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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. I heard something about Grabo on TSN...but was in the other room...is he a healthy scratch tonight? Or was he sent to the Marlies? [EDIT]: n/m looks like he's been demoted to the 4th line...not the farm team.
  2. In that case I'd usually just say "oh good, you're open...just wanted to make sure. When do you close?"
  3. Just talked to my folks out East....my brother got engaged last night.
  4. Or, you could go with the more complex..."Some toys are really hard for Santa to make...so he has some elves that work undercover at stores to get him things he can't make in the toyshop" That's assuming they are young enough to keep the charade going a little longer!
  5. FTFY...Markov AND Kostitsyn look good right now. Markov and Bergy for a full season on the PP and I have no doubt they could be #1 in the League again.
  6. Makes you appreciate how far medicine has come when "...all they had to do was trim some meniscus..." There was a time when an injury like that would cripple a person. Heal up quicky.
  7. uh-oh I'd be willing to bet the abuse you've put on your body is not as extreme as hers.
  8. Normally, Yes...but if you've abused your body for half of those 32 years...nothing is surprising. Still sad.
  9. They said there were only about 7,000 fans there on account of the billzard...but, there were almost 3,000 Habs fans. 20 buses of people down from various places in Quebec. He sure didn't look like a guy who missed 34 games. I'm hoping this is the corner...and they've turned it. Get Gionta back in there now...
  10. Dude...that looks awesome....don't know if i could do the full coloring in one sitting though.
  11. Looks like a few Carey Price has given up lately. :(
  12. To: Bob Gainey From: Santa http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=302814 (an early Christmas gift!)
  13. Nice transtiton last night. During Warmup/pre game: Cheer the Habs wildly....some cheers for Lats...mostly boos. During the game: Boo Lats. End of the game: Boos the Habs off the ice. See what they did there? :(
  14. He's looked good since he's in Minny...Now, Minnesota is hardly a place where hockey goes unnoticed...but it can't be anything like Montreal. I was watching the Van/Ana game last night and since being dealt to Anaheim, Chipchura has said that he had a difficult time dealign with everything (expectations/media...etc) in Montreal. So, it's not just Quebecers that have issues.
  15. Odds on Latendresse putting up on a big performacne tonight in his return?
  16. What about John Stevens to coach in STL? Any chacne of that being a good fit?
  17. Great news...it will be nice to celebrate the holidays without test results and Dr's calls hanging over everything. All the best to you, your sister and family.
  18. Being tough on the kids is one thing. A coach can't let them run the show..he's still in charge and young players have to have/know therir place as do veterans. What is annoying about Murray..is not that he is tough on David (and others) as a young player...but he is a wildly talented player who is not being used effectively. I think if Daivd was 3 or 4 year more experienced in the League it wouldn't matter. Murray just doesn't know who to use his skill set properly. Age may have something to dowith it...but I think the bigger issue is Murray is a bad coach for this NHL. Who is the coach you speak of btw?
  19. Benoit Pouliot sent to Hamilton for conditioning. I may have to go on Sunday afterall.
  20. I can't imagine a coach/GM combo with Gainey and Martin's expereince forgot to do it. It's a big fine to be paid on a techincal (my theory) failure.
  21. The most expensive 3 minutes in League history? http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=301798
  22. FYI: http://oilers.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=430807 White was not an eligible dressed player. There are 4 levels of eligibility within an organization. The transaction for moving White from the AHL teo the NHL roster was reported. I got Press Releases from the Bulldogs and saw the Habs release on their site. I'm sure the failure to report it to the League was moe a techincal failure of a fax machine or e-mail account. Similar to the transaction error that voided a Trade Deadline deal a couple years ago for Boston.
  23. It happened to another team (last year, I think). I want to say Colorado....?? Anyone The NHL Rule FWIW: http://www.nhl.com/rules/rule15.html
  24. Even if you don't like it...(which is not all that likely)...you've read so much about it...you'll think you do *L*
  25. One of the guys on my team said he was watching a game the other night and they were talking about it. He told his wife that he had been skating on it for almost a year and she didn't believe him. Some a month or so ago asked me if I'd ever heard of it...I said..."Been skating on it since I went to Novi last year". Then I had to backtrack and explain what THAT meant!
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