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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. Well...if I become GM I will need someone to replace me as Game Day Audio/Music Coordinator!
  2. I got a job in Pro Hockey. I'm now the Game Day Audio/Music Coordinator for the Hamilton Bulldogs! Foot in the door...it's a start! I know one of the first guys the team hired in 1996 as part of the game day staff went on to run the team for a couple years...so you never know!
  3. 7:15 flight from Toronto to Montreal today...connecting to Halifax at 9:30. Arrival in Halifax around 11:55. Well....I was up at 4:00 to get to the first flight...and I am still waiting for the second. Maintenance issues with the connecting plane meant they needed to find a new aircraft to finish the trip. Families/other connections and groups got placed first. I've wasn't called for standby on the 2p...will likely not get called for the 5p. Booked on the 6:55 to Halifax. Quite the day. I've checked in with my brother...he has lots of cold beer....GOOD...I'm gonna need 1 (or 6). Oh, by the way...Yes, Air Canada!. FML!
  4. Welcome back David (officially now)
  5. I know it's a little premature before he steps on the ice tomorrow but "Welcome back David"...hope you have a great first night...Crosby-esque even!. And, he returns on MSH Winterfest night too...how fitting.
  6. I've been rocking the real Mo' all month....need pics in gear though. I was told I looked like Carcillo early on...('stache wise)...its filled in rather nicely ...might have to keep it until after WF...hmmm...maybe not!
  7. I can't imagine those stayed stuck on long after you got on the ice though...
  8. I can't even get to the disappointment of a bad meeting LOL. For example: I sent a message to a woman who replied (which in and of itself is a miracle) we exchanged a bunch of messages/texts over the next couple days. I suggested we meet for a drink/coffee...she said yes...which seemed good. Even sent me a current pic. Cute girl. Then, the afternoon we were supposed to meet...she sent me a text that she had an issue with one of her kids...could we reschedule. I said sure...she still seemed open to the idea... We've chatted a bit since, but she hasn't returned any messages about rescheduling our 'date'...Maybe she was just looking for an out.
  9. It's healing nicely. Yesterday and today are the first days where it is really drying out and peeling.
  10. Got my $325 red light cam ticket knocked down to $180...one of the reasons I didn't feel bad about spending the money on the tattoo last night.
  11. Oh, and on the topic of healing....this was done by a different person than has done my others...He didn't bandage it at all. He said to keep a very thin layer of Vitamin A/D cream on it 24/7 and it would heal quickly.
  12. New ink....got it last night. Rob at 'Tattz & Company' in Hamilton.
  13. Good for you...one day at a time. Don't set unrealistic goals. And don't get too up on good days or down on bad days. Try to stay even keel....and try to surround yourself with good, supportive people.
  14. LOL...not planning on getting any more. LOL! A friend told me he got a Red LIght ticket a cvouple years ago around this time of year. He went in and said..."it's 2 pay cheques before Xmas....any chance of an extention" and they gave him 6 months....so if they won't lower it...I'll try that route.
  15. You'd think that if you get a ticket and one of the options is to go to the office and contest the ticket (re: submit for a lower fine) that when you arrive at the office, said ticket would exist in their file....no...I have to go back next week sometime!
  16. It turned yellow and I figured I COULD have slammed on the brakes...but also figured I'd roll thrugh no problem. There was not a car in sight. Guess I slam 'em on next time.
  17. Well...the ticket itself is 'only' $260. I can live with that. You break a law...you have to pay! It's the "victim fine surcharge and other fees" that scream cash grab to me!
  18. wrangler, I'm in Hamilton, Ontario. Those are the options laid out on the notice. The tickets/conviction carries no demerit points, so I can only assume (and hope) that my insurance will not be affected...and as far as the day off work...I've got lots of vacation time left...so I'd just book it as a half day off...so that is not an issue. I've got a message to a friend at work who's husband is a Cop...I'll see what he says. [EDIT]: Upon a quick Google search, and assuming nothing has changed in Ontario in the last 2 years...because these traffic cams only identify the vehicle and not the licence of the driver...it is not applied to the driving record and does not affect insurance! Phew!!!!
  19. So, after work today...I stopped in at a tattoo shop and booked an appointment for next week to get new ink. Get home and check the mail...That red light ticket, i hoped I dodged....yeah...I didn't! $325. Now I gotta re-think the tat! Crap!!! So options. 1. Plead Guilty...pay it. 2. Plead Not Guilt and go to trial (not an option...I'm dead to rights done on it) 3. Plead Guilty.... but ask for a reduced fine. Has anyone ever done this (successfully) and is this being the first offense on an 18 year clean record worth taking the half day off work?
  20. Battle of New Orleans by Johnny Horton? I can't believe another 30 something likes that song. I thought I was the only one! LOL
  21. Chadd: What a great song! Good version too. I also love "The Shape I'm In"...if you got any cool versions of that, pass 'em along!
  22. That would be an Albatross, no? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_golf
  23. I can't believe after watching that crash that there was only 1 fatality! Where there others injured...? if there were...obviously Dan's death got all the coverage...but I'd be surprised if no one else was hurt.
  24. Fingers crossed then....apparently they go across a persons desk first to determine if there really is an offence or not. Maybe I'll get lucky.
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