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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by flip12

  1. 11 hours ago, VegasHockey said:

    Maybe he will begin to deliver on the expectation that were set when he got drafted 20th overall 😉 

    A lot of first rounders don’t make it or don’t become stars if they do. I wonder what percentage of first round picks excel in the NHL. Those expectations are quite suspect IMO. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, krisdrum said:

    No.  I'm already cutting a significant chunk of shaft off to get my length (I'm short), so cutting the stick even more and replacing it with something that isn't involved in the flex doesn't sound all that appealing.  

    Gotcha. I wonder what the flex difference would be. How much does the top of the shaft flex?

  3. 27 minutes ago, krisdrum said:

    Ditto, although I am getting used to it.  Wouldn't really be my preference.  I come from a tennis background, so enjoy feeling a more distinct edge/bevel to know where the blade is.  If I was to drop the money on a custom stick from them, I'd be going for a shaft with a squarer profile.  

    Have you tried an extension with your tennis handle for your top hand?

  4. 9 hours ago, Yardelm said:

    Since Gep just did a new in stock drop, instead of doing custom might get direct… only thing is, all his 70 flex sticks are the super round shape…


    How round are these? Are they like the Vapor shafts or even smaller? I’ve heard a lot of people say the shafts feel small… I don’t mind the Vapor shafts but I do like a girthy stick to play with in my hands 😂

    It would be so much easier if we could just go to a LHS and check the sticks out! 

    I had the same question.

    On 10/2/2023 at 4:21 PM, flip12 said:

    Is there a definitive comparison for Pro's shaft shapes? I'm guessing Square is close to CCM's T shape, but what about the others? What are Rounded Square and Super Round close to?

    I have some teammates that want to order 70 flexes but I'm afraid they may not like the shaft shape.


    On 10/2/2023 at 9:28 PM, flip12 said:

    Nevermind. I found the answer here: https://prostockhockeysticks.com/pages/stick-school.

    Still getting used to the new site. There's a lot of information. It's just not well organized.

    Details buried on PRAUX’s own site (same link as above, section 5) combined with his explanation of th shaft shapes from his Bringing Easton Back video (around 3:15) indicate the Super Round is rounder than Vapor. Rounded Square is the Vapor shape according to the video. It’s not written that clearly on the website unfortunately.

  5. 7 hours ago, Yardelm said:

    Thank you so much. Saves me from being disappointed. Didn’t realise the p46 was an e4 mod! Really likes the curve of the p46 but going from p92 type curves the lie just seemed too low. FWIW lining up my p88 to my p46’s, they seem to have a much closer lie vs a p92. I’m definitely a higher lie guy.

    You're right, P88 is clearly mislabeled as a 6. Last I lined it up next to P92-Lie 5's, it was actually even lower than that.

    P46 is a very nice curve. It's an E4, with the toe gradually rockered up to make for more puck-ice-blade contact on toe-fling shots, then with a P92ish curve with a touch more toe. If you line up the P46 and E4 blade faces, it's easy to recognize the shape, just with the material around the toe shaved down a bit.

    P.S. Warrior Smyth (rumored to be Kovalchuk's legal pattern from the early 2000's) is similar: E4 with a more concentrated toe shave for puck-ice-blade contact on shots, and then that curve which resembles a Sher-Wood Coffey.

    Forever I was stuck on low lies, so I got to be really picky about these geometric subtleties. I've started to be able to handle a broader range, but haven't ventured as high as the P92 yet.

    • Thanks 1

  6. 9 hours ago, Yardelm said:

    Hi guys - looking at clicking submit order soon. Just can’t make my mind up on curves… definitely sticking to the Benn P90t, my personal favourite… maybe the new Tage Thompson too… I like trying curves way too much.

    But my main question is around the pro71 Malkin… anyone try that? I used to like the ccm p46 back in the day (aside from the low lie) but any insights into this curve coming from a p92? Does the p71 have a lower lie like the p88 despite both being labelled a lie 6…? Or is this basically an old warrior w71?

    I really liked the Laine curves but found I missed a lot of pucks under the heel due to the fairy aggressive rocker… I’m open to other suggestions from you guys in curves too, like the Nylander which also looks great

    I haven't tried the PRAUX Malkin yet, but I have a couple of Malkin Easton RS Dressed SE16s that look like the could be the same pattern or at least very close. The ones I have don't bear any resemblance to P88, they're very clearly modified E4's. The Ginos I have differ from E4 (PM9) with a little added material making the heel and toe a tiny bit squarer. The curve looks like PRAUX's version: deep toe pocket on a relatively straight blade with a neutral face from heel to mid. Looking at PRAUX's version, it looks so close to mine I just don't get where Geppetty gets P88 from. It's almost like he's afraid of mentioning PM9 unless it's painfully obvious (Crosby). Kovalchuk's another example of a E4 souped up.

    If you didn't like the lie of P46 (another E4 mod), I'd be wary of the Malkin.

  7. 31 minutes ago, Beflar said:

    Watched the Toronto highlights yesterday and it seemed everyone scoring goals had True skates on.  Kinda funny.


    Haven’t seen any highlights myself this year yet, but it wouldn’t surprise me. True’s share of elite skaters seems to grow every year. They had Bedard until HyperShite came out. If they manage to keep a figure of his stature, look out.

