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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by pgeorgan

  1. If the machine is in a stationary environment like at a Pro Shop, it won't really need more than one adjustment. To be fair to Sparx, it is quite easy to operate. But of course, if the operator doesn't care about their job (and they likely don't), the end result might be disappointing.
  2. I think it's a great machine. Folks that don't already have a Gen 1/2 will love it. It's not an iphone, so don't expect massive leaps and bounds in R&D year after year. At the end of the day, it's a grinding stone passing over some steel. No need to overthink it. I like that Beam is backwards compatible. Hopefully in the future, they'll integrate it directly into the machine. IE, laser automates edge checking and adjustments. That's what I first thought when I read the release. Definitely would've purchased one had that been the case. Though, I don't know how useful it would be in a home setting. I don't check my edges often, because everytime I do, it just confirms that the machine is in fact accurate. App functionality makes perfect sense. No need for Sparx to write entirely custom software. They're not making the mistake that automakers did betting against Carplay. In the future, expect the machine to have no buttons and be driven entirely by a smartphone. Additionally, it allows them to begin to collect usage and performance metrics, which can then be parlayed into further improvemnts in successive generations. This might not appeal to users at first glance, but I think will ultimately bear fruit in years to come.
  3. Sounds like user error on the part of the person operating the Sparx.
  4. I bust out the impact wrench.
  5. Lmao. No doubt. But I'll give anything a chance!
  6. Haha ok. I figured it might be proprietary or something. Well they're being sold on Tydan's website, so. I was keen to maybe grab a pair but not sure I'd spend the money if it's just a black box.
  7. Do you have any info on Skatescribe's profiles? I can't find anything. "Atomic K-Cut", "Apex" and "Velvet" just to name a few...
  8. Pro shop at my rink has had these on the shelf for several weeks now.
  9. I have the non-polished standard steel. Literally used twice and then taken out of my steel rotation because I decided to go back to my old profile, but wasn't ready to grind over the one it came with, as I like to go back and forth for experimental purposes sometimes. Anyway, I went to fish them out today and found quite a bit of rust... The blade was even pitted at one point . Has anyone else experienced this? All the other sets of steel right next to this pair were fine... To be sure, my basement is very cool and dry.
  10. And you would be correct! Additionally, they're both now identical to the Ribcor line. Looks like they've moved away from putting eyelets directly into carbon fiber, thus joining literally every other skate maker. They also appear to have taken a page out of the Hyperlite tongue book. Seemless liner, flex tongue, etc..., all were on the Ribcor's. None of this is surprising, as I personally felt the Ribcor to be their best skate. Now you can get it in 3 different flexes and 3 different volumes, which is great for their bottom line. Ah. Yes, this confirms it lol.
  11. This is already a super lite and breathable shoulder pad. Better off getting the FT4 Pro if you can find it. I don't see the addition of some mesh as a reason to pay full price, but i realize that won't stop some people. With that in mind, I'm kinda jealous I already have the FT4 lineup and not these.
  12. Ya, I guess I could unstitch the plastic tab. However, I wasn't a huge fan of that asymmetric shape when I used CCM. I was hoping for a more traditional shape.
  13. While we're on the topic, anyone know if there are tongues out there resembling the Bauer double felt option? Preferably ones that can be purchased, or perhaps found on Sideline Swap? Thanks.
  14. Regarding what someone said on here, it appears Bauer does a 3D print. Took two seconds to confirm with YouTube. Bauer Skate Factory Tour CCM Skate Factory CCM Total Custom Plus CCM scanning bottom of foot I couldn't really find a True skate factory tour on YT that wasn't just Scott in his basement. Except for this True scan, which does not appear to scan bottom of foot. And their custom order landing page, which doesn't appear to be advertised to the public. If anyone else has anything to add, it would be great to compile it all and maybe pin it somewhere. This way, folks won't have to keep guessing what is the custom process for brand xyz, and OP can just decide for themself.
  15. I recently picked up a brand new pair off PSH after they had been flooded with a large stock of pro returns. Shoutout to PSH for replying to an email I sent regarding returning them as long as I hadn't baked/sharpened/skated on them. Once they agreed, I couldn't pass up the offer as they were only $519 + shipping/tax. They were a little long in the toe box, even though they were listed as my size and width. I moved the tongue all the way down and that helped to some extent. Oddly enough, they were the same length (visually) as my current skate of the same size. Sadly, they had to go back. Whomever got scanned for them had a very high instep and it was causing me serious pain just standing on my carpet for a few minutes. Though these are not custom to my feet, some YT comments seem to corroborate similar experiences. It also appears the customer had a serious Haglund's Deformity, though I couldn't really feel the difference on my foot/inside the boot. It was only apparent externally. Holder size was also one up from what Bauer and CCM run for the same size. Not sure if that's standard. No specs were provided with the listing. Regarding fit, I couldn't say which you should go for. In fact, nobody can, because everyone has a different foot. Having skated in both 100k and FT4 Pro, however, for my money, I think the FT6 is going to be the more responsive boot if one-piece is what you're after. On my feet and in my hands, the SVH Custom felt bulkier and heavier, as well as way stiffer than prior CCM and Bauer I've skated in.
  16. Lol really? My guess would've been "Total Blade Control" 😆
  17. There is a company called "Hockey Ninja" that makes some interesting options.
  18. They'll be offering the Ribcor boot in customs, as "TBC Flex Construction", per their 2023 catalogue. Not sure what "TBC" means. Any guesses?
  19. You probably could, but then you'd have to use plastic wrap as you've said in the past. I am (unlucky?) enough to have owned all three as well, and will be trying the FT6's if the 90-day thing is still an option when they're released. If True had some sort of guarantee with their customs, I'd genuinely like to try them. I am already to the point I am putting lace bite gel inserts into my Fit 1 Machs due to how much they've opened up. A smaller size is not going to fit.
  20. Interesting fact sheet. Thanks for that. I think we are in agreement that materials that go into high-end skates aren't going to deform much in a skate oven, whether that be Bauer or CCM. That's probably by design, and not a bad thing. As far as I can tell, the only way around that is to either: 1) use thinner sheets of carbon fiber 2) use more plastic 3) significantly up the baking temp I'm not a chemical engineer, but from my own experiences with the Ribcor and Jetspeed tier 1 skates, I didn't see a significant increase in pliability as compared to my Bauers that couldn't be attributed to the 220 degree vs 175 of the latter. Anecdotally, my own Ribcor's broke from an innocuous shot that wasn't hard enough to sideline me for more than a shift. EDIT: Wow I just went to look for the thread where I posted the broken skate, and it looks like all my posts are gone?? Including the links to the broken skate. Will post again. Broken Ribcor 1 Broken Ribcor 2 Here's my current "all activity" page. Here's the cached page with an additional 10 pages of content that has seemingly vanished.
  21. Indeed. The two are not mutually exclusive. Where is the evidence of this? I see this comment regularly on MSH but nobody offers anything beyond anecdotal observations, which no offense doesn't really hold much water.
  22. "Curv" is just a branding used to delineate successive skate models. It does not mean that Bauer hasn't changed their proprietary tech in the last 10 or more years. It's no different than when CCM says "rocket frame" or when True says whatever True says. Folks really out themselves when they claim Bauer have been just sitting around with thumbs in butt the last decade.
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