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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by VegasHockey

  1. When you list the item you specify the details of the shipping, specifically size and weight of the package. SidelineSwap then chooses the best method of shipping for you when the person buys it. They remove you from the entire process in regards to shipping.
  2. I have the RX 3.1 and they are pretty awesome. I think there is a promo code floating around too for a discount. https://store.stx.com/surgeon-rx3-1-ice-hockey-elbow-pad
  3. If you make an offer and you know its low then that can annoy the sellers. Source: I have done more than 200+ seller transactions on SidelineSwap with a 100% satisfaction rating.
  4. I would look at the STX elbow pads. https://www.stx.com/hockey/gear/protective
  5. Been using the Warrior QRE girdle and love it but the shell doesn't fit as tailored as I would prefer. I was wondering if there are any third party shells that are more form-fitting or if I should just get the shell tailored.
  6. The 2X looks good, its the 2X Pro that has the yellow on them 😞
  7. The only issues I have ever seen with that holder is people overtighten the nut which pulls the front "tooth" out of the socket it fits into.
  8. I think they are polished, but not stainless.
  9. While I am a big fan of the AS1 skates they did not work well for me either. The boot was too stiff and tall. I also found that the built-in arch also caused me a lot of discomfort as well. The FT1/FT2 is a much better fit for my foot type and skating style. You might want to consider changing to the FT1 if you are going to do the 90-day satisfaction guarantee.
  10. As someone that has weighed every brand of steel and holder, I don't think the statement that macmoonie made is correct. When I tested the LS holder with STEP it was only a few grams lighter. The only significant weight saving over the TRUE/VH holder with STEP steel was with the LS Edge holders and LS2 steel or Byonic steel.
  11. Our stores in Seattle, WA sell a lot of them and everyone who has used them, myself included, finds the benefits of these are substantial, especially if you get them profiled. You really should try going to a flatter hollow, less than 3/4" once you get adjusted. Most of the people we sharpen that have Flare are on 1" - 1 1/2" ROH, the ones with a 1 1/2" ROH usually have a ZC though.
  12. You don't really skate on your toes or heel. Also, the primary benefit of Flare is not the width as most people think, its the actual flare of the steel which allows you to get over further on your edges. The width obviously does help with stability and glide, having a more flat hollow, but that's not the main focus of the benefit of the steel.
  13. You can actually use a prosharp level if you have one, measure it from the left side and right side. The amount it should be off on each side should be equal. If that doesn't make sense I can snap some pics later today.
  14. Well, since I own a few stores its more difficult for me to "scratch the itch" since part of owning stores requires me to have intimate knowledge of everything we carry and sell. I personally will not sell something without trying it first, which some might think is a bit "over the top" but with so many vendors and options I would prefer to give all of my customers the best bang for their buck. It also allows me to avoid selling them something which might fail prematurely due to poor design or manufacturing. That being said, the luster for acquiring new gear and changing gear constantly left me a couple years ago.
  15. Just remove the strap, shorten it, and reattach it. SHould take less than an hour.
  16. That would only be if you set the wheel to enage the toe or heel aggressively.
  17. As long as its a convection oven I don't think the heating source matters IMO.
  18. What exactly is "Megabix" or "USM"? Have a customer going full custom on Bauer skates and I have never seen this option previously. Previously I just selected "extra reinforcement" and didn't have these two specific options.
  19. NHL equipment managers interviewed by Sparx stated they reprofile approximately every 15 sharpenings. Though, if you get sharpened on a ProSharp or Sparx it will help maintain the profile.
  20. Standard shipping. Usually, 5 days unless they get slowed down when processing through customs.
  21. I would not alter anything until after you get the skates and try using them first. Its never good to make too many changes at once. After using them a few times you should be able to determine what works or possibly doesn't and use that to make a decision on what profile you might want to apply. We sell a lot of TRUE custom skates and some players end up liking the factory 10' profile and don't require adjustments. Some people only require a pitch adjustment, others like a single radius, 12' for example, while others end up with a triple or quad profile. I like to go and watch players skate, when possible, before making profile suggestions unless they know specifically where they feel an adjustment is needed and can convey it accurately.
  22. CCM uses 263 for 7D/EE and 7.5D/EE for retail and only change to 272 in size 8D/EE.
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