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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. My GF has been texting me from the Lady GaGa (no relation *L*) concert all night. Apparently the opening act went on just before 8, and played for half an hour. They've been waiting for GaGa since then. I just read on a Toronto Radio station facebook page that she finally went on at around 10:15. No confirmation from my GF yet. You make 18,000 people wait 2 hours...you better be singing live when you finally go on! Diva musicians, oh sorry - "performers"?!?!?!? WTF?!?!?!?
  2. I'm sure you knwo this, but Terry Pegula is the guy that just bought the Sabres...so, it would appear they are in good hands moving forward and should be a much better team in teh next few years.. Which, as a Habs fan...I guess makes THAT my vent *L*
  3. Wow!. I thought the AHL ASG was Tues/Wed, surprised they put their Skills Comp up against the NHL game.
  4. Saw Brad Paisley with Darius Rucker and Jerrod Neimann last night. Great show. Of course Rucker did a bunch of old Hootie songs, but he also did "Family Tradition" (Hank william Jr.) and "Purple Rain"! Very cool. Brad was exactly what you'd expect. I've seen him 3 times now (twice when he was the headliner) and he always puts on a good show.
  5. I wish I could be as fit as him when I hit 36 in a few years...let alone 96! Dude was a machine!
  6. The hit David took didn't look as hard as the hit Crosby took in the WC...then he got hit again 2 nights later in TB. I wonder if the thought/hope that he (Sid) will be back in a week is looking more and more pipedream? David has started slow if I recall...but had really been playing well leading up to his injury. Too bad. If done for the year is true...hopefully, he can come back strong and ready next year.
  7. So...we had our company Christmas party last night. We've made a tradition of having it in January because it's a lot easier to get a venue and have more people able to attend. Anyways...Boss says...if you have an iPod or MP3 player...bring it for a contest they're having. Turns out...he has an iPod Song Challenge. 2 people head to head...pick a song from your player...other person has to match you. Rest of the audience picks best song. There were also some showmanship elements taken into consideration... Can't recall all the songs I challenged...but: Pinball Wizard (The Who) Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy (Big & Rich) I'm On A Boat (Lonely Island) & Don't Stop Believin' (Journey) Won me Habs/Leafs tickets for April 9th at ACC!
  8. I really hope this is a real feel good story and not a lame PR stunt.
  9. DiMatteo: You're a Port Colborne kid right? Playing at the Teeder Kennedy Arena (East Side) I don't think it's called that anymore is it?
  10. Former Cowboys QB/MNF Announcer Don Meredith also died today. He was 72.
  11. MSH'ers in Toronto/Southern Ontario may not necesarily know his name, but they recognize the voice: "This is City TV - Everywhere" Mark Daily passed away today at age 57, after a batlle with Cancer. A friend of mine who does voice work at the same studio as him, said he has seen the scripts he voiced for these movie intros, they were always straight lines...no jokes. He ad libbed them all.
  12. Dupes: Whose skates/stick is that?
  13. Norm (from Cheers) said it best: "Woman, can't live with 'em...pass the beer nuts!" /would have been better with a YT vid. //couldn't find it. ///admittedly, didn't look very hard! ////end slashies.
  14. I thought Billingsley died late Monday night and Bosley died Monday morning. I guess not.
  15. Chad...that makes you realize how good some of the heavy thrash type bands really are. I know I never would havce thought Motorhaed couls strip down like that.
  16. You could get 2 MSH shirts for that. Just sayin'
  17. And just think, 5-10 years from now...there will be some kid with white skates, tongues out with 'sick' hands and a wicked shot....and people will be comparing him to his idol - David. That second goal was pretty slick. I'm pretty sure the annoucer called it a "brilliant" goal...but it kinda sounded like "Perronian" *L* He's an adjective too now!
  18. I don't know much about them...and this is probably the most mainstream thing I can say (real fans will hate this *L*) but...their version of "Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon" was awesome. Sounds like a good driving rock song radio should get on. Nice to hear old names from the 90's again. Now, all we need is Blues Traveller and Gin Blossoms to make a return to the charts. Oh, another band I don't know much about...but I saw them in the local paper yesterday. Coheed and Cambria (do I have that right) is doing a meet and greet at a Hamilton 'record store' in the very near future.
  19. Did you at least get a say in who some of the invitatiosn go to?
  20. My brother. Self taught guitar player. I actually thought there was a second player in the shadows until the closeup on his hands. Not sure if this is an original song. Sounds like it could be a Paul Simon song. From the AMP Festival in Nova Scoita in 2009.
  21. RDS wants him in Montreal so bad...along with most Montreal fans, I'd think. I know it's a case of "local boy done good" but they don't spotlight all young french players like they've higlighted DP in the last few years.
  22. I heard a great line about raising children. "You spend 2 years teaching your kids to walk and talk...and the next 16 telling them to sit down and shut up" *LOL*
  23. Then the purists and tightasses will want a * next to EVERY stat. MLB has been dead set against anything but wood for so long...that will be a tough sell I think.
  24. I never confirmed scheduling with one of the part timers at work...She can't work. Now I have to cover shifts on Sat & Sun. FML!
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