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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. My GF and her sister went to Panama for a week...and I was supposed to go get them at the airport...but their flight in is Monday night...the same night as registration and the first game of the new league I am playing in for the first time... I told her I really couldn't miss it...and she understood...so they made arranged to have a friend pick them up. I got an e-mail from the guy who runs the team on Thursday...for some unknown reason...it looks like our first game has been moved to Tuesday night. He's confirming if it is an error...or indeed on Tuesday...in which case, they step off a plane and guess who is there to greet them. :) Sweet!
  2. Differing reports...I saw one that said he's resting comfortably, alert and in stable conditon....another said still critical.
  3. Remember when Toronto HAD the hot Finnish Goaltending Prospect....Tuuka Rask? Maybe trying to relive the past and get it right this time: http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=318903
  4. Anniversary of Waco was yesterday as well.
  5. Where do you live? There is a chain of stores in Ontario called Factory Direct. They sell mostly discount/overrun electronics...but my buddy just bought a Rawlings Renegade glove (12.5") for $25.00. I think I paid $50-60 for the same glove last season. http://factorydirect.ca/catalog/product_sp...hp?pcode=RG6901 Not sure how the shipping works...I've only ever bought in store from them.
  6. I guess that includes me for not saying something.
  7. Driving home from work just now...3 kids (12-14 maybe?) standing on the corner...as I roll through one of the little bastards throws something at my truck. There was traffic behind me so I couldn't stop dead and get out...but I continue the half block to my house. Get out, inspect the side...no real damage...It was plastic, I guess...but I can tell something hit it...(by the smudges in the dirt). I look back around the corner...the kids are still standing there. I think about yelling "Hey, which one of you little f**kers threw something at me...?" But, I had visions of some father thinking his little snowflake can do no wrong trying to pick a fight, or me being dragged away by the Cops for assault...so I just walked back. Where do punks get off with having no respect for anyone/anything around them.
  8. I thought we did pretty good the year they gave us $50 gift certificates to a butcher to go pick up steaks...but given the Retail on those bikes...your bonus was substanitally better than that. Good job!
  9. The only scenario left where Montreal loses the playoff spot is if the Rangers games goes into overtime (regardless of outcome)...and the Leafs win in regulation. Beating the Leafs is still the best way to go, IMO
  10. I just hope the Phlyers beat the Rags tonight to get thsi playoff spot over with. The thought of Leafs/Habs in a potential 'must win' scares me. Toronto gets up for Montreal like no other team I've EVER seen in any sport :(
  11. I thought you were a Farrell guy. Nice to get answers from the source rather than pure speculation. Congrats on your season. Things appear to be headed in the right direction in STL, with the young guns leading the way.
  12. Totally unrelated...but who is that quote in yoru sig attributed to? That's pretty funny.
  13. I think he meant a record for number of quoted photos in 1 post.
  14. As a guy who has always liked Price and thinks he has been blamed for way too much and can't catch a break at all...even I've gotta say, these last 2 games have to cement Halak as the #1. Barring injury or blowout, Carey is a spectator for the rest of the year.
  15. Kaberle has had enough...or has he? http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=316308
  16. The City of Hamilton and the Dogs just extended the lease for 3 more years a Copps. So, it's at least that long before they move. But yeah...that would suck. [EDIT]: Apparently, but unconfirmed, there is an out in the contract that allows for the Dogs to move or for the City to bring an NHL team in. We've all seen that the NHL team is unlikely...but moving seems more and more likely. The City only has themselves to blame if that arena sits empty for 40+ additional nights a year.
  17. Good thing the mic wasn't on at about 2 minutes to 10:00...LOTS of people who have heard me swearing *L*
  18. Due to a scheduling error (on my part), I am working in the studio for an AHL game until (most likely) 1:30am. I haven't had to do this for almost a year...it's coming back to me...but that intro was pretty rough. Hope my PD isn't listening.
  19. Travis Moen looks like hell...and kinda weird wearing a visor...but 3 days after 50 stitches in the face...he was back on the ice last night.
  20. Wow! :o Habs pretty much controlled that game. Miller kept Buffalo in it. 2-0 Habs. Just over 3 minutes left. Habs take a penalty. Buffalo pulls Miller. Score 6 on 4 (2-1). Okay...no worries. Less than 2 minutes left. Pull Miller again. Score 6 on 5. (2-2). Price really didn't have much chance on either goal..but really didn't look good in the SO. Sabres win 3-2. Wow...just wow! Single point moves Montreal into 6th (I think).
  21. I think Carey Price is trying to break Turco's record of most masks worn in a season. He's got a new one on tonight...which if my math is right makes 5 this season.
  22. RIP Robert Culp http://www.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBIZ/Movies/03/...ref=igoogle_cnn
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