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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by adam14

  1. Yeah this was our first year all together as a team so we cheaped out on jerseys and just said wear something white. But because we won we decided to endulge in a set for next year.
  2. The only thing I'm not sold on is the tongue, is it replaceable? How thick is it?
  3. Intermural champs at university haha,, in the back row with the laces hanging
  4. where did you find those blades? The pic wont load, but if they're righty feel free to send a couple my way
  5. sorry yes, the x905 my mistake. So then it's a two piece pant? Just to clear confusion
  6. It says the Talon pant has a removable pant shell. Wouldn't that just make it a girdle?
  7. I don't have any doubt, if they are anything like the 2008ish version of the TPS R8, they are fantstic gloves. I'm definitely going to look into a pair.
  8. I wish they wouldn't have referred to everything as pro stock.
  9. those vapor x shafts were so nice with the rounded handle.
  10. Are the "pro" elbow pads modeled after the syNergy 700's?
  11. denim print pant shells.
  12. new skates for the season. White felt tongue, black liner, tuuks and number.
  13. great gloves Krev, that's a great collection. here's my latest acquisition that I'm rather proud of. Richards Z-Airs from when he was in Dallas, brand new.
  14. the only thing restraining me from seriously considering another pair of eastons is the tongue
  15. Yeah they are purple. Like I said I got a shitty camera. Purple and yellow clarino palms
  16. newest acquisitions 85 flex Sakic
  17. I've been looking for those for the longest time. extremely jealous.
  18. I wish the retail EQ5's came with white tongues, they look so much better.
  19. its unimaginable how hard it is to find a summer job in this town. from grocery stores to hotels to sports stores construction and even fast food. it seems like nobody is hiring, and my colleagues from university that stayed in town for the summer got their jobs transferred from their home so they all have work. So depressing.
  20. those tps R9 shafts are sick!
  21. after a very long and stressful season, with plenty of ups and downs it finally came to an end. And what better way to end. Champs.
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