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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by VegasHockey

  1. Ha! I know the feeling. ;) Sometimes I do wish I could purge some of the useless information lingering around in my mind...
  2. You're right. I forgot about the Win 2 profile. I haven't seen that used in ages though.
  3. There is no such thing as a 10/11 combo radius.... Hence I assumed he was using a 10' or 11' single radius.
  4. Yeah, the scan is literally the most important thing. I would also highly recommend sending in the measurements as well for extra measure. Also, if you have something like a very high arch which can alter the skate length when using custom orthotics you will absolutely need to mention that as well. I have heard from a significant number of people recently who have such issues that their skates felt too long when they used the custom orthotics.
  5. There is a significant difference between those and a single radius like the ones you specified. I would recommend a Quad 1 or 2 if you want minimal changes to help ease the transition.
  6. I didn't order mine from that store specifically, but I have been to it when I was in town a couple months ago. It's a nice store but am not sure if the staff is trained on scanning for Pure. I think I remember seeing a True skate on display so I would assume they are a fit center. The good news is True will only accept a scan if it meets their requirements. If it does not they will require you to get scanned again until it meets their approval. Both Pure and True have had excellent customer service so I think you are in good hands as long as they know how to properly operate the scanner.
  7. Yeah. It's very likely, but such a random location. Good thing I wear cut resistant socks. Last thing I need to do is lose an achilles.
  8. Absolutely no clue. It might have been a small defect or tear that got worse when using the skates. Only other thing would be a skate blade cutting across the back of the tendon, which is scary....
  9. Update - 30+ hours clocked on the skates now. The first time using them they seemed nice but I didn’t perform well with them. I honestly struggled a bit with the weight and adjusting to the skates. As time progressed my body mechanics reset and the skates are now becoming more “dialed in” and are no longer holding me back. Every time I use them I find myself pushing the limits a little more. The biggest thing I noticed is you can walk up your ROH quite a bit with them. I usually skate on a ¾” ROH and am going to be changing to 1” ROH soon. I don’t notice the weight any longer and am starting to get the full benefits of the skates design which is excellent. I did have some concerns though..... For example, the tendon guard has a pretty nasty tear in it and the rear portions of the liners look like glue or some type of residue is rubbing off. One skate the ankle area looks like its tearing a little. I have OCD so I always air out my skates after they are used. In fact, I actually have a dryer at home that I use to keep my gear in tip-top shape. I am sure you can see some True gloves hanging in there. Too bad I don’t have any True pants in there too, hint hint, 😉 I hope the rear ankle area on the liner is not tearing and its just some glue or residue but running my fingers over it the feeling is like the fabric separated, rolled and pulling back. Video Update: https://youtu.be/xUxabqr59Ec Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/Jh25a Drying rack: https://photos.app.goo.gl/UfRBPVVwIpZEGfLA2 Update: True is sending out a replacement tendon guard and told me to keep an eye on the liner. If I notice the wear getting worse they said to mail them in and its an easy fix. They have seen issues before with the liner separating usually when people do not use a shoe horn when baking the skate. I use a shoe horn every time I put them on though since I struggle to get my feet in them, so that is not my specific issue. I have to admit, their customer service is pretty freaking awesome.
  10. I would leave it as is and try it out. Give it some time and if you cannot adjust then profile the steel as mentioned.
  11. Happy to report that skates felt absolutely fantastic tonight. I am still adjusting to the weight difference but the skates overall have amazing fit and feel. I also like how rigid the VH/Step holders are and am very glad I went with them and not LS Edge holders. I don't till need to make some slight adjustments to the pitch but I think I am very close to having them the way I want them. As others have said, it's strange having skate that fit and don't hurt. I am so used to my skates hurting that it's still weird to me that I am not uncomfortable from the time I strap them on to the time I take them off.
  12. I made a few changes to the skates and things seem better the last couple times on the ice. I kept the red insole and added Bauer SpeedPlates. I found this helped dramatically since I have very high arches. The stock footbeds didn't give me enough support. I also cut come some thick gripper blanket and placed it on the heel of the red insole to give a slight lift. On all of my previous skates, I have used a 3/16" lift so I felt a little flat even though I was told the boot and VH/Step holders are designed with a forward pitch. I then baked them again, for the third time. This time I used an elastic wrap bandage and ratchet clamps to really get the heel, ankles, and forefoot dialed in perfectly. Eliminating every single area of negative space. I also made an adjustment to the cuff so I could get my foot in the skates which previously was a struggle. So far, the first time with them I was not thrilled. The second time I found them to be good, but not better than my FT1 skates. The third time I found them to be equal to my FT1 with some minor nuances. This will be my fourth time on the ice with them and I hope I have them dialed in a bit now.
  13. I'll probably mess around with other colors too. I found a way to do it in a transparent black which gives it a black chrome look. Think I am gonna rock that for a bit.
  14. Yeah,I checked with true and they said depending on the skate size 40-50 grams per skate.
  15. Had my first couple of ice times with the new True skates. While the skates are incredibly comfortable one thing I did notice almost immediately is the weight when compared to my FT1 and Mako II skates. I am wondering if the added shot blocker protection contributes significant weight. I was shocked that my True skates weight 265 grams more than my Mako II skates. That's a significant weight difference. Both skates have Step steel on them.
  16. Thoughts on stealth black look vs silver True/VH wing?
  17. I thought I was the only person who did that too. haha
  18. Regular PowerFoot. I like my toe box to have zero space.
  19. You are correct. I was sent two sets of metatarsal tongues instead of a regular tongue and a metatarsal. They are sending me the standard tongues. Overall, I like them but find they do slightly inhibit forward flex. However, they are not broken in yet so I guess I will be able to make a final determination after a few more skates.
  20. I was considering ways to implement my PowerFoot with my new True skates and instead of using velcro and all of these others methods I read that others have done I figured to just attach them to the tongues. https://imgur.com/gallery/OmOOl
  21. I will also testify that Westside is pretty damn awesome
  22. Yeah, I am a fan of the idea of the LS Edge but also have been bit by steel popping out after blocking a shot and also the steel constantly clicking when I walk. I dont hear it on the ice. The VH/Step holders look legit though and are very similar in ways to the LS holder.
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