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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Berkshire School (00) NEPSAC
    Pittsburgh Jr. Penguins
    Northland College MCHA NCAAD3
  • Location
    Hong Kong
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  1. Gloves are my old jr. pens gloves, pants are from totalhockey.net
  2. Excited to try out the new pants tomorrow. Quality looks great for $79.
  3. From my experience, Graf doesn't seem to hold up as well for Inline. the One70's are fairly stiff and may be a good choice, especially if you're playing that often.
  4. Cool, if it's half as nice as the sprung chassis I'm sure it will be amazing!

  5. I have a wheel concept that is pretty staggering.

  6. He must have used the flux capaciter :) nice find.
  7. http://www.danglproductions.co.uk/DANGL/images/stories/screen%20shot%202010-06-29%20at%2009.47.38.png
  8. Don't believe this has been discussed. Take a look at the reeboks on the TC player in the background. Look like 9k's painted white with custom tongues? Nice style
  9. For the uninformed (me,) exactly what are we looking at wex? Hejduk visor.
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