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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by adam14

  1. that's an interesting flair above the cuff roll, are they all like that or is that a mod? I've never noticed it.
  2. We're going to the Championship. Playing against a team that we split the season series with so it will be entertaining.
  3. me and the girlfriend broke up.
  4. Last year after we got eliminated from payoffs in March, I didn't touch the ice until July. Sometimes a break isn't always a bad thing.
  5. Jealous of those R10's. Impossible to find. great stick.
  6. Been a pretty good day. Combat and Easton are warranty replacements. Look for my thoughts on the Rebellion in the LTR section. And the Rebellion gloves, which will also be on the LTR
  7. I wonder what made him switch out of warrior sticks and gloves
  8. I'm a big fan of Brian Fallon. even his individual accoustic stuff is great. He has a side project called the Horrible Crowes which is great as well.
  9. Regular season came to an end. we went 33-7-2 with an ot win and a shoot out win. good enough for second place, now for playoffs.
  10. Bought an ST a couple weeks ago because of all the good things i've heard. low and behold, it snaps clean in two, just below the half way point of the shaft, a week over warranty. (bought it and had it around the house until I needed it.) add that to the collection of broken sticks, I'm going to need to figure something else out for next season.
  11. But I have a feeling those CNT's are SMU's.
  12. scored the shoot out game winner last night against the first place team. props to our goalie though, he made 55 saves in the 2-1 win
  13. I found the fingers to be a touch short when I tried them on, shorter than most 14"
  14. 4 games left in the season until playoffs, hopefully we end on a bit of a streak, we're currently in second, and have a chance to make a lengthy playoff run. Feels so much better playing on a good team compared to last year when we sucked.
  15. Just realized the cuff says Marcelo backwards. Nice touch.
  16. sorry for the shitty quality, I have misplaced my camera. Anyways, got a new treat today :D
  17. picked up a new toy
  18. Haha no, its a spitter, and major, its at the rink right now, but I will before the weekend for ssure
  19. After spending $800 on textbooks for university this semester, I decided to treat myself. Kopitar (new Draper) 85 flex lie 5
  20. can you post up a pic of the curve?
  21. 6 pairs of Pens Eastons? lol
  22. Started the season 0-2 this weekend. I know it's a long season, but we have a good team this year and we shouldn't have lost to the teams that we lost to. in addition i got hit from behind on sunday so it looks like im on the shelf for a while, need to get my shoulder checked out.
  23. another new addition gonna try them tomorrow.
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