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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by adam14

  1. So last summer I had to get a cyst/calcium buildup removed, a bursa sack had formed around it and everything and it was right against my spine on my lower back. The surgeon informed me that it was a relatively common spot for athletes due to contact and falls and the abuse on my tailbone after having played AAA level up to junior for pretty much the entirety of my minor hockey. Skip forward, and the cut from the procedure still hasn't closed properly, and every time I talk to a doctor they tell me its just draining and to wait it out. A month ago I talked to a specialist and after examining it, he believes that they didn't remove everything, so he told me to keep an eye on it. Low and behold about 5 days ago, something pops or rips and now I have a fresh open wound inches from where the last incision was made. Unbelievably frustrating to say the least. And living in a new city for grad school and not having a doctor here, emergency rooms and walk in clinics are my only option so for the most part I haven't been able to see anybody to get it looked at properly.
  2. apart from buff, he's also the only person i've seen flop in VH's
  3. Still looks more appealing than than the 1s, any VH skate I've seen to date, any Graf skate to come out with giant logos or neon yellow. The red accents on the heel and tendon do look rather vapor-esque I agree. But the low key plain black/gun metal without patterns printed all over it a la 1s/ super tacks makes them look clean.
  4. Literally 40 minutes away from where it was filmed.
  5. Counting down the days here until I can move from my current hometown (50k people northern Ontario) to Ottawa for post graduate studies. Astounding how accurate the stereotypes are for a "dead end town" cause that's exactly what this place is turning into.
  6. Haglunds is about lack of heel lock more so than what the speed plate is designed to do.
  7. Any idea on when the rest of the catalogue will get posted? Got to see the whole skate line up close and personal this past week and would love to see the spec list on some of the midline skates, as if I recall the 6052 will still have a full composite boot at a very competitive price point
  8. the heel lock is entirely dependent on the foot, not the skate. the heel shape comes back around to the skate model that you try on, generally the supreme line has more volume, and a more "rounded u shape" in the heel where as the vapors tend to have a more "v shape" due to being a shallower narrower skate, even adjusting for width.
  9. So are the only major differences between the super tacks skate and the ultra tacks the one piece boot and therefore the ultra tacks falling lower in price point? Are there other major differences?
  10. Heard back from 2 schools about post grad studies in September. After fumbling around at university the last few years it's nice to finally kind of have some direction in what to do next
  11. I wish more people realized that if they were to order custom skates through anybody, and they had to get rid of said skates, the only thing stopping them from being "pro stock" is the fact they aren't an actual pro. * note this isn't directed at people that deal with pro's and want in no way to step on toes I just feel as if people love the easy way out take what they can get
  12. Ccm has a really nice insole that comes in 3 different arch heights depending on your foot shape. I found the yellow super feet to be too aggressive for my feet but the medium ccm's fit like a dream
  13. US 6 is considered SR sizing.
  14. Love the lower profile stitching of the BAUER, was never a fan of the raised stitching
  15. Mind sharing how he added the pinky/ under cuff? Super intrigued
  16. The p29 is their "new" curve in the same style as the p19, just deeper.
  17. All this article tells me is that we're not far off from custom fitted helmets. I've been saying for years how ridiculous it is for teams to have one helmet for an entire roster. Never made sense to me
  18. I'm really impressed with what I'm seeing in terms of the Ultra Tack line. Since getting their Tacks stick and skates last season I've been back on the band wagon in the hope that they can get the rest of their protective to be as impressive as their skates and stick. What I'm looking forward to the most are the elbow pads. they have a very "traditional" shape and 3 strap system, almost reminds me of a modern day jofa shape with new materials. Either way. Looking forward to seeing all this hit the shelves. Kudos to ccm for what appears to be the start of a nice comeback.
  19. If you're in Canada Sport Chek got the new gen t90's a couple weeks ago. Really really nice stick at 139.99
  20. Any info on the new apparel being released?
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