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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NiCnoK last won the day on October 12 2015

NiCnoK had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

61 Good

About NiCnoK

  • Birthday October 23


  • Skates
    Easton Mako 2
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 20K Pro
  • Elbow Pads
    Reebok 8K
  • Shoulder Pads
    Reebok 20k Pro
  • Pants
    Warrior QRL
  • Helmet
    CCM 3DS
  • Gloves
    Warrior QRL
  • Stick
    STX Surgeon RX2 LE

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Logo Design, Wed Coding, and of course Hockey
  • Location
    Ann Arbor, MI
  • Gender

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  1. I use their Surgeon line of sticks and have ordered from them in the last couple of months. Nothing about their website looks any different from when I last ordered. Loos like its been about a month since they posted on social. Not sure if that means the company is shutting down it's Ice Hockey division...
  2. I'm about the same age and I always tell people the opposite of growing older is way worse than just embracing it! That said, I'm all for seeing how this ended up. I have a couple pairs that I'd love to add some backhand padding back in.
  3. Thanks, in part, to all the great content in this thread (all 77 pages!) I went all in on the Sparx. While I was waiting for it to arrive, I build some gauges to help keep track of each steel's hours between sharpening. Sounds like perhaps I should just be touching them up between each skate, but I'm worried about blowing thru runners too fast. As I'm sure is obvious by the image, my skates are old and I'm sure there's a finite amount of Step Mako steel out there. Either way, thanks to both this thread and the Mako one for keeping my wheel game top-notch. I'd prolly be stuck in my so-so fitting pro return skates with high school kid sharpened edges without MSH.
  4. More of a "want to" than "have to" but, I used these for flop's sake. https://www.hockeyvancouver.ca/collections/skate-accessories/products/graf-g735-overload-hockey-skates-replacement-tongue-single?variant=12190196072517
  5. I am about to move from my apartment to an official grown-up house with a basement and everything. My current "hockey dojo" (pictured below) is a carpeted spare room, so I put down hockey tiles. In the new place, I'd like something more permanent, like an epoxy. Has anybody done anything like this in their basement or garage? I'm basically looking for the floor covering with the lowest glide coefficient and the highest ability to stand up to hockey sticks. Also, it'd be a big plus if it were white and looked something like ice.
  6. I applaud anyone willing to put their product up to the ridicule of minutia-obsessed gear geeks like us. I'm also impressed at the civility of both the OP and all subsequent contributors. I like how you answered each question, Blade guy, and will give your tool a try. Thanks!
  7. Good lord, man, this is truly something to think about. Thanks.
  8. Not like my Mako II's. When I pulled them out the box, I'll admit, I felt a bit disappointed. Thanks for the clarification, none the less. They are the same size, and exceedingly light. That might be why the didn't feel as high-end in my hand as the Mako II's. I'm not 100% sure about the material, but it feels like plastic to me. I'll prolly just re-list them on ebay. I've thought about keeping them around in case my current CXN holders end up failing, but I'm not going to sharpen and bake them. Especially now that it seems pretty certain that they'd be a step down from my II's or the M8's I have converted for inline.
  9. They just say Mako. The text, along with everything else, is much more red than orange. I had assumed it just appeared red in the auction pics, but it's nothing like the orange on my II's. I have yet to try them. They appear to be brand new, they certainly have never been sharpened. I have two pairs of II's and a pair of M8's I converted to inline, so I'll prolly hold off on using them myself. Especially if they're a lower-grade version of my II's. Thanks for all the other insight, fellas. I'm pretty intrigued by these, as well. Also, Thanks @JR Boucicaut for confirming they aren't the "Mako 3"
  10. Bought these skates off ebay, figured I'd know what they were once they arrived. Now I'm holding them in my hands and I'm just as stumped. Any of you guys know what these Mako's are? More images on my website.
  11. University of Michigan had theirs in April or May. Great prices and selection. The Wings had theirs a couple weeks back. Weak selection and collectors pricing. Last year, Sparty had one, but it was the whole Athletic Department and supposedly it doesn't happen every year. Real good prices and decent selection, tho. I also hear Western has a good sale, but I've never been.
  12. You're really not taking much material off the clip, so I wouldn't think it's in any danger of breaking. The clips feel strong enough to me, but I've never tried them without the trim. So I guess maybe I don't realize how much stronger it should feel. Doubt it tho.
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