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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. According to a couple Habs bloggers...Price gave Markov a big hug a the end of practice and looked upo to the PB laughing, and Markov is annoyed with the Media (again!) . [EDIT]: More legit than just bloggers now ---> http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=308005
  2. As I posted (re: speculated) on the Habs Board earlier today: To add...I hear the forecast in Montreal is snow... :( (If you know what I mean).
  3. QFT +1 ...not sure how else you say it in 'webspeak' but you are bang on.
  4. There is way more to this story than we (the public) will ever know for sure. Guaranteed.
  5. Honestly, I was expecting a comment about the "sweet spot"...but you went the, uh, safe way. Well played either way *L*
  6. Speaking of Max: http://canadiens.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=...vid=DL|MTL|home Probably exactly what he needs right now...go to Hamilton and play a top 6 role rather than being in Montreal getting 5-8 minutes per game. Just saw a new PR from the Bulldogs. Matt D'Agostini has been sent down as well...and Ben Maxwell has been called up. I think this helps both teams greatly. Guys like Max & Matt down fired up to play well...and do a good job, while Ben goes up (deservedly) and it allows Martin to shuffle some lines and not keep putting Max/Matt in positions that they were obviously not comforatble. Hopefully, both sides of the org. benefit from this move(s)
  7. Agreed. Still, Kovy with a C this year would've been amazing... I wouldn't want Kovy wearing the "C" in Montreal the way he is playing in Ottawa. He's streakier than I've ever seen Kovalev play.
  8. Benoit Pouliot has 11 goals since joining the Habs. He had 9 in parts of 3 seasons in Minny. People have been pretty critcal of BG this year (and last) but this was a fantastic move that has paid off for both teams.
  9. I think you meant Paccioretty, Perron was selected right after Max Pac wa selected by Montréal. So far, Perron >>>> Pac. DP is just in another league, MP is a career NHL 3rd liner. I don't know that is the case....Max has the potential to be a top 6 forward. He has some size...and could play a power forward type role. David has excelled and succeed very quickly. Not every player can step right into an NHL lineup and be a top player. Some need to develop more. I think coming from NCAA has made the jump a little harder for Max. He also got hurt last year...and had to finish the year watching in Hamilton instead of playing. Look at Latendresse....he was rushed in Montreal...and the pressure got to him. Now, in Minny...he's playing the way everyone thought he could. I'm not ready to give up on Max (yet)...but as of RIGHT NOW...David is definitely the better pick. Only time will tell...
  10. I wasn't aware of GL's personal "Code" before tonight. He won't fight anyone 'below' him...weightclass wise. I think that has left Gorges, Pouliot, Moen and some others in positions where they have felt they have to fight. If you are going to be the enforcer...you enforce. If all you do on the team is that role...you can't be selective. All comers or you don't have a job.
  11. Nice tip by "Perry". Not cut it out...you got your hometown goal...that's enough *L*
  12. The RDS pregame show tonight is all over comparing Max Pacioretty (22nd Pick in 2007) to David. Max - 25 points in 83 G David - 102 P in 191 G I don't speak French...but I have a feeling the comparison is not favorable *L*
  13. I have no problem witrh David getting the hattie...as long as the Habswin 4-3 :)
  14. Yeah...but you've got that shank hanging in your shop....not a fair comparison to how everyone else deals with line jumpers and pushy parents *L* I was waiting at the window for mine...woman comes up to the window: "are my sons skates done?" Guy behind the counter asks what skates they were. She doesn't know...looks around...points at a pair on the back counter. "Those ones". Guy goes..."they are next in line". She says "You said they be done in about half an hour...that was at XX time...it's XX now" about 5 mins +/- "They are next ma'am" ...She huffs, and looks at her watch. I wanted to smack her...and I don't even work there...I can only imagine dealing with that shit EVERY SINGLE DAY!
  15. He had a great play in the Toronto game, playing the point (on a PP I assume) the play broke out against him...and he played perfect D...took the puck away and turned it back up ice. Can't recall if they scored on the play...but it got a chance for sure.
  16. Metropolit. He didn't embarass himself playing out of his usualy role earlier in the year: Cammy/Pleky/Metro Pouliot/Gomer/Gio Pax/Max/Bergy D'Ags/Pyatt (or White)/Moen
  17. Gionta is back. Pouliot is playing well...Bergeron has filled in decently at F. May not be as bad as it could have been if this injury happened about 3 weeks ago.
  18. I don't necessarily have a rpblem with him being in the NHL so young...but being the #1 was too fast. They SHOULD have kept Huet for the remainder of that season...had him as #1....Price as the #2. Then...let Huet leave as an UFA (so they get nothing for him...big deal). Give price/Halak/Danis/Desjardins...however...the chance to win the spot in Camp the next year...rather than annointing Price in the role. I still don't doubt that he can be a superstar goalie...look how long it took MA Fleury to reach his potential after being rushed into the NHL. Although, a full year in hamilton could have won us back to back Calders...
  19. CBC reporting (between games on HNIC) that medical personel were called to the Pens Dressing Room (or Coaches Room, I can't recall how they said it) after the game tonight. Not a whole lot of details...and Bylsma had no comment on what happened. Anyone heard anything else?
  20. Shouldn't have gotten to OT...both the TV and Radio annoucners (Canadians mind you) said that Interference call was BS because he was pushed. But...it doesn't matter. Allan and the D had an off game...but came through when it mattered...now I can go drink! Happy New Year everyone!
  21. We should print, bind and sell copies this thread...then all the "unwritten" rules...would be written.
  22. Damnit...I'm stuck working the radio broadcast of the WJC and the computer in the studio does not have SilverLight installed...so I can't watch the tsn.ca stream.
  23. The best example for anyone who still isn't sure which is which is Womens hockey. There is no Body CHECKING allowed. But body CONTACT is.
  24. For our Death Pool...we defined it as a "...death that is newsworthy and the person is easily recognizeable to the majority of the people involved". We also determnined that you could not be in any way responsible for the person's death for it to qualify in the Pool *L* To answer your question....in this day and age...too many people are celebrated (hence the name celebrity) for doing not a whole hell of a lot. So, I think the lines have been blurred WAY too much.
  25. Grabo played really well tonight...was flying and puck hungry... he plays really well when hes pissed off. now the overall leaf effort tonight (with the exception of the last 5 minutes)...i believe the correct term is "facepalm" krapasarek...i dont know about this guy. i was surprised that he actually took a slap shot today and not a wrister from the point (which he did today as well) mitchell and stalberg should be back soon (as per the game update) i hope gunnarson comes back soon...that kid can play. FTFY
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