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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. At least as Dallas fans you have an expectation that 9-10 weeks from now it will be a noticeably different situation and the team will look better. As a Bills fan...I have no such guarantee or optimism.
  2. It was 30 degree © in my house last night...down to 26 and falling with all the breeze blowing through. Thanks "Earl"
  3. First, a minor "Sweet Spot". I lead my team in Playoff scoring *L* I scored the only goal in 4-0 and 4-1 losses to end a best of 3 series. :( Our regular goalie was AWOL for both games...so we had to grab fill ins. For our second game...we threw a Defenceman in net who hasn't played goal, other than 1 or 2 pickup games since Bantam...he was AWESOME! He made some great saves to keep us in it. But, in the end, youth won out and the team of kids gets to advance.
  4. Seeing that makes me even prouder of the dremel "custom" job I did with an old Oakley straight.
  5. Hardly unknown bands...but I was watching some early 90's Blues Traveller and Gin Blossoms today on youtube. So much better than a lot of what passes for music & singing (*cough* auto-tune *cough*) these days.
  6. Yes...That was a dumb thing to change in the first place.
  7. I saw that; it looks awesome. Now, get rid of Jar Jar, recast young Anakin and go back to Han killing Greedo without the first shot and all is forgiven.
  8. I'm no doctor...But I'd think taping would be beneficial if it was a sprain, or stability issue. You took a shot on the bone...so it's a pain issue, correct? Taping may offer a little more padding...but I doubt it will help much. I like the skate guards btw....where did you pick those up?
  9. LOL...That's funny. Windows doesn't just mean windows to anyone anymore.
  10. I left windows open today. Now it's raining. Thankfully, my TV is no where near the open window. But still - FML!
  11. Sure, but then EVERY MSHer that gets drafted in the First Round will want a banner! /sarcasm
  12. Add 2 more baseball games tonight, subbing on a buddy's team...and a practice with my other team tomorrow. So much for that day off to recover *L*
  13. Congrats David. Nice raise too. Guess we'll haver to wait a few more years to have a shot at seeing you in Montreal colors. Bon Chance!
  14. Pretty sweet week I have going: Sun: Golfed in the afternoon, hockey at night Mon: Hockey Tonight: Baseball then hockey WEd: I took it off...because there is a good chance I won't be able to get out of bed Wed AM. *L*
  15. A buddy of mine went in Toronto a few weeks back. He said they don't do many of the "classic" IM hits. I'd be pissed if I went to see them and they didn't do "Run to the Hills"
  16. I'd love to say I hate the way he can just 'buy' a winner every year...but as a buddy of mine pointed out (that I didn't know) when the Jays were great in the early 90's...they had the highest payrool in baseball...now it wasn't 200M (the times have changed)...but they 'bought' their winners as much as any other organization has.
  17. Golfing this afternoon with a buddy. First time I've swung a club in a LOOOOONG time. Playing a small 9 hole course in Hamilton. Could very well lead to a Venting Thread later *L* Stay tuned.
  18. When I was in Elementary School, I recall being on a school outing once that had walking as a group somewhere in town. A funeral procession was coming by and the teacher made us all stop and stand until it had passed us. I've never forgot that.
  19. As a follow up to: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/Index.php?/topic/49114-the-venting-spot/page__view__findpost__p__807841 I found a place in town with window units for $70. :) Hoping to pick one up tomorrow. Just in time for the worst of the heatwave to pass *L*
  20. My family always had AC....but none of the partments I had after I moved out did. I was in a basement apt for a while, so it's kinda hard to install a windown unit. When I bought the house, I thought "I've been without for so long...how bad can it get" :( Apparently this bad!
  21. It's down to a 'comfortable' 29 this morning :) I hope it's still hot like this when all you Yanks get up here in a few weeks. *L*
  22. It's 31 degrees in my house right now. :( I don't even think I should bother TRYING to sleep. No AC...just a shitty little fan. FML
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