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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Let's start bringing roller back! Been on Marsblade R1's for the last 4-ish years. Have had this pair of anodized Kryptonium frames in my closet collecting dust for I don't know how long. Decided to finally throw them on a pair of skates. We'll see if I transition back to a standard frame or stick with the R1. Surfside Hockey did the conversion.
  2. Also strange their 2025 catalogue lists nothing new. No new Hzrdus, nothing about the new Cat line, and no new SVH
  3. Almost bought a pair myself and planned on painting the navy black and swapping the cuff roll to make them Hawks throwbacks. Love those gloves
  4. Got a pair of skates coming in for a roller conversion I’d like to bring in next weekend
  5. FYI - Marsblade will sell just the lowers. Don’t know if it’s on their site or you have to reach out directly, but I did this so I could quickly/easily between two wheel setups. The color option seems like a no brainer. Both of my sets have been anodized
  6. They're looking great IMO! Only comment would be that the lettering appears too glossy
  7. I did not. Baked them with the felt tongues as that’s been my go-to setup. Didn’t know if the 3D printed tongues even could be baked
  8. I feel like the current style felt t-guard true sells is thicker than the older version. I didn’t measure the two so it could be perception and not reality. 3D lattice structures can break in a bit with use, but every product breaks in differently. I’ll try to play a game of roller next weekend and test them out on the TF9
  9. Quick update on the 3D printed tongues as I've now had 4 sessions in them. I'm still on the fence about these tongues for the long run. The tweaks I made after the first use made them work much better. I still get a little bit of pressure around the ball of my foot by about the 3rd period of a game. Socks still get soaked. I do think they'll work better in my pair of TF9 since the toe box area is much larger and this will take up some of that space without putting pressure on my foot. Since the TF9 are for roller, I think the ventilation benefits will work better too. I did end up cutting off a few inches of the stock 9X4 tongue and tried them out for a few hours on the ODR. Shortening them to the height of the felt tongues made a tremendous impact in comfort for me. If I do decide to put the 3D printed tongues on my inline, I'm going to give the stock tongues another shot on my ice skates. Can't really tell on the photos, but I threw a stitch down at the end like they come from the factory to ensure nothing unravels. At some point I'll likely shave down some of the foam so it tapers a bit and then use a nicer cross stitch so it appears more finished and less DIY
  10. If you're referring to the spine protector, the FT6 line added a 'hinge' so that portion moved with your body and didn't stick straight up like he FT4 line. It's shown at the 3:15 mark on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExamE_ze_aM
  11. Welcome! Good luck with the restoration process. Guess the question comes down to if you want a faithful recreation or want to modify them to your own liking? Pics of Modano show him with black lettering https://www.gettyimages.in/detail/news-photo/mike-modano-of-the-minnesota-north-stars-skates-on-the-ice-news-photo/459182798
  12. I used the quicklites for years. Really liked them. At the time I was trying to find a pad that didn’t cause me to overheat and these were what I landed on. Eventually moved onto CLs which breathed better and since the interior is entirely zote foam it didn’t retain any sweat and stayed ‘cleaner’ longer. Tried FT4 Pros which I felt didn’t breathe at all. I’m currently using FT6 Pros which I really like. IMO they’re the true successor to the CL line. Really breathable with aer-tek and don’t hold any moisture since there’s not a liner
  13. I... uh... don't drink coffee 🤯
  14. No clue. Don’t have a scale that would weigh something this light and it honestly never crossed my mind
  15. Nope. I’d compare them to the retail Tacks X helmet (which I also have). The lattice structure conforms to pretty much any shape and allows a lot of air flow. Other than that… gimmicky because they can do it? TBD if I leave them on these skates or put them onto my TF9 inline skates. Probably makes more sense to have the tongues for roller for the breathability outdoors
  16. Thank you. I wear the same size as I do in Bauer/CCM. YMMV I didn't like the stock tongues because of how long they were compared to my felt tongues. If I positioned them where the t-guard should sit, they took up too much volume in the toebox. If I positioned them so the toe box was comfortable, they stuck up way too much at the top of the boot. I had considered cutting them down about 2", but haven't got around to it. I still prefer the felt tongues. The difference in length is quite obvious:
  17. I'm a sucker for 3D printed stuff and have a number of items made from 3D printers. When True leaked, then announced, their 3D printed tongues, I was intrigued. Unfortunately, the one time I got to see them in person at a Pure Hockey the velcro patch was already coming off and they were breaking down. And while there have been a bunch of photos posted online, there seemingly hasn't been any feedback, let alone long term feedback to see if they're any good. During holiday shopping for the family I broke down and decided to pick up a pair for myself. Took about 6 weeks to arrive, during which time I proceeded to dislocate my shoulder and get tennis elbow for the first time in the opposite arm so I've been taking time off to try and heal. Finally took the tongues out for a skate this weekend during Stick and Puck. First initial reaction was that they take up a lot of volume in the boot. I positioned them roughly where the felt t-guard tongues I typically use are, but when I laced up my skates I had almost zero extra lace slack to tie a knot. Stepped onto the ice and *whoooosh* I could immediately feel the cold air flow through the tongues. These are definitely not something I'd want to use on the ODR! Flexibility and comfort of the tongue itself felt great. Zero complaints. I don't suffer from lace bit to begin with and that stayed true with these so far as well. As the session went on, I noticed more pressure on the ball of my foot, likely caused by how much more volume was being taken up and how my laces were tied further smashing my foot into my insole. Got off the ice at the end of the session and my socks were SOAKED. I'm not sure if it was from sweat or ice shavings getting into the boot. Could be that the felt tongue usually absorbs more of the sweat? I'm not sure, but it was a surprise given how much ventilation I was feeling. After getting home I repositioned the tongue up a little higher which will hopefully eliminate the pressure on the ball of my foot. I also put on longer laces that should allow me to tie the lower part of the boot slightly looser while still giving me enough lace up top to tie up all the eyelets. Overall, first impressions were extremely positive even though I needed to make tweaks. I still wish I was able to find an FT6 Pro tongue to modify for True boots because that, to me, is the best tongue I've ever used. Either way, I'll try and remember to post feedback once the setup is dialed in as well as longer term feedback with how it holds up. Hope some of you find this helpful
  18. Poron to standard foams. 3-piece thumbs to 2-piece thumbs. Embroidered cuff rolls to I don’t even know what to call the plastic crap now. That’s just Bauer. CCM has reduced D3O, or the amount of D3O, they’re using. Palm and gusset materials seems to be getting flimsier. That said, I wouldn’t even bother with retail gloves nowadays. Plenty of pro stock options available with better builds and more options. While it’s a shame CPR and Hockey Menders closed for repalms/customization, ITR does great work and continues to improve with every pair
  19. Agreed although I’d go back one generation to the APX2 from Bauer and the QRL from Warrior. FT1 is the last ‘great’ glove IMO
  20. All the rinks I’ve played at require USA Hockey insurance. I used to think it was a stupid additional fee, but did take advantage of it about 6 years ago when I injured myself. So now it’s a small price to pay for peace of mind
  21. Wow. Interesting they’d replace the Cat line so quickly and before the Hzrdus line. New holders, new tornado design, back to a fully wrapped heel. Judging by the name, steel, and liner, I’d guess this is their mid-range option like the current 5x4
  22. Perhaps I should have said ‘screw’, ‘pin’, or whatever that piece is called. All the dials are plastic.
  23. What was incorrect about my statement? The larger dial at retail began with the FT6 Pro. Formerly it was available on pro stock holders. The 100k was released well before the FT6 Pro and any skates prior had the smaller dial
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