  8. 4 hours ago, Buzz_LightBeer said:



    Unique branding on this (russian i imagine) stick, though the font and blade look very much like STX

    That’s Danis Zaripov’s stick company заряд (Zaryad): electrical charge. A lot of their earlier sticks had an electrical theme in name and graphics. They're manufactured just outside of Kazan, where Zaripov played most of his career.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Cavs019 said:

    I am a lifetime Vapor guy who recently switched to fit 1 Machs and the eyelet mechanism differences are reason enough to choose one model vs the other. In my experience:

    - Traditional Mach eyelets: easier to tie, wrap around my foot better after baking, flex better. 
    - Vapor injected system: stiff, doesn’t wrap that well, shreds laces, feels weird and inhibits forward flex. 

    YMMV. You can dial in pitch differences et al with a good profile, lifts, etc. My prior Vapors were custom with traditional eyelets but I’m assuming you’re looking at off the rack here. I don’t feel MOAR POWER or LESS AGILE vs my old Vapors but the Machs certainly fit great which helps me maximize what I have as far as skating ability. I also will take an all black skate over the abominations that are the new Vapor designs any day of the week. 

    New Vapor designs have often been refreshes lately anyway: HyperShite: Mission Pure L7, X: Mission Fly Weight inverted, and so on.

  10. 43 minutes ago, start_today said:

    Hespeller had an offset blade. It didn’t have as many curves and joints, it just jotted “back” and inch so the puck and blade were behind the shaft. 

    It was like 20 years ahead of its time, considering modern shooting techniques that are all about getting your hands in front of the puck.

    The marketing of shooting that way is fairly recent. Shooting that way is not.

  11. 24 minutes ago, 218hockey said:

    I don't get this business. It's based on people wanting an oddball curve? And these aren't CCM or Bauer products?

    I sense a slant here 😛

    But seriously, the price is right even if you're only after a standard curve, especially living in Europe. I'm very happy with a 425g stick. If it's durable, that's plenty light.

    What really has me tempted isn't going away from P28 to one of his two dozen P28 variants (though I'd prefer that curve or S. Niedermayer's softened version of it on an E4 blade shape, but I'm not about to spring for a custom mold), it's that I can get a whole bunch of shaft options that aren't available off the shelf for less than what it costs for a second tier stick at an LHS in Denmark. Shaft shape, finish, texture, and flex might actually be more important to me than curve. If the balance is right, the curve pretty much falls in line for me.

    • Like 1

  12. On 6/25/2023 at 7:36 PM, birky said:

    Pro stock Warrior Alpha LX2 Pro, dressed as Covert QR5 Pro. Really like the black & white scheme here, and the [basketball?] grip is really nice. Curve looks to be somewhere in between a P88 and P46, possibly? Has more heel and a deeper pocket than the P88, and a tad more open throughout the blade, but not as deep as a W71 or P46 (from what I remember).





    Looks like a P46. What about the blade face?

  13. 9 minutes ago, Sniper9 said:

    How low tier are you talking about.


    9 hours ago, Jbear said:

    Top-tier sticks are made for players that don't have to buy sticks. Weight and performance are IT!  Durability is waaaay down the list of priorities. If durability is the primary concern...drop a level or two down from top models.  They'll weigh a bit more but last a whole lot longer. 


    4 hours ago, Sniper9 said:

    I actually don't agree.  Ops' are way more durable than the days of the Bauer vapor xx lite and Easton synergies…


  14. 16 hours ago, mojo122 said:

    Looks like True is marketing the HZRDUS skate for power and the Catalyst for agility.  Appears as if they are following Bauer and CCM.  If Bauer was worried about True they could just release an updated version of the Easton Mako.  If D'Cosi ever materializes it will be interesting to see how that affects True.

    But both HZRDUS and Catalyst are the same last, so the same fit, from what I’ve come across: two widths instead of three different last volumes for each size. Beyond that they point to their custom offerings.

  15. 59 minutes ago, stick9 said:

    How do know CCM and Bauer are reacting to True and not just following their intend development path? Usually reactions to competition is an obvious change to either the products themselves or how they go about marketing them. I see CCM and Bauer slowly building on what they've been doing over the past decade.

    In reality. True is reacting to CCM and Bauer hoping to gain market share. Multiple skate lines with multi fit options, propitiatory holders and steel and branching out into protective. That's exactly what Bauer and CCM have been doing and have done so since True entered the room.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a niche company/brand/product. In some cases allows you to better focus on your costumers wants rather than doing things that appeal to the masses.

    How do you know True is reacting to CCM and Bauer and not just following their own path?

    What fit options does True have?

    "There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a niche company/brand/product. In some cases allows you to better focus on your costumers wants rather than doing things that appeal to the masses." The only difference I see in your comparison is the niche market is smaller, so that's the market base sustaining the c/b/p, whereas the non-niche c/b/p has the masses as their market base--both are doing the same thing, just at a different scale.

  16. 6 hours ago, stick9 said:

    When you compare total sales to Bauer or CCM, it's a niche skate. Some would argue CCM is a niche skate when compared to Bauer.

    Let’s look at some data. They’re trending up. Bauer and CCM are doing a lot to try and recover any ground gained by True with each release. To me that says a lot about niche status as well. Do the big players take notice of what you’re doing and make adjustments? Then you’re not niche. I would argue.

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