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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by adam14

  1. literally under the "pucks" category. https://www.inglasco.com/pages/series/CUSTOM/62
  2. inglasco has 965's directly available on their site.
  3. You touched on it with the apparel, but I agree that the "Shop" option is kind of in the background of this site. I personally would love a MSH hoodie to wear around the shop I work at. I'm a member on a similar style forum but for baseball/softball players, and they sometimes do a run on exclusive model gloves but only if the demand is there. They recently did a line of custom ball gloves from Wilson with specs that are unavailable on the customizer but a minimum commitment of deposits had to be put down before the order was placed and the extras were sold in their shop. Something like that could be cool especially with some of the relationships we have with manufacturers that potentially getting special specs on gloves not available at retail or on customizers would definitely garner some interest. PS I'd also love approval to the shop guys section!
  4. You're misunderstanding. I had his original pair sent back and a new pair in the shop in under 7 days.
  5. Yes, True took all the responsibility, but that responsibility should have been taken the day your skates showed up and they didnt even fit your foot. That's where your LHS's lackluster attempt at hoping you figure this out on your own comes into play. I live in a city where the shop I worked at had a very high reputation and if we would have dragged this on to this extent there would have been hell to pay. True took responsibility for their screw up. Your LHS didnt take responsibility for theirs.
  6. its nice to see it took a month of you bitching on a message board for a solution that your shop could have had resolved in 3 days. Did True mess up sizing? Sure. but it sounds like the LHS made minimal effort to bring the attention to true. When I fit a JR player for Trues in the summer there was an issue with materials beneath the ankle foam, there was a sharp piece protruding and it was very uncomfortable. It wasn't until I tried the skate on myself that I realized there was something there. I called and emailed True every day for a week until they agreed to a resolution. I'd be questioning how much your LHS appreciates your business after this circus way more than questioning Trues customer service.
  7. Finally landed a job in my field. I'm 2 weeks in and loving it. When I got to the age that I was through chasing the dream of playing professionally I made the adjustment of "theres still ways to be in hockey" and now my job is based around it and I couldn't be more excited about where this will go. Anybody with doubts, trust me I was there for a few years. dont lose focus and keep your stick on the ice. bounces will come.
  8. am I the only one getting at subtle easton eq50 vibe?
  9. thanks for the pics! instantly turned off with the sleeve interior.
  10. mind posting more pics of the elbow pads on your arm? still very intrigued by them @alien7364
  11. Your statements here are false. Warrior is not a distant third, at retail or at the pro level because they have great offerings at great price point. Are they trailing in certain categories? Sure. distant? no chance. The skate market is oversaturated so I'm glad warrior hasnt pumped all kinds of money into r and d to develop from the ground up. Your statement about true is also false. They didnt just decide to give it a whirl, they've been an OEM for one piece sticks for big players since the beginning of the composite era. Not the best statement to make friends on a board flooded with retail employees, shop owners and techs that have decades of knowledge and experience in the hockey retail landscape. This just comes off as your DTC program will be the norm just because nobody ordered during booking so your hand was forced. Interested to see how heavy the pricing fluctuates when your products get to Canada.
  12. apart from eyelets and the leather which is usually just cosmetic the boots tend to get soft rather than break down, think old s15/s17 from Easton, you'll eventually be able to twist them in your ends and really push in the ankles.
  13. I've never heard of this one tweak from true and weve done over 100 pairs of customs at our shop, including one or two pairs that needed to be totally redone. Their customer service is top notch and this kind of sounds like the shop is being lazy. in terms of durability, it all depends on the care of the skate. I have noticed that VH and True skates begin to look very worn down alot quicker than certain other brands though they are usually still very stiff and usable. I've only dealt with the pro rep for Bauer, he stopped in when he was in town for the pro team, so I cant comment there. I dont have anything bad to say about ccm customer service too. The thing to remember about how issues are dealt is how the LHS handles them, not how the manufacturer handles them. It's the difference between "watch our YouTube video and take a heat gun to that area" and "yeah that isnt right send them back we'll start making a replacement pair today."
  14. this is a great read, just thought I'd give some input from the other end of the spectrum too. My dad grew up playing OHL then OUA then had a pro career in Europe before coaching professionally in Europe for over 20 years. Hockey was obviously my main sport growing up but my dad was very understanding of the game and refused to be an over involved parent. He would help out especially in my earlier years. As I got older and into more serious levels of hockey he would come to as many games as he could make it to and afterwards would only give me an honest assessment if I asked him. His analytical mind from coaching would obviously take over here, but it was always positive and reassurances it was never "you looked bad during this play" it was more "when this guy has the puck, you did this but when you do that heres what happens and what ended up happening, whereas the play to look for is to do this and that way the whole play changes". He obviously wanted me to pursue hockey as far as I could and I played right through Juniors, but he would only ever be hard on me if I asked for it. he would never pressure me into work outs or to focus or practice more unless I said "what do I need to get better at" and still to this day I respect and admire that about him. He is always willing but never forceful. He is also a huge advocate for being multi sport athletes, especially in the summer months. once my season ended I wouldn't open my hockey bag until July or August to do power skating and high intensity ice sessions leading up to training camp. His theory is people dont burn out that way and the ones who really love it come back even hungrier.
  15. yes, advancing the facing will in essence add more wrap and depth to the boot. 2 sizes up is possible for toe caps. I've personally ordered it.
  16. scanning your feet isnt designed to be the end all be all, it's a tool that good shop employees will use as an aid in the fitting process. Though the results are not always accurate as was the case here I dont think that holds any weight in Bauer and CCM's custom options. If I'm talking to a customer about skates their size and weight is always brought up, same with frequency of use. Some custom options I find to be more durable than others especially for the bigger guys who are hard on them.
  17. I remember using their TAC wood sticks when I was in Europe, some of the better wood sticks available at the time.
  18. We would include the holder with the purchase when customers got customs done, so if they wanted the True holder we added it to the order but if they wanted Edge holders we would order boot only, pre drilled for Tuuks and install upon arrival and then let the customer know they were in.
  19. What I love about the Vegas team is that they are built with the Moneyball mindset. Each player was picked to do one thing, and they are doing their jobs right. Add in the fact that everybody has bought in on the team and they are a very well oiled machine.
  20. All those third party review videos are the same. everybody will tell you whatever they just got for free is the best product they've ever used
  21. it astounds me how many bruins miss the net on a consistent basis. I watched Pasta put 4 wide on one shift last night
  22. From your shop/rep. Colors aren't a thing. tongue, ankle padding, liner, stiffness.
  23. They literally say the scan gives them a 3D look at a person's foot.
  24. Matthews has been surprisingly irrelevant this series. which is crazy given his skill set
  25. I could see it being the order form for the store. We give people steel options if we are putting on holders in house after market. LS2 LS3 LS4 Step and black Step
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