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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sickwilly last won the day on June 2 2018

sickwilly had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

37 Good


  • Skates
    Bauer 1X w/Step Steel
  • Hockey Bag
    Warrior Dolomite
  • Shin Pads
    WinnWell g500
  • Elbow Pads
    Jofa 9066
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer Classic (if worn)
  • Pants
    Bauer One95 girdle and Tackla shell
  • Helmet
    CCM Resistance
  • Gloves
    Bauer 9000
  • Stick
    R2XN10/RLXN10/Combat 52CalTrue 6.0 shafts w/various blades

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    As much hockey as time allows, golf, fishing, boating, heavy metal, classic rock, and punk, jogging.
  • Location
    Madawaska Lake, Maine
  • Gender

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  1. Hi JR! I've been mostly lurking because I have pretty much all the gear I'll need until I have to hang 'em up. I appreciate the intel, and am happy to hear I can bake these. I was really afraid to screw them up, since I know there's almost zero chance of finding another, suitable pair. Hope you've been well!
  2. The ones you posted the link to are like my daughter's skates, and have a carbon outsole. The outsole on the ones I have are thick and white, like what I was used to seeing on old school skates. My best guess is that they are too wide for the stock outsoles so they made some out of the white material instead. I'm worried that material might not be safe to bake.
  3. After years of looking, I finally found a pair of nice Pro Tacks that I thought would fit my feet. They were custom made for someone else who also has very wide feet. They were constructed with the old school, white outsole. My daughter’s Pro Tacks (retail, perhaps from the same year) have a composite outsole. The previous owner also applied Toe Pro. Would these skates be safe to bake lightly?
  4. It is a 6.0, I think SBP. Standard. I'm not sure which generation it was.
  5. The toe of my almost new True 6.0 blade chipped and is starting to split after very little use... maybe 3-4 shinny sessions. I tape over the end of the blade to protect it. I don’t remember anything happening that should have damaged the blade that way (though you can never know for sure). I’m afraid that the durability of the blade looks like it’s going to be garbage. I wouldn’t buy another True blade.
  6. I have used 2 piece setups for a very long time. I have used both the standard and tapered versions of the True SBP 6.0 Shaft. They are among the best shafts I have ever used (XN10s, True 6.0, Combat 52 Cal/52 Cal RL). I can't yet comment on the durability of True blades, but the 6.0 standard blade pairs very well with the 6.0 shaft. The balance is as good as any shaft/blade setup I've used. I never had a Combat 52 cal blade (or shaft) break or soften prematurely, so I'm hoping the True blade will hold up for a while.
  7. I don't have any insight to add, but I hope that your surgeries go well and that you have a smooth recovery.
  8. +1 for Coffey. I've been looking for some tapered blades with this pattern for quite a while.
  9. Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I'm a lefty and that lie wouldn't work for me.
  10. I have been struggling to find P77/Coffey tapered blades. I checked out your patterns on the site and wasn't 100% sure which blade pattern would be closest.
  11. Will there be a p77/Coffey clone available in the tapered blades? If so, which pattern should I pick up? Thanks!
  12. The party in heaven just got a lot louder. R.I.P. to one of my all-time favorites.
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