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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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x-track last won the day on April 14 2016

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  1. ...old thread ...but ..are there any news on a new machine ? as far as the old one , is sby still using it ? there was a manual mentioned above ...can i find it somewhere or does sby have a copy please ? thx , chris
  2. sikaflex 252 ...keeps my S17 s going for years use sika primer before to increase bondage
  3. what do you guys think there are 3 adjusters for ?? ...right ...to adjust all three of em .....none of the above answers is correct !! its like the dude in the hockey store telling me as i come in....don't touch the holder ..it's just set right !!?? ...wishful thinking !! and yes ..15 clicks within one pairs of skates w bauer steel is not uncommon ....just poor quality control/ diffrent suppliers / various grades of corrosion w aluminum/steel runners etc
  4. depending on the quality / hardness of the steel 20 passes are not enough ... i mark new step w a sharpie and sharpen 1/2" on the regular blademaster first ....then , after all the sharpie is gone ...i take it to the blackstone to get FBV w a few passes blackedge steel though is black on the surface as well , so you don`t need a sharpie here ...but it takes some time get them done right/ remove the coating totally for sharp edges
  5. kinda leather ......the better u sharpen the less u need a honing stone at the end .....till a shop rag is enough to wipe off the shavings
  6. well ..i have the same type of foot like you and the best skates for me as well were the S17 , 9W .....my current pair cracked the carbon outsole last week so I am down to one last new pair of S 17's ( stocked up 4 pairs when the last ones were available ) tried the 70k yesterday in 9D and failed ( unbaked though ) the pencil test ......the S17 gave about half a size after baking ...how would you rate the 70 K ? thx
  7. again ...good point ...what I`d like the mostto know ......how does fire compare to real ..., good sharpened FBV !?
  8. thx ...did as well ....if it was 100& FBV i 'd be kind a sold !?
  9. and just being curious...how much are you being charged for FBV ??
  10. ...depending on where in europe I may help you !!!
  11. hi ....after putting the machine away for summer and forgetting about it i was asked by many at first practice to sharpen them FBV....that brought back the memories of frustration as i did the first pairs ...after like 5 pairs the machine made funny noises and turning the wheel by hand felt like a seized bearing .......after not even using half a wheel in total !! back home i disassembled the whole thing which was no biggie ...given you have the right tools ....i found cheapo chinese bearings and the sprocket on the motor that drives the belt was out of round as well .....wheel shaft as earlier mentioned : out of round , shaft dia too small , dia of wheel accepting part of shaft way too small ...locking nut wobbling and a lot of play in the threads ....as announced I had the whole thing quality made by a friend ....dressing wheel now has zero freeplay on shaft ...shaft fits snug in bearings with no freeplay ...and the whole thing is a 100% true running . i will report back once i have it back together i have pics but do not know how to simply attach them without using a filehost ...so if sb wants them let me know ...same here
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