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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. That's more an example of hustle than actual skilled goal scoring. His over the shoulder/behind the back bat in was a "better" goal! But either way...I don't recall making the NHL Top 10 last week for anything I scored...so good job DP_57. :lol:
  2. I don't know that they are considered a bust. They had/have a very good follwoing. Lots of people (not all Germans) swear by them. Myabe not a worldwide hit...but far from a bust. Unless of course you mean Thermablades, then yes - BUST!
  3. I meant to watch some of that...but forgot it was on. Who called the game? Did they use one of the main crews...or did they put together a secondary crew because it's the AHL.
  4. Cammy and Bergy back tomorrow v. Buffalo. :D Moen needed 50 sttiches to close a gash when Cullens skate caught him in the face after a collision last night. Yikes! http://canadiens.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=...vid=DL|MTL|home
  5. Goalie is to Philly as Quarterback is to Buffalo.
  6. Had Villanova winning in my bracket. 'Nuff said!
  7. I've got the mother of all ingrown hairs in my neck. I look like the god damn Elephant Man and it hurts like hell. Pretty sure it's infected. Damn my thick/course facial hair. FML
  8. Nice to see autographs that look like the name instead of just an incoherent scribble
  9. Taxes are done. Looks like I've got enough coming back to: Pay for my Summer Hockey League...and buy some new gear (Obviously!) Buy a new TV & Put a dent into some non-mortgage related debt Still have to file for my ECO Rrebates. Then the real fun begins! Thank you Government :) (Never thought I'd say that!)
  10. The last time I was in front of a goalie, playing D (which doesn't happen often)...I hear: "Mattie...don't stand there, I can't see..." I move a foot to the right so he could see the shooter...and the guy blew it right by him blocker side from mid faceoff circle. Goalies response as he fished it out of the net...?: "I shoulda left you there...it would have hit you in the nuts!"
  11. The rain has finally stopped. Sunny and double digits all week (apparently).
  12. #4? I used to do #2 on the sides...and #3 on top...but that just got annoying...so now it's #1 all over. Easy!
  13. I hope everyone can stay healthy until Cammy and Bergy get back. I'm still curious to see what this full lineup can do. Gionta/Gomez/Pouliot have sure looked good lately.
  14. So, the Habs stay close to SJ for 2 and a half periods...and probably should have won that game...then come out flying aginst another Western Power (LA). So, I'm in for a huge dissapointment tonight v. Anaheim aren't I? The Jeckyl and Hyde Habs... :(
  15. Good thing that all this talk is in a well 'vented' thread! wah-wah-wah-waaaah!
  16. This is kinda scary: http://thespec.com/News/Local/article/733358 Any Niagara area members know anyone who went there...pass this on (assuming they haven't already been notified).
  17. I've heard a shorter, audio version of the origin, history and potential uses of F**K...but it didn't sound anything like you.
  18. At one time....maybe this should be the "deaths of people you may have heard of" thread.
  19. Andrew Koenig ("Boner" from Growing Pains) commited suicide in Vancouver. He had been missing since Valentines wknd. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/nation...article1481696/
  20. I thought you bought 2 pairs...and that was 1 glove from each pair. Not sure I like that idea...Mind you, I wore "left handed" gloves (Mission 3 finger) for a while...so what the hell do I know :P
  21. It looks a lot sharper than it is...but yeah...I probably should
  22. I figured out which attachment to use on plastic. Turned out pretty good. I'd show you a pic of it mounted...but one of the backing nuts on my helemt is rusted so bad...I can't get the old visor off. westcoast: This isn't a lifelong ambition or anything to dremel a visor...LOL, I just got bored and had an extra visor I could mess around with.
  23. So, I have the rough cut done...it looks pretty good. Straight and clean (for the most part). I can't decide what the best tool is for cleaning up/smoothing the rough edges. I've got lots of grinding/polishing stone, but not many tools labelled for use on plastic.
  24. Look like Rochester Americans.
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