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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Siponarius

  1. I haven’t been active much lately with recovery from a broken knee, and lack of ice times. I was the same, blowing good money after bad on shoulders that didn’t fit right. Before I got hurt, stopped wearing my shoulders, a pair of older Supreme TotalOnes, and started wearing a padded shirt that I made. Which was fine, until some plug who I play with and can’t aim took a shot during warm ups and bounced it off my shoulder. I put my TOnes on, and remembered how bulky they were. I went back to the grind stone ,and saw an archived post here and then it dawned on me: I had always assumed removing the caps meant the whole piece, and never considered removing the hard shells from the foam. Fast forward, a couple hours of seam ripping, and getting some donor material from a pair of older X800 SMU shoulders (mostly for the Velcro and an extra foam pad), and here’s what I have. I restrung the shells with some 10lb test fishing line and glued some Velcro on the back side for when I need the hard shells, which is rarely. The black vapor foam is if I need extra padding without needing the shells. Otherwise, just rocking the TOne foam with the bicep guards.
  2. I’m a fat dude. 6’1” and I think my chest is 50. I wear an Edge 58+, or an Indo XXL.
  3. Depends on the manufacturer and the version of the jersey made by manufacturer. They aren’t exactly cookie cutter. I have a CCM 56 from 2003 that fits amazing, especially with shoulder pads, and fits the same as my current CCM Reebok Edge 3.0 58+ practice jerseys. The Edge 3.0 practice jerseys I have do not fit the same as the Edge 1.0 I have from 2007. In my opinion, the 1.0 fits similar to Addidas AdiZero.. very slim. The 56 I have from ‘03 doesn’t fit the same as the OHL CCM jersey I have, Despite being made by CCM. It’s a long winded explanation that the only sure fire way to figure it out is sadly to try it on.
  4. I ended up buyin a bunch of Harrow blades last year on SidelineSwap. Not sure if Harrow still produces them. Bought a few Left p93, and a few left p38
  5. I swore I read somewhere here they were eliminating the Nexus skate line and having a supreme wide version. Maybe I’m dreaming.
  6. Does anyone have any information on Bauer’s new wide skate offering (I assume is a Wide version of the Supreme)? Will the Supreme Wide be comparable or equal to the Nexus? Wondering if I should scramble to get another pair of Nexus before they are gone (8.5EE), or wait and see what they come out with.
  7. They featured this topic tonight during the Hawks/Flames game on HNIC, showing Calgary’s stick rack, which was bare. They mentioned the Calgary Equipment Manager had given strict instructions not to give away sticks, or get emotional and break them. They mentioned they’d given all of their player curve profiles to Warrior as a back up. I imagine this would be true for other teams as well.
  8. https://sidelineswap.com/shop/hockey/shin-guards/bauer/nexus-8000-3/l1513?shin-size[]=23321 ghe liners look like garbage, maybe one of the liners you have might fit the shell
  9. Ended up getting the Ritual x2 Pros. Pretty comfy. Those low end Vapors were like landing on plywood. My knee is still sore (from an old injury), but it’s manageable for how often I will play. Dropping weight will also help with how much I’m dropping down on my knees. Just need to figure out how to skate with the thigh rise overlap. Alls good from there.
  10. I couldn’t tell you at the moment. I ended up being sized at a Pro Hockey prior to picking them up. Like a dumb dumb, I ended up tightening the back skate strap too tight which didn’t help my pad rotate. I loosened it off tonight and no issues; my knee fell right into the landing gear. My only issue now is the knee pads I picked up are cheap garbage (Vapor x900) and need to get new ones, and I just have to get used to the extra +1” rise.
  11. So then chances are I legitimately picked up pads that are larger than I’m used to?
  12. They ended up arriving, and I went to open ice to try them out.. I couldn’t move in them, and when I dropped to the ice, felt like I pulled my hip. Going from a 34 Vaughn v3 7500, these CCMs are 34+1. I’m not sure if these things are too tall for me, or if the extra thigh rise is throwing me off. Or sure if I should return them or not. I did have the same mobility issue in the V3s before removing one of the knee blocks.
  13. I third the Supreme. I tried switching to a pair of CCM QuickLites, sure they are light and comfortable, but the Supremes definitely have the extra padding I’m looking for in the knee area.
  14. Just going to put it out there (since they’ve shipped), but CCM’s new 2019 middle entry hybrid pads, the EFlex 4.9 are regular priced $850 US on GoalieMonkey... for whatever reason, Sport Chek in Canada is selling them for $450 US. If anyone is looking for a steal on pads... just saying.
  15. Picked up a used Reactor 6000 (love me that HX Sorb!), and I like the way it fits, but the arms appear 1/2” - 3/4” too long. Is there something I can do to shorten them, or will mucking around with the elbow cap straps help shorten then? I see some older but similar looking “Pro” models have a strap to shorten them.
  16. Depending on the level you play, if you’re talking about your comfort, it’d be worth it. IThis might sound stupid, but if you’re only playing rec, and concerned about the cost, it might be cheaper getting two pair of lesser tier skates, like the 78k, and save the steel and runners of the opposite boots. Maybe even try to offload the spare boots on SLS.
  17. I know the boot last changed between 2012 (1000 Series) and 2014 (8000). I’m not sure if it changed again afterwards the 2016 (1N Series) and 2018 (2N Series). Does anyone know if they did? Reason why I ask is I have a pair of SMU N2900 which fit amazingly, and I had the opportunity to pick up a pair of 6000s in the same size, possibly for ODR use. Poking around the internets, they appear to be the same heritage/price point, but they don’t feel the same, and I’m not sure if they were built on the same last, or they just aren’t broken in. Anyone have any insight? Additionally, how much different do the N2900s and 2Ns fit? thanks in advance!
  18. I might have to look at the s190 then when they go on sale. In the mean time one of my friends have lent me an older pair of Bauer’s in XXL, so we will see how they fit
  19. Title says it all. I’m a bigger guy... 6’1”, 44” inch waist (maybe 43”), 270lbs (trying to drop that too) looking for advice on pants. Should be note there aren’t a lot in the way of shops within 3hours, and with winter coming, won’t be making any trips soon. I’m not trying to break the bank on gear either. I’m only slapping the pads on when the all else fails with our weekly pickup I wear an XL TotalOne player pant, comfortable enough, and figured the same would apply for goalie pants. Picked up a XL NXG on SidelineSwap ... did not fit well at all. Once I went back to look, Bauer lists it as 36”-40”waist. Other than Vaughn, it doesn’t seem like anyone else does XXL. Im curious about CCM. The list their XL at 38”-42”. Does their stuff fit a little bigger? I notice a few HGP12A up on SLS I’m not sure I want to roll the dice on unless I’m sure. EDIT: Going into the Wayback Machine, I see Reebok lists their Large at 44”-46”, and their XL at 48”-50”. Any truth to this? I see a few of them listed as well. Thanks in advance!
  20. https://www.marks.com/en/copper-sole-mens-extreme-4-pack-crew-sport-socks-276453.html#276453=BLKAST&276453=6-12 i find the copper sole helps keep the stank down.
  21. I have a fairly round head and use a ReAkt 75 and an IMS 7.0
  22. I used to wear APXs and switched to QLTs and find them to have less volume.
  23. I’m hoping with the name scheme, there may be a bit of a throw back to the T90, but I’m not holding my breath. It was one of my favorites.
  24. I’m also large, and the biggest pants I’ve seen to date are Bauer Nexus. I saw some Grafs in a store recently on clearance, and they looked massive. I might try them on for fun next time I’m there to gauge it.
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