palms were neat. The glove didn't fit me well so it was hard to tell how much I'd like them overall, but the concept is definitely good. Will wait till I can try on some properly fitting gloves to give a fuller opinion.
  10. Another issue is that most parents aren't going to want to buy skates for their kid after their initial reaction to trying them on is "these are very tight" on a foot that is still growing.
  11. went on a job interview a few months ago. Was asked why I was in the market, since I already worked for a good company, and said that my rotating shift hours made it difficult to take classes towards my masters, see my friends and family, and play hockey. "you play hockey?" come to find out, I've skated against the guy 4 or 5 times. at this point, the interview goes one of two ways. luckily for me, the puck bounced into the net on this one.
  12. probably at this point would deserve its own thread.
  13. if that is their current plan they would be doing a bad job of it, considering they are about to release a new second skate line,
  14. Really excited about the EK60 release, but cannot find any information about what curves it will be available in, other than retailers stocking the 88, 26, and 28 to preorder. two questions arise from this. 1. will other patterns be released? 2. will it be like the EK15 where we see the patterns released in blocks? mainly interested in the 09
  15. Personally I don't care if your post on here or not, that's up to you and wether you get something out of the venting or not. You are on topic, I'm just saying you need to understand that chippa is always going to be chippa, etc, and you will get some negative feedback on things. You will get sarcasm a lot from me because I Am sarcastic, but it doesn't mean I think any less or more of anyone. This isn't a support group, so vent away, and if the chirping bothers you, just ignore it man. Maybe it really bothers or is important to you, that's fine, everyone is different. Understand the audience, you're more likely to get supportive comments by % in a group of friends than you are guys in the locker room, even if they may be friends. And like Dave said, yes it is kind of stupid that it's not a standard feature in a luxury auto, considering that I could have opted for it in my car, but I'm a cheap ass and just want reliability and safety in a car so I don't personally find it an important feature. Oh and if you want to point out any small stupid stuff I vent about, do so, and I will agree.
  16. I think your misunderstanding the audience here. Yes it's a venting thread, but your venting very often to a group of hockey players. Chirping is in our nature, we all do it to each other when together and apart. As residents of countries primarily in the first world, most of us don't see venting about piddly shit as something you need to do fairly often. If you are searching for sympathy with your vents, perhaps a better outlet would be livejournal, Facebook, or some other form of social media rather than complaining to a bunch of hockey players.
  17. Having steering wheel radio control was an option for me when I bought my Subaru in 08, but moving my fingers the three inches over to the control on the radio wasn't difficult
  18. I did! they have one in Stowe in September, might see if any of the teams need a skater =)
  19. Is that Hockey fights MS tournament annual? My parents live about an hour away from Burlington, and I would like to try to see if any of the teams need guys next year to skate in honor of my uncle who recently passed away from MS.
  20. that all depends on your own preferences and budget. you can get the max on clearance fairly cheap (got mine for 240 after discount code some months ago), and that was low enough for me to say, even though i have the Teams, i can get these (and thus setting up an indoor and outdoor pair). at the time, 650 would have been too much for me, simply because i was just re-starting roller and wasnt exactly sure if it would be a fad or something id continue with. I am going to probably keep playing inline once or twice a week, so its adequate for those needs, maybe when the + gets cleared out id spring for those and sell the max. I dont have experience with the max+ but the purlyn quarter is more heat moldable, and more durable supposedly, and the liner better at wicking moisture.
  21. biggest ones are the quarter material and liners
  22. at least its not winterfest and you wont have to eat at Tonys, the good thing about new York is the food is so expensive you wont be able to overeat without getting a small loan.
  23. congrats Jukka, unfortunately its almost time for you to gain the SJ 10 back though.
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