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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Holmes_D_83 last won the day on November 25 2016

Holmes_D_83 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

27 Good

About Holmes_D_83

  • Birthday 12/05/1983


  • Skates
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 19k pro
  • Elbow Pads
    Reebok 20k pro long
  • Shoulder Pads
    Reebok 6k pro
  • Pants
    Reebok MHP1053, Reebok MHP7000
  • Helmet
    Jofa 690, Reebok 11k VN
  • Gloves
    Reebok 4 roll pro stock with shot blocker, Warrior Franchise Pro Stocks
  • Stick
    Sherwood T120

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Mile 40, Saskatchewan (via Northern Ireland)
  • Gender

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  1. I got a job via an agency, told to turn up 0700 Monday morning. I turn up 0635, no-one there knew I was coming. I get sent to the canteen, I sat until 0800, no one came to see me. So I got up and left. The agency calls me, I tell them what happened, get told to go back. So, I go back out, around 0930. Yet again I'm left standing like a spare prick. Eventually around 1100 the boss comes to see me and shows me to my machine. I work the whole day until 1900, get told to come back on Tuesday. Show up on Tuesday, all is ok. This morning, the agency calls, how did i get on etc. "So you're in again on nightshift tonight". Er, no, no one told me. I haven't gotten a chance to get rest. Told them I couldn't do it, I needed more notice than a few hours. Am I being unreasonable?
  2. That's great to hear! Now if they could cure mine I'd be forever grateful
  3. I'm in Northern Ireland, we use a different scale to the USA. Those results are in mmol/mol. Our normal blood glucose tests are done in mmol/litre, and those numbers would translate to 20.6 and 6.2 roughly. I believe you multiply by 18 to get it in US units. I'm a type 1 on insulin.
  4. Had my endocrinologist appointment today. My HbA1C has gone from 137 last August, to 37 today! So happy!
  5. My parents have totally knifed me in the back. Thank F**k I'm leaving this country.
  6. So a little update from my post in the Venting Spot here. My visa came through! Canada, I'm coming for ya! If you see a slightly lost looking confused ginger Irishman with a beard and very few teeth, say hi!
  7. I'm so sorry for your losses Chadd. Thank you for your kind words, I hope you had a good Christmas.
  8. Last week an old school friend died. 31, by herself. Tuesday this week, I was repairing a punctured tyre at work when my mum rang to tell me my granny had just died. Then Thursday, after we had buried my granny, my friend Colin died. If life is trying to test my resolve, I'd really like it to stop. Anyway, I hope you all have a merry Christmas. Hug your friends and family, tell them you love them. Be kind.
  9. If you can get them, Reebok 19k Pro stock shins are total tanks. I've taken slappers off them and yes I felt the impact, but no pain.
  10. Jofa 390, 690, and I have an 11k VN pro stock that fits me perfectly, YMMV.
  11. Funnily I did it for a few years when I left the army and was struggling. My boss always joked that i would be back, 10 years later here we are haha!
  12. So some of you may remember my post in the venting spot here. Well I've managed to get myself a job fitting tyres and I start on Monday. It's not the best paying job in the world but it's work and it'll give me a bit of purpose which is exactly what I need. Thanks to all you guys and girls who took the time to wish me well. You really helped me in my hour of need and if I can ever do the same for you, just give me a shout. Aaron.
  13. Ive been known to wear a Jofa 390 or 690 on occasion, one other guy on my team wears a red ccm x-ray but that's about it.
  14. Thanks, for the longest time it just seemed like it was one step forward and two steps back but I'm hoping this is things taking a turn for the better. I've been trying to get another job too, but all I know is law enforcement and custodial work
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